@fredx181 / @MochiMoppel :-
Heh. Yah; good catch, guys. That's not supposed to be there. Since posting that script a little bit earlier, I've re-jigged things quite a bit more.
I originally linked the 'inxi' script into /usr/local/bin, because the linked 'RUN' script for the portable's executable tray icon was also called 'inxi' as well (in /usr/bin). This has been renamed to 'inxi-portable', and since the main 'inxi' script is now being used from within the portable directory, it no longer needs to be linked-in at all.
'Twas done this way because initially, I couldn't make the termbin command 'see' the 'inxi' script inside the portable; it appeared to only want to search the main file-system /bins, so I figured it was just easier to link the inxi script into one of the bins as part of the 'Tray-Add' script. So that's what I did.
Now, this morning, it's doing what it should have done all along, and is using the main 'inxi' script directly from inside the portable. I was having "one of those days" yesterday when I first started figuring this termbin report thing out.....nothing seemed to want to do quite what it was supposed to!

Code: Select all
# Send Inxi output to Termbin.com, and get readout URL...
HERE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
$HERE/inxi -Fxzzrc0 | nc termbin.com 9999 > /tmp/report.txt
/usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash -placement top -bg white -fg black -timeout 10 -text " Copy URL BEFORE closing gxmessage window..! " &
sleep 0.25
gxmessage -bg yellow -fg black -name 'Termbin URL...' -center -file /tmp/report.txt
rm -f /tmp/report.txt
I've added a small multi-launch GUI for anyone who wants to use this purely AS a 'portable' application. If the "Add tray icon" option is selected, the tray icon behaves as usual, launching the Inxi 'add options' GUI directly.
Yes, I know this is all awfully complicated for what is supposed to be just a simple, terminal-based application. But since it's the most commonly-requested diagnostic item on all the Linux fora that I belong to, I wanted to make it as simple as possible to use for any of our new Windows "refugees".
So; why don't I bypass the other stuff and open direct in the browser? I could, most certainly.....but for the simple reason that I didn't WANT to. I've seen my INXI readout so many times I'm sick of the sight of it, and I don't want to be opening it up in the browser every time it's requested. I'd rather just supply the URL direct; that way, only those who are interested in it will actually bother looking at it.
('Salright, guys; I know my approach often veers toward excessive over-complication, but I DO try to help make Puppy as accessible as possible for all......especially given that it's during the first days with a new operating system that most noobs NEED a certain amount of familiarity. I don't know of too many that dive straight into the terminal on their very first boot..! *shrug*)