Since there is no dedicated KL KDE subarea in this forum, I post this here where KDE is released
One of the BEST and EASIEST to both understand and use by newbies is the project by @Sofiya here; namely KDE-KL.
This distro comes to us as being stable, friendly, and fast in the way it operates with screen applications. For this simple reason, it is outstanding in every way.
Since this project's start, I also have tested other mainline Linux distros with equal characteristic to this KL. Namely,
Pipewire + its utilites
Personally, because I have no need to install ANY Linux anymore because I operate from a ISO/IMG boot model where the session changes, in conjunction with its ISO, is an installed distro, I MUST ADMIT, the KL version that @Sofiya provides leads the way for one of the best ... rather, not one of, but, "THE BEST" KDE I have come to test and use, thus far.
Its just outstanding!
Since I dont expect anyone to understand how I might word a comparison of the different KDE implementation in the world, as of today, here is an independent video break-down where someone provides an easy-to-understand layout of 7 mainline linux distros shipping with KDE.
The KL version, to me (again), is this: Unlike the others, the KL version with its ability to manage sessions, leads the other distros, because, a daily user has no need to install the KL to have FULL functions of all that the KDE desktop provide us.
The video, here, can be understood by every developer on this KL subforum.
This may not be of interest to everyone, but some of the members will appreciate, I'm sure.
P.S. Although, the KL-KDE is not announced anywhere except it being embedded in this forum subarea, I did take the liberty to send a request to the video author to consider this distro should he make another KDE comparison.