emoji-2-desktop file

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emoji-2-desktop file

Post by stemsee »

Emoji keyboard, etc This script turns a list of emojis into desktop files, in /root/emojis . This directory is then monitored using yad --icons --read-dir=/root/emojis gui. The Execute line of the desktop file copies emoji of the selected emoji.desktop file to the clipboard ready for pasting into your thing!

There is only the standard yad icon displayed and the emoji is visible in the 'name'.desktop ...
Also the rox filer view is similar to the yad gui, and with the same functionality.

xscreenshot-20241011T110337.png (298.85 KiB) Viewed 451 times

I post this here as it uses xsel, which is fatdog specific. Move as required.

Feel free to improve, change or convert as you wish.
remove fake .gz extension and chmod 755
(emoji list included!)

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Re: emoji-2-desktop file

Post by stemsee »

already made two improvements
1) removed numbers
2) added an xpm icon 1x1 size

xscreenshot-20241011T143743.png (77.75 KiB) Viewed 425 times
(13.05 KiB) Downloaded 27 times
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