How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

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How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by geo_c »

I've really like using OctoXbps in KLV-KDE-plasma, as it's notifier works in the taskbar, and OctoXbps also uses the available gtk plasma theme. Of course KLV-plasma runs as spot user.

So I was checking out Spectr, mine based off RC1, but thoroughly up to date, and heavily customized by this time. In fact in early August I did a resquash from a long running PFI.

At any rate, in Spectr, OctoXbps runs as spot, so I copied a gtk theme, beauty-solar icons, and gtk2.0.rc along with the ./config/gtk-2 and /gtk-3 directories containing the settings .ini into /home/spot. In other words everything that seems to need being present for the themes to load.

And in fact they do, if I run Geany as spot from a terminal, it uses the gtk Chrome Oceanic theme and the Beauty Solar icons. But OctoXbps doesn't.

I poked around all the OctoXbps configs I could find, and nothing seems to reference what theme to use.

So is possible in Spectr?, or is that simply Plasma making the theme aspect of OctoXbps go?

Last edited by geo_c on Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by Sofiya »

geo_c wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:43 am

I've really like using OctoXbps in KLV-KDE-plasma, as it's notifier works in the taskbar, and OctoXbps also uses the available gtk plasma theme. Of course KLV-plasma runs as spot user.

So I was checking out Spectr, mine based off RC1, but thoroughly up to date, and heavily customized by this time. In fact in early August I did a resquash from a long running PFI.

At any rate, in Spectr, OctoXbps runs as spot, so I copied a gtk theme, beauty-solar icons, and gtk2.0.rc along with the ./config/gtk-2 and /gtk-3 directories containing the settings .in into /home/spoti. In other words everything that seems to need being present for the themes to load.

And in fact they do, if I run Geany as spot from a terminal, it uses the gtk Chrome Oceanic theme and the Beauty Solar icons. But OctoXbps doesn't.

I poked around all the OctoXbps configs I could find, and nothing seems to reference what theme to use.

So is possible in Spectr?, or is that simply Plasma making the theme aspect of OctoXbps go?

OctoXBPS is a graphical interface for the XBPS package manager (which stands for “The X Binary Package System”). It is built in C++ using Qt5 libs
it supports qt5 themes


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Last edited by Sofiya on Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by Sofiya »

geo_c wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:43 am

I've really like using OctoXbps in KLV-KDE-plasma, as it's notifier works in the taskbar, and OctoXbps also uses the available gtk plasma theme. Of course KLV-plasma runs as spot user.

So I was checking out Spectr, mine based off RC1, but thoroughly up to date, and heavily customized by this time. In fact in early August I did a resquash from a long running PFI.

At any rate, in Spectr, OctoXbps runs as spot, so I copied a gtk theme, beauty-solar icons, and gtk2.0.rc along with the ./config/gtk-2 and /gtk-3 directories containing the settings .in into /home/spoti. In other words everything that seems to need being present for the themes to load.

And in fact they do, if I run Geany as spot from a terminal, it uses the gtk Chrome Oceanic theme and the Beauty Solar icons. But OctoXbps doesn't.

I poked around all the OctoXbps configs I could find, and nothing seems to reference what theme to use.

So is possible in Spectr?, or is that simply Plasma making the theme aspect of OctoXbps go?

qt5ct - Qt5 Configuration Tool ( Style: kvantum ) ( Style: gtk2 )

1) Install qt5ct
xbps-install -Su qt5ct

2) install kvantum
xbps-install -Su kvantum

3) Install qt5-styleplugins
xbps-install -Su qt5-styleplugins

4) Edit /etc/environment
sudo geany /etc/environment

add the following line to the end of the file

5) Open ( Qt5 Settings ) and select Style: gtk2, apply Apply.

6) create links to ( kvantum , qt5ct ) from root to spot.
To make folders (quantum, qt5ct) appear in /root/.config, Run these applications from the menu.
" Since we have OctoXbps running as spot "

7) Save, exit and log in.

style gtk2

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Last edited by Sofiya on Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:59 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by Sofiya »

style kvantum ( theme=Tokyo-Night )

1) install theme in Kvantum manager

2) Open ( Qt5 Settings ) and select Style: kvantum, apply Apply.

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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by Sofiya »

if OctoXbps was launched properly not via "run-as-spot" it would behave correctly
and it works correctly as a spot user .therefore all Linux systems boot as " spot "

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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by wiak »

Sofiya wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2024 4:54 pm

if OctoXbps was launched properly not via "run-as-spot" it would behave correctly
and it works correctly as a spot user .therefore all Linux systems boot as " spot "

My view is that what was kind of okay 15 years ago isnt necessarily best practice or even okay today. Yes, I know, forum distros are all but expected to boot to desktop as root user. Would pretty much cause an angry riot if the original distro of this forum booted now as spot. So, for all the years of trouble this boot as root 'feature' has given us, mega hours of workaround fudges, including 'run as spot' utlity have been constantly worked on, with some success...

However, it would always have been better and more logical to boot as spot and give user easy ability to occasionaly switch over to root desktop or perhaps work on run-as-root utilities instead (hmmm... I believe that facility has long existed in Linux world anyway).

But, please do ignore my view, and continue finding new workarounds and fudges even if you have to effectively give up the main point and resort to running key apps such as the browser as normal user spot... And let's hope even audio will work without to many fudges and sweat.
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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by geo_c »

wiak wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:22 pm

But, please do ignore my view, and continue finding new workarounds and fudges even if you have to effectively give up the main point and resort to running key apps such as the browser as normal user spot... And let's hope even audio will work without to many fudges and sweat.

I've been able to do both approaches here quite successfully by installing 6-10 OS's on a drive, locating a huge library of data and config files on that drive, and giving them all root:spot permissions, which works as long as I'm logged on as user spot or root of course, allowing me to freely link files, run portables, and write audio and such directly to the drive.

I've been running KLV-plasma and KLV-hyprland as user spot with administrator privileges. I think it's a good compromise so to speak, allowing easy enough manipulation of the system while not having to find workarounds for various applications and frameworks.

That being said, it's oh so nice to boot up a Spectr, Airedale, or dpupBW and just work without having to bounce around between running things with root privileges or without to copy, move and configure.

The problem with that approach is of course things breaking with rolling updates and such. I'd be interested to learn what I would have to edit in the Spectr build script and plug file to set it up like Plasma and hyprland.

OctoXbps works fine as user spot in the root user Spectr, but it just looks blindingly white. For the most part, the KLV's running as root have been error free for a long time now as far as the audio configurations go. Of course Airedale and Spectr in particular, are running Xorg and not Wayland.

Yesterday I was recording a demo using ardour8 on KLV-plasma, and it took some fiddling to set the audio routing correctly, as with Wayland, the pipewire-jack graphs act a bit more unpredictably, and I think it has to do with how streams are created between pipewire and wayland. Just a guess though, it could be the KDE connection tools which are not exactly 100% laid out like pavucontrol generic.. I did get it working and it recorded audio well. It just didn't feel quite as stable though, and I managed to crash Ardour while setting it up.

Spectr is extremely stable that way.

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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by rockedge »

To me every user OTHER than root is a work-around.

Running with root as the primary user will remain so on the systems I assemble. If one feels unsafe then use something else.

In my book a multi-user system is just another time-sharing OS with dependencies on the high priest sys-op's to do the real work.

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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by geo_c »

rockedge wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 3:50 pm

In my book a multi-user system is just another time-sharing OS with dependencies on the high priest sys-op's to do the real work.

Well this an intersting evaluation of it. Because back when Windows became more oriented around multi-user, I felt it was somehow a waste of resources, in those days, mostly disk space, where you have an administrator, and a user, and if there aren't actually two people involved in this scenario, then it seemed like a no brainer to run as one administrator all the time.

Am I correct in my assessment that when you run a user with admin privileges like in KLV-plasma, where spot has those privileges, there is no such thing as logging in as root? I'm operating now under the assumption that basically only users log in, and root can be touched by those that have admin permissions, but root isn't an "account" of it's own.

Am I correct in that everything numbered under 1000 isn't considered a user with it's own user directory? And if a user is actually for logging in, then they will be numbered >1000?

I believe I tried to log in once as root on KLV-plasma, and there seemed to be no way to do it.

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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by Sofiya »

geo_c wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 6:12 pm
rockedge wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 3:50 pm

In my book a multi-user system is just another time-sharing OS with dependencies on the high priest sys-op's to do the real work.

Well this an intersting evaluation of it. Because back when Windows became more oriented around multi-user, I felt it was somehow a waste of resources, in those days, mostly disk space, where you have an administrator, and a user, and if there aren't actually two people involved in this scenario, then it seemed like a no brainer to run as one administrator all the time.

Am I correct in my assessment that when you run a user with admin privileges like in KLV-plasma, where spot has those privileges, there is no such thing as logging in as root? I'm operating now under the assumption that basically only users log in, and root can be touched by those that have admin permissions, but root isn't an "account" of it's own.

Am I correct in that everything numbered under 1000 isn't considered a user with it's own user directory? And if a user is actually for logging in, then they will be numbered >1000?

I believe I tried to log in once as root on KLV-plasma, and there seemed to be no way to do it.

I believe I tried to log in once as root on KLV-plasma, and there seemed to be no way to do it.

You can log in as "root", just the assembly plugin is written differently


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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 3:50 pm

To me every user OTHER than root is a work-around.

Running with root as the primary user will remain so on the systems I assemble. If one feels unsafe then use something else.

In my book a multi-user system is just another time-sharing OS with dependencies on the high priest sys-op's to do the real work.

Ha ha ha. Well we definitely disagree on that one. However, what I am always definitely for is user choice as long as that choice doesnt really affect me or others.

What I do usually provide for is an ability to switch to a root desktop since main point of that to me is the greater convenience, and ease of use power, when needing to do some dev or admin work. However I would not promise every aspect of normal distro use would correctly work when logged in as root, tho I would usually include the likes of run-as-spot.

In many cases distro creators have given up on main aspect of running as roof user, being use of internet browser. If you run that as spot you can only save into directories that have write permissions for user spot. That can be a major hassle in practice so becomes very important for all users to learn how to best handle that situation.

Main thing about my point of view is that I like things to work as intended, which is usually easiest and most reliable approach. Hence my multi-years of lobbying for usage of official package managers if using upstream bigger distro repos. Advantage of using officially intended mechanisms include reliability, compatibility, far superior build system ease of use, power and flexibility (and why struggle?). But you can still do all the login to root desktop tricks if you want to anyway, and the capability/option is fine.
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Re: How to tell OctoXbps to use GTK theme?

Post by rockedge »

Yes, the choice to be root for some operations is still appreciated. I tend to also mostly install packages in the mainstream ways to ensure they work.

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