@greengeek :-
Nice one, Ian. Works OOTB in Tahrpup64 (which is where I am ATM). All the necessary dependencies are here by default, too.....and it "does what it says on the tin". This was PhilB's first 64-bit Puppy, and I guess he wanted to make a good job of it, so all the necessary multimedia stuff is here......with the exception of that lousy avconv (which I've long since replaced with one of John van Sickle's static ffmpegs). 
I don't see me using it, though. Why?
'Cos despite having a huge stack of CDs, they've been gathering dust for years. I long since ripped everything to storage, and if I play anything I use DeaDBeeF. Most of the time I tend to listen to streaming radio by choice anyway - I've had a RadioTunes a/c for ages - and DeaDBeeF takes care of this, too. Either that, or I use Fred's DogRadio.
But well done, anyway. Very simple, and it just works. Excellent! 
One suggestion.....and I'm not quite sure how you'd implement it. Keep the 'Silence' ('Mute'?) button, but make it so it will toggle sound on or off.
Ah. You can do this with 'amixer'. Assuming you're using the default sound card, you can use
....to kill the sound, and
.....to restore it again.
However; this won't work in all cases - like, say, if you're using USB headphones. These usually have their own built-in audio card with very basic controls, and don't tend to use the 'Master' parameter. They DO, however, use 'PCM', and control the volume directly with this. Your default sound card also uses 'PCM'; in fact, we tend to recommend users set this to maximum, don't we......which then gives the greatest range of available sound thru the 'Master' control..!
So; since 'PCM' seems to be common to all cards, it might be better to use this instead (since it should work everywhere). Now; 'mute' & 'unmute' can't be used with 'PCM' - they're invalid commands for that option, apparently - so we use this instead:-
......will 'mute', and
.....will restore sound. I looked all this up via the 'amixer' man page, and just did some experimenting:-
(I remembered 'amixer', because I use it myself to set Puppy's volume for her 'startup jingle' when she boots, and also to set microphone levels on my webcams.)
Might be just as simple to use 2 buttons, actually; one for mute, and a second for unmute..?
Just some ideas, of course. Totally up to you whether you include them, but again it's using a built-in component, so no 'bloat'.... I'm assuming Oz didn't strip 'amixer' out?