Xwayland for BookwormPup64

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Xwayland for BookwormPup64

Post by sonny »

Dim, is it feasible to add the "Xwayland" flavor
to BookwormPup64 (i.e., in sfs)?

Note: After FP95, I really wanted to like "vanilladpup-10-xwayland",
but my loaded version of BP64 10.0.6 is just 'too reliable' to give up

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Re: Xwayland for BookwormPup64

Post by dimkr »

It can be done with big effort but it's not worth it. You'll need to take many files from one Puppy and transplant in the other, a giant mess you won't be able to update or troubleshoot easily later.

Debian 12 is too old for today's Wayland protocols, so you'll get only support for old protocols. In addition, any tool in BookwormPup64 that relies on things like key bindings might not work, and I bet some configuration tools won't work because they modify xorg.conf.

If you're a Wayland enthusiast, I think it would be best to wait for a Debian 13 based dpup. I'm working on one myself but I don't know if the BookwormPup folks want to follow in my footsteps or not.

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Re: Xwayland for BookwormPup64

Post by sonny »

Looking forward to TP64...

debian13-trixie.png (113.47 KiB) Viewed 1129 times


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