Video/Audio splitter (gtkdialog GUI)

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Video/Audio splitter (gtkdialog GUI)

Post by fredx181 »

*** Video/Audio splitter ***
Split a video file (or audio file) into chapters using ffmpeg.

Inspired by the initiative of @greengeek here: viewtopic.php?t=12215
And thought that a simple program to split video/audio into 'chapters' would be nice too.

Pet package :
(27.87 KiB) Downloaded 45 times

(tested on BookwormPup)
/usr/local/bin/avsplitter is the executable script (gtkdialog GUI), it should work with gtk3 and gtk2 gtkdialog build)

Find it in Menu > MultiMedia > Video/Audio splitter

Required is to first create manually a 'chapter list' (containing start time and title), see Help.
Can be created by typing it in a text file yourself, but also, if you downloaded already a video from YouTube,
often for e.g. music videos, in the description or comments there's a list containing track titles and start-time.
Then copy and paste in a "chapterlist" using text-editor.
Btw, youtube-dl or yt-dlp can do similar by using the option --split-chapters, but I think only if the video contains exact 'chapters' info in the metadata of a particular YT video.

Content of 'Help' (button Help):

avsplitter , split a video file (or audio file) into chapters using ffmpeg
Select source video (or audio) and a chapter list
The files will be extracted in new created directory named after the source
The chapterlist (textfile) needs to be created manually and must have the form of:
<starttime> <title> on every line e.g:
0:43 First title
2:25 Second title
3:51 Third title
5:34 Fourth title

Or <title> <starttime> (with time as last field) works too, e.g:
I Got Rhythm 0:00
Sicilian Blue 11:10
BQE 21:45
Berne, Baby, Berne 30:52
Pachelbels Canon 36:31
Choux a la Crème 46:05

Or <starttime> in seconds, e.g:
30 First title
60 Second title
100 Third title
300 Fourth title

The last entry in the list will extract until the end of the source video/audio


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Re: Video/Audio splitter (gtkdialog GUI)

Post by fredx181 »

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Re: Video/Audio splitter (gtkdialog GUI)

Post by Rantanplan »

Hello @fredx181 ,

thank you for avsplitter !

Tested with LunarPup32 : OK, it does the job :thumbup2:

Best regards.

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