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Error after frugal install on same partition as Debian 12 install

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:47 am
by guineapig

i installed puppy linux frugal into the the same portion as my deabin 12 install and when I rebooted my computer it came up with this.
i would also like to do a full install, even though I know frugal has its advantages I want to do a full install.
also would having one core matter for performace

Re: wierd error

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:06 pm
by rockedge

Remember, a Puppy Linux "frugal install" is equal to a full install. Are you using a computer that is low in performance and challenged with total RAM?

I think what you are seeing is the boot loader not loading through it's stages correctly.

Re: wierd error

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:34 pm
by Trapster

Re: wierd error

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:40 pm
by Chelsea80


Further to:

rockedge wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:06 pm

I think what you are seeing is the boot loader not loading through it's stages correctly.

Search reveals:

What does wee 13> mean when booting computer?

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The message wee 13> during the booting process typically indicates an issue with the bootloader, specifically Grub4Dos. This message is part of the Grub4Dos bootloader's error reporting and suggests that the bootloader is unable to find or load the necessary files to continue the boot process.


Grub4Dos: This is a bootloader that can be used to boot multiple operating systems. It is often used in conjunction with Linux distributions like Puppy Linux.
wee Message: The wee message is a part of Grub4Dos's error output. It appears when Grub4Dos is unable to proceed with the boot process due to missing or corrupted files or incorrect configuration.
Error Code 13: The 13 in wee 13> typically signifies a specific error code. In the context of Grub4Dos, error code 13 usually means Invalid or unsupported executable format, indicating that the bootloader cannot find a valid bootable file or partition.

Potential Causes:

Corrupted Bootloader: The Grub4Dos bootloader might be corrupted and unable to locate the necessary files to boot the operating system.
Incorrect Configuration: The configuration files for Grub4Dos might be incorrectly set up, pointing to the wrong files or partitions.
Missing Files: Essential boot files might be missing or corrupted, preventing the bootloader from proceeding.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Check Bootloader Configuration: Verify that the Grub4Dos configuration files (usually menu.lst or grub.cfg) are correctly set up and point to the right partitions and files.
Reinstall Grub4Dos: Reinstalling the Grub4Dos bootloader might resolve any corruption issues. This can often be done using a live USB or CD with a Linux distribution.
Repair Boot Files: Use a live USB or CD to boot into a Linux environment and check for the presence and integrity of the necessary boot files.
Use Alternative Bootloader: If the issue persists, consider using an alternative bootloader like GRUB2, which might offer better support and error handling.

For more detailed guidance on troubleshooting and fixing bootloader issues, you can refer to resources on boot management and repair tools, such as those provided by Windows Boot Manager or Linux boot repair utilities.

Hope this helps

Re: wierd error

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:28 pm
by fredx181
Trapster wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:34 pm

Try here:

Yes, I think so too that's about the problem (grub4dos doesn't like booting from ext4 partition formatted with '64-bitness') read the post(s) there from the old forum for a possible fix.

Re: wierd error

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:58 pm
by mikewalsh
fredx181 wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:28 pm
Trapster wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:34 pm

Try here:

Yes, I think so too that's about the problem (grub4dos doesn't like booting from ext4 partition formatted with '64-bitness') read the post(s) there from the old forum for a possible fix.

Yup; have to agree with this assessment. And the OP is, no doubt - like any other new user when coming to Puppy from mainstream distros - convinced that ext4 is the ONLY way to go (because that's what everybody else uses).

They quite possibly aren't aware that any other types of Linux file-system even exist......much less that anyone actually USES them.

Of course, I'm betting that using shinobar's Grub2config instead 0f Grub4DOS should overcome this "issue". Am I right?

Mike. ;)

Re: wierd error

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:19 pm
by fredx181
mikewalsh wrote:

Of course, I'm betting that using shinobar's Grub2config instead 0f Grub4DOS should overcome this "issue". Am I right?

Are you right or are you right ?, possibly both :D but as this is in the Tahr section, I'd like to say that a "legacy" solution is also possible by converting the ext4 partition to "32-bitness" as being explained in the old-forum thread (linked to above).