32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

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32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »

Dear Gang

Some of us -for different reasons- are still hooked to our 32 bits prefered pupplets. As time goes by, we are missing updates of key components, (think about ssh, ssl, wget, curl, etc...) for the lack of sources to get new versions. I was wondering if some external tool could be still helpful to revamp our pets. So after searching for options, I've found BSD's https://www.pkgsrc.org that just works...

All you have to do is follow the instructions:

Download and unpack pkgsrc.tar.xz
run ./bootstrap, then add pkg/bin and pkg/sbin to PATH,
and your ready to statically compile latest versions of cmake, gcc, or anything that you're willing to try.

Also, for extra program listing, please go to https://pkgsrc.se/.

Feel free to test all inhouse built (on Bionic32) programs, and report back. If you don't want to use telegram, please DM to send you direct links for downloading

Let's take a look at
for a detailed list.

Enjoy it..!!


Last edited by Pikaxhu on Wed Dec 11, 2024 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »


The following list shows packages compiled, lately. Probing the potential of this building ecosystem on 32 bits, Puppies.

pkgin ls

GeoIP-1.6.12nb1 GeoIP Legacy C API
abseil-20240116.2 C++ Common Libraries
alsa-lib-1.2.11 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
aria2-1.36.0nb9 Multi-threaded, multi-protocol, flexible download accelerator
asciidoc-10.2.0nb7 ASCII to formatted document converter
autoconf-2.72 Generates automatic source code configuration scripts
automake-1.16.5nb3 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator

bat-0.24.0nb2 Clone of cat with syntax highlighting
blackbox-0.77nb4 Small and fast X11 window manager
bmake-20200524nb1 Portable (autoconf) version of NetBSD 'make' utility
boehm-gc-8.2.4 Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
bootstrap-mk-files-20240422 *.mk files for the bootstrap bmake utility
bpytop-1.0.68 Stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes
brotli-1.1.0 Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
bsdtar-3.7.4 Fast multi-format tape archiver
bzip2-1.0.8 Block-sorting file compressor

cdparanoia- CDDA reading utility with extra data verification features
check-0.15.2 Unit test framework for C
cmake-3.29.6 Cross platform make
cmocka-1.1.7 Unit testing framework for C supporting mock objects
confuse-3.3 Configuration file parser library
crates-query-0.1.2 Query crates.io from command line
cryptopp-8.7.0 Free C++ class library of Cryptographic Primitives
curl-8.8.0nb1 Client that groks URLs
cwrappers-20220403 pkgsrc compiler wrappers

db4-4.8.30nb1 Berkeley DB version 4 from Oracle
ddclient-3.8.3nb9 Client to update dynamic DNS entries
dejavu-ttf-2.37 DejaVu family of TrueType fonts
digest-20220214 Message digest wrapper utility
docbook-xml-4.5 XML DTD designed for computer documentation
docbook-xsl-1.79.2nb7 Docbook XSL modular stylesheet
doh-0.1.20200514nb9 A tool for resolving host names using DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)
dtorrent-3.3.2nb5 Enhanced CTorrent, a BitTorrent console client written in C/C++
dust-1.0.0 More intuitive version of du in rust

editline-3.1.20221030nb2 NetBSD Editline library (libedit) for generic line editing
edonkey2k-16.16.59nb1 Yet another P2P file sharing tool
encodings-1.1.0 X11 Font Index Generator
ettercap- Suite for man in the middle attacks
expat-2.6.2 XML parser library written in C
extra-cmake-modules-6.2.0 Extra modules and scripts for CMake

fftw-3.3.10nb2 Fast C routines to compute DFTs (single and double precision)
fish-3.7.1 User friendly command line shell for UNIX-like operating systems
flac-1.4.3 Free lossless audio codec
flex-2.6.4 Fast clone of lex(1), the lexical scanner generator
fluxbox-1.3.7nb9 Window Manager for X based on Blackbox
fontconfig-2.15.0 Library for configuring and customizing font access
freetype2-2.13.2nb1 Font rendering engine and library API
fribidi-1.0.15 Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
fvwm-2.7.0nb10 Newer version of X11 Virtual window manager

gawk-5.3.0 GNU awk
gcc10-10.5.0nb2 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 10.0 Release Series
gdbm-1.23 The GNU database manager
gdbm_compat-1.23 The GNU database manager Compat library for dbm and ndbm
gdsreader-0.4.5 Calma Stream Format (GDSII) reader
get_iplayer-3.34nb1 Search, index, record or stream BBC iPlayer broadcasts
getopt-1.1.6 Program to help shell scripts parse command-line parameters
gettext-lib-0.22.5 Internationalized Message Handling Library (libintl)
gettext-m4-0.22.5 Autoconf/automake m4 files for GNU NLS library
gettext-tools-0.22.5 Tools for providing messages in different languages
giflib-5.2.1nb6 GIF image format library
git-2.45.2 GIT version control suite meta-package
git-base-2.45.2 GIT Tree History Storage Tool (base package)
git-contrib-2.45.2 GIT Tree History Storage Tool (contrib)
git-docs-2.45.2 GIT Tree History Storage Tool (documentation)
git-perlscripts-2.45.2nb2 Git commands that rely on Perl
glib2-tools-2.80.3 GLib2/gobject python-dependent tools
gmp-6.3.0 Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gperf-3.1 GNU perfect hash function generator
grub2-2.12 GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2

heimdal-7.8.0nb8 Kerberos 5 implementation
help2man-1.49.3 Generate simple manual pages from program output
hicolor-icon-theme-0.17nb1 Standard icon theme called hicolor
httptunnel-3.3 Encapsulate TCP/IP connections in HTTP requests

icoutils-0.32.3nb5 Tools for Microsoft Windows icon and cursor files
imake-1.0.10 Obsolete build tool for X software
intltool-0.51.0nb7 Internationalization Tool Collection

jpeg-9e IJG's jpeg compression utilities
json-c-0.17 JSON library in C

libICE-1.1.1 Inter Client Exchange (ICE) library for X
libSM-1.2.4 X Session Management Library
libX11-1.8.9 Base X libraries from modular Xorg X11
libXau-1.0.11 Authorization Protocol for X from X.org
libXaw-1.0.16 X Athena Widgets Library from modular Xorg X11
libXcursor-1.2.2 Client-side cursor loading library for X
libXdamage-1.1.6 Xdamage extension (Library)
libXdmcp-1.1.5 X Display Manager Control Protocol library from X.org
libXext-1.3.6 X Extension library
libXfixes-6.0.1 Xfixes library and extension of X RandR from modular X.org
libXft-2.3.8nb1 Library for configuring and customizing font access
libXi-1.8.1 X Input extension library
libXinerama-1.1.5 X PanoramiX extension library
libXmu-1.2.1 X Miscellaneous Utilities library
libXpm-3.5.17 X PixMap Library from modular Xorg X11
libXrandr-1.5.4 X RandR Library from X.org
libXrender-0.9.11 X Render Library
libXt-1.3.0nb1 X Toolkit Intrinsics library
libXtst-1.2.4 X Tst Library
libarchive-3.7.4 Library to read/create different archive formats
libatomic_ops-7.8.2 Multi-platform library of atomic operations by Hans Boehm
libblkid-2.32.1nb1 Library to handle device identification and token extraction
libcares-1.28.1nb1 Asynchronous resolver library, c-ares
libcbor-0.11.0 Parsing and generate schema-less binary data format
libdvdnav-6.1.1 Library to navigate DVDs
libdvdread-6.1.2 DVD access library
libevent-2.1.12nb2 Asynchronous event notification library
libfetch-2.40 Library to access HTTP/FTP server
libffi-3.4.6 Foreign function interface
libfido2-1.15.0 U2F/FIDO/FIDO2 library and tools
libfontenc-1.1.8 Library for handling fonts with different character set encodings
libgcrypt-1.10.3 GNU cryptographic library
libgetopt-1.4.6 Library for handling --long options
libgpg-error-1.49 Definitions of common error values for all GnuPG components
libiconv-1.17 Character set conversion library
libidn-1.42 Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
libidn2-2.3.7 Convert internationalized domain names to/from ASCII Encoding
libmikmod- MikMod Sound Library
libnet-1.2 C library for portable packet creation and injection
libogg-1.3.5nb1 Ogg project codecs library
libotr-4.1.1 Library for Off-The-Record encrypted messaging
libpcap-1.10.4 System-independent interface for user-level packet capture
libpsl-0.21.5 Library to handle the Public Suffix List
libslang2-2.2.4nb4 Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
libstroke-0.5.1nb4 Stroke translation library
libtasn1-4.19.0 ASN.1 structure parser library
libtool-base-2.4.7nb1 Generic shared library support script (the script itself)
libunistring-1.2 Unicode string library
libunwind-17.0.6 LLVM libunwind
libupnp-1.14.7 Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
libuuid-2.32.1nb2 Generate unique identifiers for objects
libuv-1.48.0 Cross-platform asychronous I/O
libvorbis-1.3.7 Library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
libxcb-1.17.0 X protocol C-language Binding
libxml2-2.12.8 XML parser library from the GNOME project
libxslt-1.1.39nb1 XSLT parser library
llvm-17.0.6nb1 Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lua54-5.4.6nb1 Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.4)
lwp-2.8 Light Weight Process style threads
lz4-1.9.4 Extremely Fast Compression algorithm
lzip-1.24.1 Lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
lzo-2.10 Portable lossless data compression library

makedepend-1.0.9 Dependency generator for make
mandoc-1.14.6nb1 Convert man pages from mdoc, man, eqn and tbl to txt, html, ps, or pdf
mkfontscale-1.2.3 X11 Scalable Font Index Generator
mktools-20220614 Collection of pkgsrc mk infrastructure tools
mosh-1.4.0nb4 Remote terminal application which allows roaming
mozilla-rootcerts-1.0.20240607 Root CA certificates from the Mozilla Project
mp3gain-1.6.2 Loudness normalizer for MP3 files
mpfr-4.2.1 GMP-based library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
mpg123-1.32.6 MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 audio player
mplayer-fonts-20030714nb1 Fonts for mplayer and gmplayer
mplayer-share-1.5nb16 Documentation used by mplayer and gmplayer
multimarkdown-6.5.2nb10 MultiMarkdown (MMD) v6 written in C

nano-8.0 Small and friendly text editor (a free replacement for Pico)
nasm-2.16.01 General-purpose x86 assembler
nbpatch-20151107 Patch files using diff output
ncurses-6.5 CRT screen handling and optimization package
newsfetch-1.3nb2 Downloads newsgroup messages in mail file format
newspipe-1.1.9nb13 Read RSS/Atom feeds as email messages
nghttp2-1.62.1nb1 Implementation of HTTP/2 in C
nnn-4.9 Optimized, feature-packed terminal file manager

openssh-9.7p1 Open Source Secure shell client and server (remote login program)
openssl-3.3.1 Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library

pax-20210219 POSIX standard archiver with many extensions
pcre-8.45 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
pcre2-10.44 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library (major version 2)
perl-5.38.2 Practical Extraction and Report Language
physfs-3.0.2 Library providing abstract access to various archives
pkg_install-20240307 Package management and administration tools for pkgsrc
pkgconf-2.2.0nb1 API-driven pkg-config replacement
pkgin-23.8.1nb4 Apt / yum like tool for managing pkgsrc binary packages
png-1.6.43 Library for manipulating PNG images
popt-1.19 Command line option parsing library
protobuf-27.1 Google protocol buffers
python311-3.11.9nb1 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language

ratpoison-1.4.9nb6 Simple window manager with no fat library dependencies
readline-8.2nb2 GNU library that can recall and edit previous input
rgb-1.1.0 RGB color database
rhash-1.4.4nb2 Calculate/check CRC32, MD5, SHA1, GOST, TTH, BTIH or other hash sums
rpc2-2.10nb11 CMU (Coda) remote procedure call package
rust-1.76.0nb3 Safe, concurrent, practical language
rvm-1.17 Recoverable Virtual Memory

screen-4.9.1 Multi-screen window manager
speex-1.2.1 Open-source, patent-free voice codec
sqlite3-3.46.0nb1 SQL Database Engine in a C Library
stfl-0.24nb8 Library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals

tcp_wrappers-7.6.4 Monitor and filter incoming requests for network services
tealdeer-1.6.1nb1 Simplified, example based and community-driven man pages
tmux-3.4nb1 BSD-licensed terminal multiplexer (GNU Screen alternative)
tradcpp-0.5.3 Traditional (K&R-style) C preprocessor
trippy-0.10.0 Network diagnostic tool
twm-1.0.12 Tom's Window Manager

unifont-15.0.03 GNU Unifont - glyphs for all printable code points in Unicode 9.0 BMP
unzip-6.0nb9 List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive

vera-ttf-1.10nb6 Bitstream Vera TrueType fonts
vncviewer-4.1.3 Viewer for remote X and Win32 VNC servers

w3m- Multilingualized version of a pager/text-based browser w3m
wget-1.24.5nb2 Retrieve files from the 'net via HTTP and FTP

xbitmaps-1.1.3 Common X11 bitmaps
xcb-proto-1.17.0nb1 XCB protocol descriptions (in XML)
xcolor-0.5.1nb2 Lightweight color picker for X11
xmake-1.06 Portable make utility
xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1 XML and SGML catalog manager
xmlto-0.0.28nb11 Tool to help transform XML documents into other formats
xorg-cf-files-1.0.8 Xorg imake rules
xorgproto-2024.1 Various X headers from Xorg X11
xtrans-1.5.0 Network API translation layer to insulate X
xvkbd-4.1 Virtual (graphical) keyboard program for X
xxhash-0.8.2nb2 Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
xz-5.6.2 General-purpose data compression software (5.4)

yasm-1.3.0 Complete rewrite of the NASM assembler with BSD license

zlib-1.3.1 General purpose data compression library
zoxide-0.9.4 Faster way to navigate your filesystem
zstd-1.5.6 Fast real-time compression algorithm



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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »


Latest updates:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 451033 Jul 20 11:58 moc-2.5.2nb27.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 961952 Jul 20 10:36 jack-1.9.21nb3.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4176920 Jul 19 22:48 rust-kanban-0.9.7.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 119542226 Jul 19 21:02 gcc8-8.5.0nb1.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 1848889 Jul 17 14:11 cdrtools-3.02a10nb5.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 99105 Jul 17 14:05 smake-1.7nb4.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4751615 Jul 19 13:22 alpine-2.26nb3.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14032 Jul 17 13:57 memtester-4.6.0.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 287257 Jul 17 13:56 zip-3.0nb3.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9901 Jul 17 13:37 f3-
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1681621 Jul 17 13:36 erdtree-3.1.2.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19815 Jul 17 13:07 cfm-0.6.6.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 309676 Jul 17 09:28 squashfs-4.6.1.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1032607 Jul 17 09:19 bison-3.8.2nb1.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 298270 Jul 16 22:34 minicom-2.7.1.tgz
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 44109 Jul 16 22:33 gkermit-2.01.tgz



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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »


Latest builds as follow:

Date File name 💬

  • 2024-08-13 17:40
    📒 zip-3.0nb3.tgz

    2024-08-13 17:38
    📒 unzip-6.0nb9.tgz

    2024-08-13 17:35
    📒 rhash-1.4.4nb2.tgz

    2024-08-13 15:02
    📒 xxhash-0.8.2nb2.tgz

    2024-08-11 23:01
    📒 dhcpcd-10.0.8.tgz

    2024-08-11 18:57
    📒 pacman-5.2.2.tgz (Arch's pacman.. use at your own risk)

    2024-08-11 18:19
    📒 xsv-0.13.0.tgz

    2024-08-11 18:19
    📒 nx-libs- (x2go libraries)

    2024-08-11 18:19
    📒 xdg-utils-1.1.3nb3.tgz

    2024-08-11 18:18
    📒 jq-1.7.1.tgz

    2024-08-11 16:23
    📒 xpipe-20200113.tgz

    2024-08-11 16:23
    📒 jo-1.9nb1.tgz

    2024-08-11 16:23
    📒 xpipe-20200113.tgz

    2024-08-11 15:42
    📒 eza-0.18.16.tgz

    2024-08-11 15:42
    📒 py311-Glances-4.0.8.tgz

    2024-08-10 20:48
    📒 ripgrep-14.1.0.tgz

    2024-08-10 20:48
    📒 dog-1.7nb1.tgz

    2024-08-10 20:48
    📒 pv-1.6.20.tgz

    2024-08-06 18:55
    📒 rxvt-2.7.10nb10.tgz

    2024-08-06 18:55
    📒 rxvt-unicode-9.26nb4.tgz



Last edited by Pikaxhu on Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by AntonioPt »

Gracias compadre :D

Pikaxhu wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:10 pm


Latest builds as follow:

Date File name 💬

  • 2024-08-11 18:57
    📒 pacman-5.2.2.tgz (Arch's pacman.. use at your own risk)

    2024-08-11 18:19
    📒 xsv-0.13.0.tgz

    2024-08-11 18:19
    📒 nx-libs- (x2go libraries)

    2024-08-11 18:19
    📒 xdg-utils-1.1.3nb3.tgz

    2024-08-11 18:18
    📒 jq-1.7.1.tgz

    2024-08-11 16:23
    📒 xpipe-20200113.tgz

    2024-08-11 16:23
    📒 jo-1.9nb1.tgz

    2024-08-11 16:23
    📒 xpipe-20200113.tgz

    2024-08-11 15:42
    📒 eza-0.18.16.tgz

    2024-08-11 15:42
    📒 py311-Glances-4.0.8.tgz

    2024-08-10 20:48
    📒 ripgrep-14.1.0.tgz

    2024-08-10 20:48
    📒 dog-1.7nb1.tgz

    2024-08-10 20:48
    📒 pv-1.6.20.tgz

    2024-08-06 18:55
    📒 rxvt-2.7.10nb10.tgz

    2024-08-06 18:55
    📒 rxvt-unicode-9.26nb4.tgz



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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »

New additions

2024-10-31 17:23
📒 tuifeed-0.3.2.tgz

2024-10-31 17:23
📒 leafnode-1.12.0.tgz

2024-10-31 17:13
📒 sdorfehs-1.5nb3.tgz
ratpoison wm fork

2024-09-13 16:21
📒 moreutils-0.69.tgz

2024-09-13 16:21
📒 p5-IPC-Run-20231003.0.tgz

2024-09-13 16:21
📒 p5-IO-tty-1.18.tgz

2024-09-13 16:21
📒 git-delta-0.17.0nb1.tgz

2024-09-13 16:21
📒 fzy-1.0.tgz

2024-09-13 17:20
📒 btop.zip

2024-09-24 15:22
📒 transmission-4.0.5nb2.tgz

2024-09-24 15:22
📒 transmission-common-4.0.5nb2.tgz

2024-09-24 15:22
📒 miniupnpc-2.2.4.tgz

2024-09-24 15:22
📒 libdeflate-1.20.tgz

2024-09-25 15:13
📒 openssh-9.8p1.tgz



Last edited by Pikaxhu on Thu Oct 31, 2024 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »

Hi all

Another brick in the wall...

Hey @jasper.. your little clone just arrived...

2024-11-03 14:02
📒 lld-17.0.6.tgz
2024-11-03 14:00
📒 llvm-17.0.6nb1.tgz

2024-11-01 22:21
📒 gcc12-12.3.0nb1.tgz

2024-11-03 13:20
📒 gcc9-9.5.0nb1.tgz

2024-11-03 13:15
📒 file-5.42.tgz

2024-11-03 13:14
📒 dbus-1.14.10.tgz

2024-11-03 13:13
📒 cargo-c-0.9.32.tgz

2024-11-03 13:13
📒 cdrtools-3.02a10nb5.tgz

2024-11-03 13:10
📒 bison-3.8.2nb1.tgz

2024-11-02 11:49
📒 llvm-18.1.8.tgz

2024-10-30 03:00
📒 jasper-4.2.4.tgz

2024-10-30 03:00
📒 clang-17.0.6nb1.tgz

2024-10-29 21:37
📒 pxe-1.4.2.tgz

2024-10-29 21:37
📒 podcastdl-0.3.3nb14.tgz

2024-10-29 21:37
📒 opentracker-0.0.20180526nb1.tgz

2024-10-29 21:37
📒 torrentutils-0.3.0nb15.tgz

2024-10-29 21:37
📒 openntpd-6.8p1.tgz

2024-10-29 21:37
📒 openresolv-3.13.2.tgz

2024-10-29 21:37
📒 openrrcp-0.2.1.tgz

2024-10-29 21:37
📒 openrsync-0.20220508.tgz

2024-10-29 21:37
📒 yt-dlp-2024.5.27.tgz

2024-10-29 19:54
📒 tightvncviewer-1.3.10nb2.tgz

2024-10-27 21:41
📒 socat-

2024-10-13 16:31
📒 fuse-bindfs-1.15.1.tgz

2024-10-13 16:31
📒 fuse-exfat-1.4.0.tgz

2024-10-13 16:31
📒 fuse-ntfs-3g-2022.10.3.tgz

2024-10-13 16:31
📒 fuse-2.9.9nb1.tgz

2024-10-13 16:31
📒 libntfs-2022.10.3.tgz

2024-10-13 15:50
📒 nushell-0.94.2.tgz

2024-10-11 17:23
📒 hexedit-1.6.tgz

2024-10-11 17:22
📒 ted-2.23nb4.tgz

2024-10-11 17:22
📒 motif-2.3.8nb3.tgz

2024-10-11 17:22
📒 tiff-4.6.0nb3.tgz

2024-10-11 17:22
📒 hexedit-1.6.tgz



Last edited by Pikaxhu on Sun Nov 03, 2024 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »

Hi all

Enclosed is a detailed list of all packages built as of today. Hope it helps.



(31.81 KiB) Downloaded 23 times
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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »

Hi Gang

New built list.

2024-11-15 11:32
📒 bearssl-0.6nb1.tgz

2024-11-15 11:32
📒 execline-

2024-11-15 11:30
📒 twitch-tui-2.6.13.tgz

2024-11-15 11:30
📒 dwdiff-2.1.3nb7.tgz

2024-11-15 11:30
📒 s6-networking-

2024-11-15 11:30
📒 s6-

2024-11-15 11:30
📒 s6-dns-

2024-11-13 16:45
📒 tui-journal-0.9.0.tgz

2024-11-13 16:44
📒 2048-c-20190509.tgz

2024-11-13 16:44
📒 APE-

2024-11-13 16:44
📒 bashtop-0.8.14.tgz

2024-11-13 16:44
📒 openh264-2.4.1.tgz

2024-11-08 20:57
📒 flawz-0.2.2.tgz

2024-11-08 13:24
📒 xbacklight-1.2.3.tgz

2024-11-08 13:24
📒 emacs29-nox11-29.4.tgz

2024-11-08 12:45
📒 xrandr-1.5.2.tgz

2024-11-06 11:21
📒 gcc13-13.3.0.tgz

2024-11-05 16:54
📒 php-8.3.8.tgz

2024-11-05 13:57
📒 owl-lisp-0.2.tgz

2024-11-05 10:10
📒 nodejs-22.3.0.tgz

2024-11-04 16:30
📒 tclx-8.6.3.tgz

2024-11-04 16:20
📒 tcl-8.6.14nb1.tgz

2024-11-04 15:54
📒 ratman-0.3.1nb6.tgz

2024-11-04 14:47
📒 lynx-2.9.2.tgz

2024-11-04 14:43
📒 wm2-4.0nb2.tgz

2024-11-04 12:32
📒 bmake-20200524nb1.tgz

2024-11-04 12:29
📒 dmake-4.12.2.tgz

2024-11-04 12:29
📒 gmake-4.4.1.tgz



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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »

Hi Kennel

New december's update list.

2024-12-07 02:04
📒 python312-3.12.4.tgz
369a6fd3c683a2bc1f05a6505302ff75 Md5

2024-12-06 01:41
📒 ruby-3.2.5.tgz
0e6112eb21b49da425b7309d81ab1545 Md5

2024-12-06 01:41
📒 ruby32-base-3.2.5.tgz
ce8c008b980ad8ade70b35187296267c Md5

2024-12-04 23:00
📒 rust-1.82.0.tgz
29a1f799b961611529dc55fb821754b0 Md5

2024-12-08 16:45
📒 bacon-2.18.2.tgz

2024-12-08 16:45
📒 openldap-client-2.6.8.tgz

2024-12-07 02:01
📒 ufetch-0.3.tgz

2024-12-07 02:01
📒 xfm-1.4.3nb7.tgz

2024-12-07 02:01
📒 gyb-1.71nb2.tgz

2024-12-07 02:01
📒 grpc-1.64.2.tgz

2024-12-07 01:58
📒 wiki-tui-0.9.0.tgz

2024-12-06 21:50
📒 parallel-disk-usage-0.9.2.tgz

2024-12-04 22:54
📒 leftwm-0.5.1.tgz



Last edited by Pikaxhu on Mon Dec 09, 2024 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Chinchaysuyo
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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »

Hi All

Another set.

2024-12-10 16:52
📒 elixir-1.16.2.tgz

2024-12-10 16:52
📒 erlang-26.2.5nb2.tgz

2024-12-09 14:09
📒 mono-
062c91c771cc2e2feec3af6d53d5a20b Md5

2024-12-09 13:59
📒 gcc7-7.5.0nb6.tgz
9e9d39a5ed77995458acfde6bb6686e5 Md5

2024-12-09 13:48
📒 bitmap-1.1.1.tgz

2024-12-09 13:48
📒 aterm-1.0.1nb11.tgz

2024-12-10 17:36
📒 rsynth-2.0nb6.tgz

2024-12-10 17:35
📒 gdbm-1.23.tgz

2024-12-10 17:35
📒 nas-1.9.4nb1.tgz

2024-12-10 17:31
📒 ruby31-base-3.1.6.tgz

2024-12-10 17:27
📒 python310-3.10.14nb1.tgz

2024-12-10 17:19
📒 gsm-1.0.19.tgz

2024-12-10 17:11
📒 icecast-2.4.4nb22.tgz

2024-12-10 17:04
📒 snapcast-0.26.0nb6.tgz

2024-12-10 17:02
📒 rosegarden-2.1.4nb7.tgz

2024-12-10 16:59
📒 spotify-player-0.18.2.tgz



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Location: Chinchaysuyo
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Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »

Hi All

Another list.

2025-01-08 17:46
📒 neix-0.1.5nb9.tgz

2025-01-05 14:37
📒 ircII-20240111.tgz

2025-01-05 12:11
📒 py311-pyaml-24.4.0.tgz

2025-01-05 11:13
📒 py311-pspdfutils-3.3.2.tgz

2025-01-05 11:13
📒 py311-pikepdf-9.0.0.tgz

2025-01-05 11:13
📒 qpdf-11.9.1.tgz

2025-01-05 04:04
📒 beets-2.0.0.tgz

2025-01-05 03:20
📒 pdmenu-1.2.65nb13.tgz

2025-01-05 03:12
📒 newsraft-0.25.tgz

2025-01-04 04:09
📒 gcpio-2.13.tgz

2025-01-04 04:08
📒 bftpd-6.1.tgz

2024-12-12 22:05
📒 wmx-8.0nb3.tgz

2024-12-12 22:02
📒 eggdrop-1.9.2nb1.tgz

2024-12-11 19:16
📒 pfetch-1.0.1.tgz

2024-12-11 19:16
📒 opentracker-0.0.20180526nb1.tgz

2024-12-11 18:50
📒 lighttpd-1.4.76nb2.tgz

2024-12-11 18:50
📒 nanoblogger-3.4.2nb1.tgz

2024-12-11 18:50
📒 tidy-5.8.0.tgz

2024-12-11 18:50
📒 links-2.29.tgz



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Posts: 81
Joined: Thu May 19, 2022 5:36 pm
Location: Chinchaysuyo
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Been thanked: 25 times

Re: 32 bits Puppy update software collection 7/24

Post by Pikaxhu »

Hi All

A new March's list.

2025-03-28 04:22
📒 tig-2.5.8nb1.tgz

2025-03-28 04:22
📒 xplr-0.21.9.tgz

2025-03-28 04:22
📒 LuaJIT2-2.0.5nb2.tgz

2025-03-27 15:18
📒 meowfetch

2025-03-27 15:11
📒 rush

2025-03-27 15:09
📒 sd-1.0.0nb1.tgz

2025-03-05 17:36
📒 diskonaut-0.11.0.tgz

2025-03-05 17:04
📒 ddgr-2.2.tgz

2025-03-05 15:28
📒 tinc-1.0.36nb1.tgz

2025-03-03 16:12
📒 muon-0.3.1.tgz

2025-03-03 16:12
📒 samurai-1.2.tgz

2025-02-17 17:38
📒 megacmd-1.7.0.tgz

2025-02-04 16:17
📒 dmidecode-3.5nb1.tgz

2025-02-04 16:17
📒 qvwm-1.1.12.tgz

2025-01-24 23:19
📒 lla-0.1.7.tgz

2025-01-24 23:15
📒 oorexx-5.0.0.tgz

2025-01-24 23:15
📒 fastfetch-2.30.1.tgz

2025-01-21 23:13
📒 broot-1.39.0.tgz

2025-01-21 23:13
📒 stitchy-0.1.7.tgz

2025-01-11 18:12
📒 inxi-3.3.01.tgz



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