Whatever is in the save needs to be in the save.
The save is a Linux file system inside the save file/folder.
It contains changes to the operating file system.
The different directories are there, because something in that directory is different from the same directory in the operating file system.
All of them need to be in the save.
The different SFS files that makeup the Puppy OS are not copied only the save file/folder.
Those do not change they are read only.
They do not need to be saved.
The biggest thing that affects the time it takes to make a backup copy of the save, is how big is it.
The write speed of where you are placing the copy.
If you are compressing the save copy or just doing a normal copy.
Best to be doing the backup, when it is just booted to the desktop, and no programs are running.
You are making a copy of a 43GB save folder.
So it does take time.
The Pupsave Backup program is designed to make sure it is getting a good copy, so it checks a lot to be sure.
You are also putting the backup copy on the same partition as the save is located. /mnt/home
So it has to first read into memory from the partition, before it can write to the partition.
Try placing the backup on a different drive if you can.
That should be able to read and write exactly at the same time.
Even a different partition on the same drive may be a little faster.
Copy try to do a copy and past in Rox file manager to make a normal copy of the save folder.
Just add bak. to the beginning of the copies name, so it is not seen as a usable save.
Remove the bak. from the name to turn it back into a usable save.
But read this warning info about copying big stuff in Rox: