ambitious ideas/projects

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ambitious ideas/projects

Post by Felipex »

hi, i have huge ambitious ideas that i am giving to all linux distributions:
obs: Linux itself will still be open source
-unify/merge all distro companies/organizations while also merging with linux organization to work with each other(remotely if necessary) towards a single linux distribution/os with all the features of every distribution while forsaking the current ones

-make deals with softwares and computer/notebooks companies in order for linux to come installed as you buy a new computer/notebook and to support more softwares

-improve marketing by for example sponsoring content creators and financing ads throughout the internet, the linux organization is actually one of the main culprits here for the low fame of linux, they alledlgy spend only 3% of all their profits on the development of the linux kernel while spending all the reamaining money on a bunch of useless things which have nothing to do with marketing at all(i believe someone/some company related to linux should actually sue them and report them to police for not spending their money properly on what they claim and they should. to me it just sounds like some sort of corruption scheme to divert the money to themselves personally in the end, like equality and racially profilling ''projects/activism'' that having nothing to do at all with the development of linux)

-create a pro and free version and charge on a monthly basis for the pro(since employees are paid monthly wages, the software is continuously developed and considering it can pay off more than a lifetime license)
-still accept donations

the benefits will be:
-more developers working in a single distribution allowing for a better distribution with faster improvements and bug fixes

-tighter control over the software

-faster overall development of the os

-higher profits which can in the end be used to boost the development of the os and pay its emplyees/devs better.

some main features a os should have natively:
driver updater and softwares updater/backports repo
cloud backup
great user interface
notification panel
complete customizations> such as> cursor size / font size/ font type/ windows icons size/ taskbar location/ taskbar size
overclock tools
desktop folders
file manager
task manager
complete clipboard manager
password manager
media viewer and player
resource monitor
apps manager/viewer
native feedback app(for bug report and features request)

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Re: ambitious ideas/projects

Post by mikewalsh »

Oh, God. Here we go.......AGAIN.

You're not the first person to come up with this idea. Not even the 500th.....or even the 10,000th. And the idea almost always comes from relatively new users. (You doing Business Studies, by any chance..?)

You cannot understand why there's only ONE Windows, and ONE MacOS.....but hundreds of Linux OSs.

Oh, it's so simple, isn't it? Merge all those hundreds into then there's ONE Windows, ONE MacOS and ONE Linux. Makes SO much more sense, doesn't it?

Dream on. Not gonna happen (and we like it that way). Personally, I couldn't give a fig if it's good enough to be on your long as it stays good enough to remain on mine.

Get this, and paste it good & hard inside your skull. Linux is not trying to compete with the other two. It's not a business, out to make money. It's more of a concept.....a merging of minds/skills from all over the world, setting out to do what it can to the very best of its ability.

Commercial considerations don't even come into it. We don't have a board of directors, who all want shares in "the company". (WHAT company?) We don't have a salaried work-force, locked into a 9-to-5 treadmill, forced to produce code whether they feel like doing so or not. It simply doesn't work like that.

Capitalism is NOT the "be-all and the end-all" of everything. I know it doesn't pay the bills, but sometimes, altrusim is a far better approach. Trust me! Turning Linux into "a business" will have exactly the opposite effect to your projections. It won't encourage creativity. It'll stifle it.....because people's eyes will always be on the outcome - the monthly salary - and they won't care HOW they get there (just so long as they DO). And you'll end up with a shed-load of very sub-standard code as a result.

I'm sorry if you can't see that.

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Re: ambitious ideas/projects

Post by fredx181 »

mikewalsh wrote:

Dream on. Not gonna happen (and we like it that way)

Not gonna happen, ok, realistic, but if "we" like it is another thing. It became crazy IMO that there's so much choice. Why don't *they* all join together ? (don't try to answer :D )

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Re: ambitious ideas/projects

Post by rockedge »

Why don't *they* all join together ?

Pretty simple.......differences in philosophy and goals. Probably why there are about 5000 variants of Puppy Linux alone.

Some think desktop environment A is really good while others believe desktop B is the bee's knees and icon set light is better that icon set dark.....

you see the trend.....

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Re: ambitious ideas/projects

Post by williwaw »

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Re: ambitious ideas/projects

Post by ozsouth »

@Felipex - Welcome to our Forum of many opinions (like Linux in general)! Some of the major distros (Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora etc) have their own standards & take on things. If you want consistency & continuity, they already are marketable as such. Smaller distros like Puppy value individuality & customisation, so it looks like chaos from a business perspective, but that is what attracts most of our users (as well as the small size). Folk wanting a particular model have forked various distros and in some cases marketed that. We are all free to do so, within a very libertine licence.

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Re: ambitious ideas/projects

Post by rcrsn51 »

Did it ever occur to you guys that Filipex might be the output of an AI chatbot who has convinced you to converse with it?

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Re: ambitious ideas/projects

Post by mikewalsh »

rcrsn51 wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:48 am

Did it ever occur to you guys that Filipex might be the output of an AI chatbot who has convinced you to converse with it?

^^^ +1. Lololol!!! :shock: :lol:

Such a subject line is bound to stir up a hornet's nest of conflicting opinions, of course.......especially with folks like Lennart Poettering more or less pushing that idea anyway.

If that IS the case, we're simply giving it further "fuel" for the future. D'ohh! Now why didn't THAT occur to me? These things are getting more and more clever & sneaky all the time.....after all, we're the ones they're learning from, aren't we? And I jumped in feet-first.....didn't I? :oops:

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Re: ambitious ideas/projects

Post by williwaw »

rcrsn51 wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:48 am

Did it ever occur to you guys that Filipex might be the output of an AI chatbot who has convinced you to converse with it?

yes, and others recently.
what are the tipoffs?

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Re: ambitious ideas/projects

Post by rockedge »

AI chatbot who has convinced you to converse with it

I wouldn't call it a conversation...there has been no other input from Filipex

Could always delete the topic.

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