Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

a very small Live CD shaped to look and act like Puppy Linux.

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Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by fredx181 »

*** Trixie build script (mklive-trixie) ***

Update 2024-12-29, new mkilve-trixie attached, see also: viewtopic.php?p=138984#p138984

Updated 2024-12-29 Remove fake .gz, make executable
(73.59 KiB) Downloaded 51 times

Update 2024-10-02, new mkilve-trixie attached, see changes info: viewtopic.php?p=132215#p132215
Update 2024-07-20, new mkilve-trixie attached, see changes info: viewtopic.php?p=126444#p126444
Update 2024-07-08, new mkilve-trixie attached, see changes info: viewtopic.php?p=125445#p125445
Update 2024-06-16, new mkilve-trixie attached, fixed problem with debootstrap, see info: viewtopic.php?p=123103#p123103

Firmware .squashfs for trixie : ... e.squashfs

Update 2024-06-10, new mkilve-trixie attached, now more 'Devuan-ish', see info: viewtopic.php?p=122494#p122494

Trixie is (at this point of time) the Debian 'testing" branch, the candidate for the new 'stable' release next year (Debian 13).
For now this script is testing stage, purpose in time is "stable".
Resulting build from running 'mklive-trixie' will contain the newest software and kernel from Debian (but lots of upgrades expected the coming year), but also provides some "legacy" e.g.
- GTK2 (and custom scripts/binaries included, depend on it, e.g. yad and gtkdialog are built with GTK2) ,
- No systemd is the default (using initscripts, (sysvinit) )
( I will probably keep inside some "old-fashioned fire" for the rest of my life :lol: )

An "usr-merged" system will be created, the "no-usr-merged" system is not supported anymore (post-bookworm).

In case the choice is NOT to build with systemd enabled, opposed to earlier mklive scripts, now this will use packages from the Devuan repository directly, e.g. elogind, policykit-1 , + dependencies. edit: now all Devuan packages, see below edit.
The Devuan repo is enabled (if not chosen systemd at build time) in /etc/apt/sources.list but only for these packages (by "pinning" see in /etc/apt/preferences) , just to make it work without systemd.
edit 2024-06-10 now all Devuan packages have priority (in case systemd boot not selected)

In the future some packages may be removed from the Debian trixie repos (will affect, the build may fail then).
Example now is geany, , not available from trixie (no idea why ?) , so for now added it (v2.0 from Sid repo) to my custom trixie repository.
Will try to solve similar problems again by adding 'missing' packages to:
Trixie 'custom' repos:

See for more general info and screenshots, Bullseye build script:

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Re: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by backi »

Hi @fredx181 !
Heading for new shores ? .... :thumbup: .....Sounds very interesting...............will give it a Try.

Thanks a lot for all your innovative Work and Ideas :D . :thumbup:

The "Dogs" Thing since sliced Bread. :thumbup:

Best Wishes ! :welcome:

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Re: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by wanderer »

hi fredx181

looks like your masterpiece continued

will also try to follow along

and once again thanks for all your work


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Re: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by dcung »

I tried it. I built DDOG DE with my offline local conf.
Found that it doesn't like isomaster and google-chrome-stable.
I compared my local conf with the online one (which don't have those packages), and I removed them from my local conf. Built okay :thumbup: .

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Re: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by fredx181 »

dcung wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 1:20 am

I tried it. I built DDOG DE with my offline local conf.
Found that it doesn't like isomaster and google-chrome-stable.
I compared my local conf with the online one (which don't have those packages), and I removed them from my local conf. Built okay :thumbup: .

Thanks, yes, didn't test yet with google-chrome-stable, missing package was libu2f-udev , added now to the custom repo so installing google-chrome-stable works now.
(this is one of those cases that a package has been removed from the Debian Trixie repo)

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Updated: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by fredx181 »

*** Updated: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie) ***
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Instead of pinning only the Devuan packages for elogind, policykit-1, now all Devuan packages have priority in case chosen for a no-systemd boot system.
This will fix problems for some packages from the standard Debian repository that are not supporting the old initscripts.

For example: when installing network-manager-gnome , dependency is network-manager, , the latter, if installed from Debian repo has only support for systemd, so will not run properly on a no-systemd system. The Devuan version of network-manager does have support for sysvinit, initscripts.

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Re: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by dancytron »

I built one with Chrome and all the usual extra drivers on my problem AMD laptop.

No pipewire or pulse audio.

It built fine and seems to work.

I'll see if it works on my Chromebook later.

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Updated: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by fredx181 »

*** Updated: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie) ***
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Fixed that the build got stuck recently at running debootstrap (newest version), to prevent such problem in the future, now it will install a slightly older version (1.0.134) from the custom MakeLive repo at github.
EDIT: And here's a firmware .squashfs for trixie : ... e.squashfs

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Updated: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by fredx181 »

*** Updated: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie) ***
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- in case checking packages will fail, switch to using aptitude instead of apt-get (try to resolve if package(s) missing or possibly resolve dependency conflicts, aptitude can do that)
- and the Devuan repo for 'excalibur' (Devuan equivalent of trixie) has the most priority now (fixed that it didn't really have with previous mklive-trixie version), this is only in case systemd boot is not selected.

edit: to explain about "in case checking packages will fail":
This is the "testing" release, which has many updates in time and possibly has major changes in the package management, so it may happen that some package has been removed from repos or dependencies are changed or conflict, etc.., so not really predictable (as opposed to "stable" (bookworm at this time) where changes/updates are very minimal, conservative)

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Trixie Sound_Card_Selector

Post by Payoon »

Hi Fred,

it seems your debiandog grandslam continues with great success. I setup TRIXIE and everything works out of the box.
Small issue with sound-card-selector. (Coming from Debian) Not starts. Whe using console I get error: " /usr/local/bin/sound-card-selector: 15: export: illegal option -f". Can be solved by 1. running alsamixer from console to find the card 2.creating ausound.conf in /etc/ containing two entries : defaults.pcm.card X and defaults.ctl.card X where X is the correspondning card number. Then reboot. Nothing big.

Very fine piece of work. Thanks a lot for this.


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Re: Trixie Sound_Card_Selector

Post by fredx181 »

Payoon wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 5:02 am

Small issue with sound-card-selector. (Coming from Debian) Not starts. When using console I get error: " /usr/local/bin/sound-card-selector: 15: export: illegal option -f".

I cannot reproduce that on my trixie build, what build type did you make ? Also, not sure what you mean to say with: "Coming from Debian"
The error you get could be an indication that /bin/sh is not a symlink to bash, it should be :

Code: Select all

root@live:/# readlink /bin/sh

if not, something went wrong with your build, the export -f option is a "bashism" and won't work if /bin/sh is not symlink to bash.
edit: and in that case, sound-card-selector will not be the only problem, also some other gtkdialog scripts will fail to run.
edit2; and to fix: cd /bin; ln -sf bash sh

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Re: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by Payoon »

Hi Fred
thanks for the quick reply. The mentioned built was with the TRIXIE script from June. Built as xfce with -gui. The only thing added was "firmware-amd-graphics". All went down without error. With "error coming from DEBIAN" I meant that the sound card selector package may have been faulty (although I tried the one from bookworm that didn't work either way).

The good news is today I did a build again with build-script from Jul 8th and all works fine ( including sound-card-selector). So every is fine now. Thanks again for this DD.


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Re: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by mouldy »

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Re: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by fredx181 »

To go a little further off-topic: (why not ;) )
In Holland, we still have a monarchy, but has mostly nostalgic purpose IMHO, no real influence in political decisions etc..
Anyway the former Queen 'Beatrix' (mother of the current king Willem Alexander, she is still alive, btw), was often called (sort-of nickname / friendly name) Trixie :D
edit: so hereby I dedicate this "trixie" release to her . 8-)

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Updated: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by fredx181 »

*** Updated: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie) ***
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Update required, again because of some changes in the Debian Trixie repo, e.g. package policykit-1 has been removed, so also removed it now from the online configs, i.e. replaced with polkitd.

edit: Next year when Trixie becomes the "stable" release, then this sort of "duct-taping" isn't needed anymore, I guess :)

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Updated: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by fredx181 »

*** Updated mklive-trixie build script ***

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Added option(s) to build with LXQT Desktop, screenshot:

Supports building from EasyOs (with some prerequisites), see info:

Some workarounds:
- the Devuan "excalibur" repo is activated, this is to support building without systemd (in case running with systemd is not chosen from settings)
- the "" repo is activated (date: 2024-08-23) , to support installing packages that had been removed from the standard Debian Trixie repo, for example "mplayer" isn't currently available from the standard trixie repository (why :?: )

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Updated: Trixie build script (mklive-trixie)

Post by fredx181 »

*** Updated mklive-trixie build script ***

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Fixed that it failed to install the base system by debootstrap (due to a Debian change).

EDIT: Same for mklive-sid build system, see viewtopic.php?p=138983#p138983

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