Outline VPN

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Outline VPN

Post by Labrona »

Not so much for geeks only, Outline VPN can be configured by about anyone that is intent to make it run, following instructions. You need pay for a VPS, such as the ones provided by Digital Ocean. In fact, it is the one proposed by Outline VPN for a few bucks per month. But others are available too.
Make your own mind reading Outline VPN web pages :
By the way, i am not a user, but i figured out it could be of some use for others.

VPNs are useful for keeping your communications private and allow you to maintain access to the open internet. But with most VPN providers you don’t always know who controls the VPN and who has access to your data.
Creating your own VPN server used to be a complicated process—until now.

I am an avid proponent of VPN usage, the more so as years pass and surveillance economy is a well-established phenomenon, and so much people feel the sting of abuse of their stolen identities. So many years have passed, and i have been blessed with navigating the Web without any of the trash that comes with it, and i think, thanks to not using social accounts and using a reputable VPN, my personal information is not out there in plain sight for criminals to use it against me and defraud me of any money i might have, clicking on any link they have configured for me to click on, happy to obliged.
Here another useful quote :

Traditional VPNs are often easy to block because they are easy to detect. When you use a VPN, your traffic is anonymous, but certain security protocols used by popular VPNS use unique cryptographic signatures that can be easily identified and blocked. When you connect your device to a traditional VPN, your traffic is easy to detect because the volume of similar traffic makes it easy to find and block a server. Outline works when other VPNs are blocked and is resistant to sophisticated forms of censorship like network-based blocking or IP blocking. Outline is more resilient because it is built using a protocol that is designed to be difficult to detect and therefore harder to block. Privately share access to your server with a trusted group of people. Fewer people connected to your server means it is harder to detect and easier to remain private.

Linux users have appimages to download, server and client.
I cannot imagine using internet without a VPN. It is not a luxury. It is a must-have.

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