Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz? [PseudoSolved]

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Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz? [PseudoSolved]

Post by ozboomer »

I'm trying to boot Bionicpup64 8.0 on an older PC and I'm coming up against some troubles...

If I use 'DiskPup - Minimal frugal installer' (in F96-CE_4) and go through the process on a (32G) USB2 flash drive, when I boot from that drive on the PC (via a USB2 port), everything is Ok.

However, if I use the same tool with a 500G (USB3) portable HDD, when I boot from that HDD (via a USB2 port), while grub does its thing Ok, 'init' has some troubles with finding the named partition or even the disk's UUID (as shown in blkid).

I've had a similar problem with this PC some years ago... and it was fixed by modifying /sbin/wait4usb inside initrd.gz ,,,but I've forgotten how to do that modification. :roll:

There is a sort-of explanation in the old forum about how to do that... but I'm finding that unhelpful as the comment:

If you want to edit it you need to open initrd.gz (which is easy to do, just click it)

...leads to a dialog that wants to 'expand at /root', which is NOT where I want to dump all of the files in initrd.gz just to modify one file.

So, I've tried the following:

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /tmp/000/tree
cd /tmp/000/tree
zcat /mnt/sde1/initrd.gz | cpio -i -d
geany sbin/wait4usb &
find /tmp/000/tree | cpio -H newc -o | gzip -9 > /tmp/000/initrd.gz

...but if I replace the existing initrd.gz with this one I just created, a kernel panic occurs... and as the output is too long for the available display lines, I can't identify what has actually caused the kernel panic.

So I guess I'm looking for the actual command line needed to create the initrd.gz file, please... or if there's some other way to modify that wait4usb file. I checked out ISOMaster and that doesn't go far enough, really..


Last edited by ozboomer on Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozsouth »

@ozboomer - not what you asked for, but in grub.cfg/syslinux.cfg I append the kernel/Linux line with rootwait

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozboomer »

@ozsouth - Thx... assuming I used 'rootwait' correctly(!?), it didn't really help...

Some more info...
- the volume label on the partition is 'SABU'
- on booting, after selecting 'bionic' on grub's menu, the following is displayed:

Code: Select all

error: no such device: A0B1-D424.
Loading vmlinuz
Loading initrd.gz

...I expect, by virtue of the grub.cfg line:
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root A0B1-D424
...which sortof suggests it can't find the USB HDD (yet)...

Screenshot of the failure with 'standard' ISO...

20240528_104927.jpg (68.86 KiB) Viewed 3240 times

...and the grub.cfg that's used:

(1002 Bytes) Downloaded 126 times we continue...

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozsouth »

@ozboomer - rootwait is its own, not in pfix - replace the comma after fsckp with a space. Your using pdrv=SABU (if that is the label the working partition has, via gparted), should allow it to be found. Maybe try lowercase in gparted, then in grub.

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozboomer »

@ozsouth - fixed-up the 'rootwait' to be its own parameter... no joy.

Also, being a FAT32 partition, various tools don't like non-uppercase labels... but 'fatlabel' will do it with a warning. Irrespective, with the associated changes in the label name in grub.cfg, the misbehaviour was the same.

Maybe I need to have a few MB FAT32 'boot only' partition, with Puppy installed on it's own ext(2,3,4) partition? ... but as the disk is just not visible at boot time, I think the best way might still be to fiddle with the sleep numbers in /sbin/wait4usb in initrd.gz...

I'll try manually setting-up another Puppy variant on this HDD and see if it will make any difference (I don't think it will)....

Edit: Yup... same behaviour with a few other Puppy variants (F96-CE, Xenial64, Slacko)...

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozsouth »

@ozboomer - yes, 100mb fat32 boot partition & big ext3/4 working partition a good idea, with label via gparted.
Where you have rootwait , maybe try wait 10 instead.

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozboomer »

@ozsouth - Thx for the persistence, BTW.. :)

Did pretty-much all that.. with 'rootwait'.. and still the same problems.

(slightly edited) Pup-SysInfo report:

(6.51 KiB) Downloaded 133 times

This disk again: 'Waiting for USB Storage' message (couple of yellow dots, couple of red dots)... failed.
Tried with a similarly set-up (128G) SSD: 'Waiting for USB Storage' message (1 or 2 yellow dots, 1 red dot).... failed.
Tried with the original (32G) USB Flash drive: 'Waiting for USB Storage' message (1 yellow dot)... Ok.
Tried with an internal HDD: 'Waiting for USB Storage' message was NOT displayed... Ok.

I think the external USB HDD might just be grumpy when trying to boot with this old PC(!) :mrgreen:

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozsouth »

@ozboomer - newish drive, oldish kernel. Could be an issue? I made a 2023 update of bionicpup64 (in Remasters section of forum) with kernel 5.10.182. I know that kernel solved problems in slacko 7. Possibility? (I'm out of ideas now).

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by bigpup »

Is this drive a USB drive that is a HDD or is it a normal HDD that is in a USB adapter?

Try installing to this drive by doing it this way:

It is written for USB flash drives, but the same procedure can be used on any drive as long as Puppy Linux is only OS on it.

Do download and use the latest version of Frugalpup Installer to do this.
There is a link to where you can get it.

When you get it completed.

Open the grub.cfg that will be on the first partition. The one that is just on the partition is the one that gets used. (any other ones, that may be in directories, all link to this one to use)

In the entry to boot with.
What is it identifying the drive as for UUID?

Are you plugging the drive into the exact same port you used to boot with the other USB flash drive install?
If no.
Do that.

Some USB ports on computers, do not have full features, as to what they can be used for.

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by bigpup »

If this USB portable hard drive has not been setup by Gparted.

The companies that make them, will have all kinds of their own software and maybe hidden partitions, on it.

I always use Gparted to completely delete everything on the drive, before I start installing Puppy OS's to it.

Make a new partition table (that deletes everything).

Then partition as you want to.

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by bigpup »

Using Frugalpup Installer method to do the install to a USB portable HDD I have.

Bionicpup64 is a frugal install in a directory named bionicpup64.

This is my Bionicpup64 entry in grub.cfg:

menuentry "Puppy bionicpup64 8.0" {
insmod ext2
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root b0f092c5-6a1c-4e04-b9d8-ddbeb91d4ab7
echo "Loading vmlinuz"
linux /bionicpup64/vmlinuz pmedia=usbhd pdrv=b0f092c5-6a1c-4e04-b9d8-ddbeb91d4ab7 psubdir=/bionicpup64 pfix=fsck,fsckp,trim TZ=EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0
if [ -e /bionicpup64/local-initrd.gz ]; then
set local_rd=/bionicpup64/local-initrd.gz
set local_rd=
if [ -e /bionicpup64/ucode.cpio ]; then
set ucode_rd=/bionicpup64/ucode.cpio
echo "Loading ucode.cpio and initrd.gz"
set ucode_rd=
echo "Loading initrd.gz"
initrd $ucode_rd /bionicpup64/initrd.gz $local_rd

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozboomer »

@bigpup - lots o'good oil there, f'sure, thanks... but I'm across most of it..

The disk I'm using is a portable HDD, the 500G version... and it's always being initially partitioned/formatted, etc using GParted... but I'm not super-familiar with how DiskPup, FrugalPup, etc might re-format/rewrite things as they do their machinations... In recent times, I've mainly been using DiskPup (for one Puppy installation) and FrugalPup (its multi-installation cousin), owing to all the guff associated with BIOS/UEFI boots being required nowadays... and they work without drama on USB flash drives... but this is the first time I've tried installing to a USB-based HDD (I think .. at least with BIOS/UEFI booting capability).

I've been booting the USB flash drive and the USB HDD from the same USB2 port on the 'old PC'... I'm always quite mindful of how the 'discovery order' (and controller + connection order) can affect the device naming... so I'm keeping the configuration of other ports, etc consistent.

An interesting difference in your grub.cfg:

search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root b0f092c5-6a1c-4e04-b9d8-ddbeb91d4ab7
echo "Loading vmlinuz"
linux /bionicpup64/vmlinuz pmedia=usbhd pdrv=b0f092c5-6a1c-4e04-b9d8-ddbeb91d4ab7 psubdir=/bionicpup64 pfix=fsck,fsckp,trim TZ=EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0

In both yours and my grub.cfg, the UUID is used to specify where to search for root... but in yours, pdrv is specified using the UUID, whereas in mine, the partition volume label is used. Maybe this is a difference in the DiskPup/FrugalPup behaviours across its versions? As I'm consistently using F96-CE_4 to create the USB drives, I'm always using DiskPup v38... which is different to v41, as mentioned in this link, if it's the one you mean - viewtopic.php?t=337 .

For the sake of it, I tried changing the grub entry to do the same as yours (with both the root search and the puppy drive, pdrv) set to the UUID... and it made no difference on the 'old' computer - it still couldn't find the disk.... but both options work Ok on other PCs... so it still looks like it's pointing to a 'time to discover USB quickly enough' issue.

Simply, I'm trying to set-up this HDD as a 'mobile backup' -type of thing... So, it's basically just a convenience to have the disk bootable.. but it's not much of a deal to have a USB flash drive AND this HDD for backup data...

...but I still think it would be handy to know the commands to extract and rebuild the 'system files' (initrd.gz, etc) :mrgreen:

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by mikeslr »

Not sure. But with an external hard-drive connected via a USB-cable I think --with the drive plugged in-- you have to set bios to give boot priority to USB-devices; then put the boot-loader on the USB-Hard drive, itself.

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by bigpup »

Install a Puppy version to the drive the way I told you to.

Using Gparted to only partition a drive is half the process.

If you are trying to start with a clean drive.

Make a new partition table (using the old partition table can still have unwanted stuff in the table)
Then make partition(s)

I assume the USB port you are plugging into, does provide the correct minimum power needed by this USB HDD.

Also try to just power up the computer and when you get the boot menu.
Scroll down so it does not auto boot the first entry.
After about 30sec to a minute waiting.
Now select the entry to boot.

Any help?

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by bigpup »

Does no partitioning or formatting; The drive will need to already be partitioned and formatted.

Same applies to Frugalpup Installer.

Information is provided here: ... index.html

The newest version of Frugalpup Installer v41 will have some minor tweaks and bug fixes.

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by Clarity »

I use Ventoy for ALL external, repurposed disks and USBs. Ventoy turns disks/sticks/cards into bootable units. Then, I merely add ISO or IMG files to the units. I boot, bare-metal,my unit. The external boots, lists the distros available and then launches whichever I select from the list.

In my many years of using this pathway, first with ISObooter, then with SG2D, and now with Ventoy, my life to boot PUPs, KLs and DOGs are simple. I merely download any distros of choice, boot them, and save persistence for subsequent boots. [b]My life has been hassle-free and simple[/b].

The ONLY issue that surface are reportable to the developers and in almost every case, they resolve their distro's boot issue when boot problems occur with their distros.

Additionally, should anyone ALSO choose to run the DiskPUP and FurgalPUP utilities within any distro they launch, it works the same as if frugally spread-out over your system drive...without issue.

As trouble-free external HDD/SSD drives are, I NEVER used them, externally, for 'real' productive work beyond their method to boot distros into the operational state. ALL session work and sessions changes are saved to my system drive(s). This takes advantage of the stability and performance difference between the PCI bus and the USB bus.

Lastly, since 2019, I have been using disk labels versus UUID. My reason is that on each PC I have, I label the partititons with consistent names. Thus same boot options can be used no matter which PC platform I attach the USB to. This negates any need I would have for UUID, as, the forum distros affords label names use in boot parms.

Again, my life is hassel-free and simple to get to desktops. If anyone need helps I'm available. I have used all the boot-launchers on this forum; namely ISObooter, SG2D and Ventoy. And,. I have used them on bare-metal via USB path, bare-metal via secondary System drive path, and via booting-using these launchers in a VM environment as boot devices.

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozboomer »

mikeslr wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 2:15 pm

Not sure. But with an external hard-drive connected via a USB-cable I think --with the drive plugged in-- you have to set bios to give boot priority to USB-devices; then put the boot-loader on the USB-Hard drive, itself.

Quickly... I'm consistently using the 'Press F8 for boot menu' or equivalent that most motherboards provide, so the boot order isn't relevant here... and the grub2 bootloader is being loaded onto the external USB flash/HDD so the internal HDDs aren't used...

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozboomer »

bigpup wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:32 pm


Make a new partition table (using the old partition table can still have unwanted stuff in the table)
Then make partition(s)


Also try to just power up the computer and when you get the boot menu.
Scroll down so it does not auto boot the first entry.
After about 30sec to a minute waiting.
Now select the entry to boot.

Oooo, these are interesting and good things to think about, f'sure... Will give these a go next... although, I never let the 'timeout' fully countdown in all of these experiments.


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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozboomer »

bigpup wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:32 pm


Make a new partition table (using the old partition table can still have unwanted stuff in the table)
Then make partition(s)


Also try to just power up the computer and when you get the boot menu.
Scroll down so it does not auto boot the first entry.
After about 30sec to a minute waiting.
Now select the entry to boot.

Tried these options... and no difference.

Clarity wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 6:02 pm

I use Ventoy for ALL external, repurposed disks and USBs. Ventoy turns disks/sticks/cards into bootable units. Then, I merely add ISO or IMG files to the units. I boot, bare-metal,my unit. The external boots, lists the distros available and then launches whichever I select from the list.

Another bootloader... but I'll give it a try...

Sidetracking back to my original question(!)... Found something... but still to explore some...

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by Clarity »

ozboomer wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 11:53 pm


Clarity wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 6:02 pm

I use Ventoy for ALL external, repurposed disks and USBs. Ventoy turns disks/sticks/cards into bootable units. Then, I merely add ISO or IMG files to the units. I boot, bare-metal,my unit. The external boots, lists the distros available and then launches whichever I select from the list.

Another bootloader... but I'll give it a try...

Sidetracking back to my original question(!)... Found something... but still to explore some...

No, its NOT a boot-loader. Its a boot launcher. Its job is to list bootables and allow you to select any bootables you have on your system. This can be OSes installed on disk units the system sees, as well as directly launch ISO or IMG files as if they are installed.

If you choose to test/use the ISO launchers I have written extensively about on the forum. Just followed the prescribed steps. BE SURE to use the folders placements on the Ventoy partitions indicated in the instructions as they are consistent with forum distro structures; as it will allow you several manners to avoid problems that a few distros present. Those steps are organized and battle-tested to reduce problems making it easy to report to development should boot problems with their distro releases surface.

You will make your Ventoy disk only once in its lifetime and you will add ISOs or IMGs as you will/choose for as long as you have the disk. No ISO/IMG extractions are necessary and no distro boot menu changes are necessary. Boot, run, and save-sessions for any forum distro as you normally would.

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by bigpup »

I know this topic is about getting Bionicpup64 booting from this USB hard drive.

But much newer versions of Puppy have many improvements to the overall way Puppy operates.

Does any other Puppy version installed on this USB HDD boot OK?
Fossapup64 9.5?
BookwormPup64 10.06?

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by Clarity »

Just tested this PUP launched from my Ventoy USB and from a Ventoy HDD on bare-metal and via VM. All boots to desktop without issues. Merely downloaded the BIONIC ISO file to the BOOTISOS folder on Ventoy partition, and booted the USB (or HDD that was tested).

Ventoy version.jpg
Ventoy version.jpg (40.14 KiB) Viewed 2809 times

To direct it to a location for saving its session, at boot-time add psave="partition-label":/"folder to contain the session" to the linux line and boot. In my case, ALL of my sessions are kept on a system drive partition labeled "Persistence" within a folder there named "Sessions". Thus my parm added to Bionic's boot menu is psave=Persistence:/Sessions/.

No issues in operations to report. Everything works as expected. At shutdown, session is save as designated.

Ventoy version(1).jpg
Ventoy version(1).jpg (167.72 KiB) Viewed 2809 times

Just a report to show success.

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Re: Bionicpup64: Boot Issue on Older PC with USB HDD - updating initrd.gz?

Post by ozboomer »

Have been through a few iterations now.. and Ventoy, in particular, boots to 'hieroglyphics' on the 'problem PC' (verified download, md5sum, etc ... and referencing this post), written to USB flash drives and USB HDDs and can't get past the hieroglyphics with any usage of Ventoy... but it starts Ok on other PCs. Problem with those is that Ventoy gets confused with grub installed on their internal HDDs.

Have spent too much time trying to get the 'problem PC' to work properly with USB HDD, so have gone with the additional USB Flash drive boot for this PC only; other PCs boot Ok with grub2 and Bionic on USB HDD.

Many thanks for the suggestions...

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