QEMU Puppy guest networking fails "no route to host"

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QEMU Puppy guest networking fails "no route to host"

Post by Michele31415 »

I'm running Puppy 'puppy_binoicpup64_8.0.sfs' as a QEMU v. 8.2.0 VM on a Sun T4-1 host. It runs fine except that I can't get networking going. I'm using one of the hosts hardware NIC's (net2) for Puppy and I start it with the QEMU arguments

"-device e1000,netdev=net2 -netdev user,id=net2"

The Puppy network wizard says it "found a live network" on eth0 and I set a static IP there (

But even


returns failed: No route to host.

traceroute (the LAN's router) returns just

1 ( 3037.606 ms !H


and it shows 46 packets sent but 0 received.

Apparently eth0 isn't hooked up properly to the Sun's NIC. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

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Re: QEMU Puppy guest networking fails "no route to host"

Post by Clarity »

Running the VM: Lets assume upon desktop your distro did not get a dhcp address from the host OR the one that was originally assigned is not what you wanted.

Question: Which?

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Re: QEMU Puppy guest networking fails "no route to host"

Post by Michele31415 »

Um, I'm not quite sure I understand the question. The NIC on the Sun host has a hand-assigned static IP. I gave the Puppy guest a different static IP on the same LAN to avoid any issues with DHCP. I'm not sure I have networking set up correctly on the guest. Should I be giving it a 192.168.0.x IP on ym LAN or a 10.0.2.x IP for QEMU?

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Re: QEMU Puppy guest networking fails "no route to host"

Post by Clarity »

Hello @Michele31415
In your VM, not your host, please post the results of these 2 terminal commands
arp & "ip addr"

Further, are you using SAMBA on your host for LAN services? This would be a way to do a simple test I use demonstrating a function LAN connection from VM to host for all forum distros.

From the sound of things, you may need to create a bridge on the host for the manner you are trying to use your VM. But, lets start with the results requested.

PS: it would be nice if you posted your complete QEMU command you used on the host to define your VM

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Re: QEMU Puppy guest networking fails "no route to host"

Post by Michele31415 »

Clarity wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 3:19 am

Hello @Michele31415
In your VM, not your host, please post the results of these 2 terminal commands
arp & "ip addr"


Clarity wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 3:19 am

Further, are you using SAMBA on your host for LAN services?


Clarity wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 3:19 am

From the sound of things, you may need to create a bridge on the host for the manner you are trying to use your VM. But, lets start with the results requested.

I thought using a spare NIC on the host would be easier than trying to configure a bridge.

Clarity wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 3:19 am

PS: it would be nice if you posted your complete QEMU command you used on the host to define your VM

Code: Select all

/bkpool/qemuimages$ qemu-system-x86_64 -hda Puppy.img -cdrom
bionicpup64-8.0-uefi.iso -boot c -m 2G -vga std  -usb -device usb-tablet
-smp 3 -device e1000,netdev=net2 -netdev user,id=net2

...and this is the ifconfig for the net2 nic on the host:

1500 index 6
    inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
    ether 0:10:e0:8a:11:3a
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Re: QEMU Puppy guest networking fails "no route to host"

Post by Clarity »

Hello @Michele31415

OK, I want to back-track a bit with you. I do not have BionicPUP64. IIRC it is rather dated LTS. Further, the back-track will help both of us to solve.

I do have 2 newer 'Ubuntu' flavor Forum distros ISO files that are built on its 2020 LTS presently on my test PCs; namely FossaPUP64 and its Puppy Community Edition F96-CE.

As this is a VM you 'may' want to use one of these newer LTSs. Thus, What I would like you to try is to boot using either of my QEMU stanzas; and when on the VM's desktop, enter the commands I ask.

Choose one of the following for a VM definitions, verbatim.
(These are tested and create a specific working virtual PC.)

  • qemu-system-x86_64 -name "FossaPUP64 ISO file boot" -enable-kvm -vga std -m 2G -smp 2 -device AC97 -net nic -net user -rtc base=localtime -boot d -cdrom fossapup64-9.5.iso

OR the following ISO file

  • qemu-system-x86_64 -name "F96CE_4 ISO file boot" -enable-kvm -vga std -m 2G -smp 2 -device AC97 -net nic -net user -rtc base=localtime -boot d -cdrom F96-CE_4.iso

Once on the VM's desktop open a terminal and report the results of these commands

Code: Select all

arp # what does the adapter see in this VM
ip address # what is the adapter address in this VM
ping -c 2 ibm.com # is the internet reachable in this VM
smbclient -U% -L # is the host running SAMBA

These give me a baseline of what is working between your VM and the host which started it.

Does this satisfy any of your objective.

Later, we may need to have the host build a bridge. There are couple of host packages that will assist. OR, we can do it manually. You should not need the complexity of having to manage 2 NICs via your host PC for most things. But we can address that after I am clear on what is currently working.

BTW: You mentioned the host processor, but which OS/distro are you running on the host and which QEMU version qemu-system-x86_64 --version.

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Re: QEMU Puppy guest networking fails "no route to host"

Post by Michele31415 »

Clarity wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 6:23 am

Once on the VM's desktop open a terminal and report the results of these commands

OK, sounds good. I tried FossaPup64. I had to remove the kvm option because there isn't any kvm on the T4-1. I also removed the AC97 option because there's no sound card on this machine. It's much slower compared to Bionic but I got the desktop running.

Clarity wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 6:23 am

Does this satisfy any of your objective.

No networking yet...

Clarity wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 6:23 am

Later, we may need to have the host build a bridge. There are couple of host packages that will assist. OR, we can do it manually. You should not need the complexity of having to manage 2 NICs via your host PC for most things. But we can address that after I am clear on what is currently working.

Right now I'm thinking using one dedicated hardware NIC for the VM will be easier. It also will prevent my possibly losing connection to the host if I mess up its nic somehow.

Clarity wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 6:23 am

BTW: You mentioned the host processor, but which OS/distro are you running on the host and which QEMU version qemu-system-x86_64 --version.

Yes, the host is a Sun T4-1 running Solaris 11.4 SPARC. QEMU version is 8.2.0.

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Re: QEMU Puppy guest networking fails "no route to host"

Post by Clarity »

OK, from the looks of things your host is NOT providing LAN service to your VM. That why there is no IP address shown from "ip address" and other useful needs to your VM's LAN needs.

I am NOT any help on Solaris and its packages. So cannot offer any experience to help. So from this point on, its speculations (actually wild-ass guesses) from me going forward. So in the obvious vein of guess work, I would do one the following.

  1. If available, I would install Virt-Manager if available for your system and use it for setup of your VM. I would do this, even IF, you add a 2nd NIC. This 'should' ease the pain in getting the host to provide LAN service via the current NIC or even a 2nd NIC to the VMs you will run.

    Best offer for Solaris I can provide, ATM.

  2. Another options is to dumpster dive at your local Computer Repair for a working X86-64 PC with at least 4GB of RAM and use it, both, for running PUPs and also for this manner of running VMs from QEMU. In some cases, you might find them providing a useful system from this decade for less than the cost of a NIC for a Solaris.

  3. Appeal to a Solaris forum as someone there may have a solution

I would start with #3, above as Solaris may have some system update that addresses activating host services for QEMU to extend the features the VM needs for VM's LAN successes. The QEMU you are using is great and is up to date. Your QEMU virtual PC, physically, doesn't have a problem as the Fossa sees the PC components.

Wish I could be more help to you.

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Re: QEMU Puppy guest networking fails "no route to host"

Post by Michele31415 »

That's OK - I really do appreciate you're looking into it. I'll try asking the QEMU forum.

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