Hello @Michele31415
OK, I want to back-track a bit with you. I do not have BionicPUP64. IIRC it is rather dated LTS. Further, the back-track will help both of us to solve.
I do have 2 newer 'Ubuntu' flavor Forum distros ISO files that are built on its 2020 LTS presently on my test PCs; namely FossaPUP64 and its Puppy Community Edition F96-CE.
As this is a VM you 'may' want to use one of these newer LTSs. Thus, What I would like you to try is to boot using either of my QEMU stanzas; and when on the VM's desktop, enter the commands I ask.
Choose one of the following for a VM definitions, verbatim.
(These are tested and create a specific working virtual PC.)
OR the following ISO file
Once on the VM's desktop open a terminal and report the results of these commands
Code: Select all
arp # what does the adapter see in this VM
ip address # what is the adapter address in this VM
ping -c 2 ibm.com # is the internet reachable in this VM
smbclient -U% -L # is the host running SAMBA
These give me a baseline of what is working between your VM and the host which started it.
Does this satisfy any of your objective.
Later, we may need to have the host build a bridge. There are couple of host packages that will assist. OR, we can do it manually. You should not need the complexity of having to manage 2 NICs via your host PC for most things. But we can address that after I am clear on what is currently working.
BTW: You mentioned the host processor, but which OS/distro are you running on the host and which QEMU version qemu-system-x86_64 --version