I have nothing but praise for GXine...!

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I have nothing but praise for GXine...!

Post by mikewalsh »

Evening, gang.

As the primary Puppy on the old Dell Latitude I bought year before last, I run Xenialpup64. It's the best blend between being able to run modern browsers, etc, and being sufficiently lightweight to not bog the Core2Duo down too much. It really does run nicely on here.

I have a huge library of movies, which I now have sitting on a 512 GB SanDisk Ultra 'Fit' USB 3.2 Gen1 flashdrive which is permanently plugged-in to one of the 4 onboard USB 2.0 ports. I've been trying to find the best media player for this old girl.....which won't make the CPU or the Nvidia mobile GPU run too hot.

Anthing mPlayer-based seems to have the oddity of refusing to correctly re-size on the Lat. Kodi is just too 'heavy', and VLC, though it runs well, makes the GPU run way too hot for my liking. I'd more or less given up on finding anything that will play nice with this hardware.......and then I suddenly had a brainwave. I'd forgotten all about Xine, and its sibling app GXine (which has a nicer GUI than Xine itself).

I used to use this on many of my older 32-bit Pups on the ancient Compaq desktop some years back. It's beautifully optimised for low-powered hardware, and it runs very sweetly here on the Lat; CPU temps hover around 45C, the Nvidia Quadro mobile GPU doesn't get much above 58-60C, and - best of all! - I can watch movies in full-screen with no tearing, flickering OR buffering.

It does take a bit of setting-up - the options in Preferences are quite extensive, and can be a bit confusing to some - and it's nothing special to look at, though the interface is neat, tidy and nicely functional. We've most of us gradually become accustomed to steadily more powerful hardware, and the old days of Puppians really NEEDING to stick with minimalist apps are receding into the past.....meaning that 'mainstream' apps are now much easier to run. However, I reckon I've found the ideal media player for this particular setup. :thumbup: For anyone else running Core2Duo-era hardware, I can thoroughly recommend it. Light as a feather - libxine2 takes care of EVERYTHING - it's available in the parent repos of most Puppies.

Mike. :D

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Re: I have nothing but praise for GXine...!

Post by BarryK »

Yes, I recall back in the day, liking Gxine.
It handled DVDs nicely; at least that is what comes up in my memory.

I just checked, Gxine project last update was in 2017.
The underlying libxine project is still active, last update Jan 2023.


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Re: I have nothing but praise for GXine...!

Post by ozsouth »

@mikewalsh - I made xine packages until a couple of years ago. I liked that it could record tv via my tv-tuner stick. Gxine has a much better interface though & it is libxine that drives them (& some other front ends too).

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Re: I have nothing but praise for GXine...!

Post by mikewalsh »

Hi, guys.

@BarryK :-

Yes, I was looking at their site last night. Kinda makes me wonder whether the newer builds of libxine would still work with GXine? I don't mind the look of Xine's own interface, but I've never been able to get it to actually function! GXine, though plain and nicely minimalist, does work - beautifully on the Lat! - and even lets me watch stuff in full-screen without any artifacts OR overheating the GPU. Which is a bonus.

(You DO have to be careful with these older mobile Quadros, 'cos they were built around the time the industry was switching to lead-free solder.....and from what @wizard tells me - and what research shows me - it appears the joints were prone to cracking if they got too hot. They appreciate a bit of TLC!)


@ozsouth :-

Like I said, I'd forgotten all about it, Dave. It's very well optimized for low resource hardware; there's no point my using it on the big desktop rig, 'cos I've got RAM/storage coming out of my ears with that one, so anything will run.......but for the 2008 Latitude (Core2Duo & just 4 GB RAM), it seems a match made in heaven. I'm very pleased with it! :D

Mike. ;)

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