Wayland Desktops

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Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

Hyprland has been a premier for awhile in stably exploiting the Wayland technology for user use.

Now, KDE has come along and has taken on a new level of advancing WAyland with additional user friendliness. KDE is also freeing developers needs for some-any-many additional desktop Wayland usability add-ons as it is built-in for user uses. Pipewire needs are built-in as well.

I do not see these 2 products as a battle; rather I see them as a choice. This choice is similar to what is in the PUP community with Openbox and others in the OOTB builds for X11 over the years.

A major difference between Hyprland and KDE is the way hot-keys are provided according to mouse location for 'in-focus' versus 'out-of-focus' when hit. KDE's implementation could be viewed as a better hot-key solution depending...


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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by wiak »

Clarity wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:42 pm

Hyprland has been a premier for awhile in stably exploiting the Wayland technology for user use.

Now, KDE has come along and has taken on a new level of advancing WAyland with additional user friendliness. KDE is also freeing developers needs for some-any-many additional desktop Wayland usability add-ons as it is built-in for user uses. Pipewire needs are built-in as well.

I do not see these 2 products as a battle; rather I see them as a choice. This choice is similar to what is in the PUP community with Openbox and others in the OOTB builds for X11 over the years.

A major difference between Hyprland and KDE is the way hot-keys are provided according to mouse location for 'in-focus' versus 'out-of-focus' when hit. KDE's implementation could be viewed as a better hot-key solution depending...


I suppose it depends if we are at least partly searching for a distro that is relatively lean in terms of consuming resources. In my relatively recent experience KDE remains quite resource intensive (compared to xfce at least on X11). Whether KDE on Wayland is suddenly less-resource intensive or not I don't know, but doubt it. I haven't myself had time to try Hyprland so again I don't know how resource intensive that is either; I expect more so than the likes of Sway, though I do read that user can configure Hyprland to use less resources at the expense of losing some 'special effects'.

I don't myself care too much about media storage space occupied by a distro (though relatively small remains nice), but I certainly like to keep RAM and CPU resource usage down and especially if likely to be used on virtual machines. KDE certainly runs fine on my main laptop since that is pretty modern and has plenty of RAM, reasonably fast processor and quite a lot of disk storage space.

For various reasons, I continue to enjoy using full install of latest Linux Mint xfce version. It doesn't use Wayland, but does use pipewire. I particularly like that, unlike Ubuntu, it doesn't force snaps down your throat whatsoever, or flatpaks as it happens. I do tend to use AppImages for one or two special apps though since these prove to be very convenient no matter which distro I'm working in.

When it comes to Wayland, I'm certainly interested in it, and no doubt it is the likely continued direction for future distro desktops, but I remain in no overall hurry so when I do ditch X entirely a lot about Wayland usage should be well sorted out, which suits me!

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by moplop »

Clarity wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:42 pm

Hyprland has been a premier for awhile in stably exploiting the Wayland technology for user use.

Now, KDE has come along and has taken on a new level of advancing WAyland with additional user friendliness. KDE is also freeing developers needs for some-any-many additional desktop Wayland usability add-ons as it is built-in for user uses. Pipewire needs are built-in as well.

I do not see these 2 products as a battle; rather I see them as a choice. This choice is similar to what is in the PUP community with Openbox and others in the OOTB builds for X11 over the years.

A major difference between Hyprland and KDE is the way hot-keys are provided according to mouse location for 'in-focus' versus 'out-of-focus' when hit. KDE's implementation could be viewed as a better hot-key solution depending...


KDE's KWin will definitely always be a solid option simply because of the amount of organizational strength behind it. Hyprland is cool and I enjoy using it within a lot of distributions, but it's 85% written by one college kid who seems to be on a mission to piss off half of the adult Linux world, including OpenDesktop.

Two alternatives that might be worth considering for the PUP community, especially with recent developments are labwc and wayfire, with my gut feeling being that labwc is the stronger choice.

Labwc is designed to be completely compatible with Openbox theming/configurations, which are already in play with a lot of the different variants running around here. It's very lightweight and is mature enough that the LXQt team has been using it as the baseline compositor for their upcoming 2.0 release, which is the first to offer Wayland support. Wayland is obviously weird, since you can drop in *any* compositor into an LXQt session, from labwc to Hyprland to Kwin, etc. Just like you could technically run Kwin-LXQt, OB-LXQt.

One thing that might make labwc more interesting than KWin is the fact that there are no Plasma dependencies or tie-ins. You could theoretically drop in labwc into Sofiya's Hyprland configs with relatively few changes, and have the same bar/panel/keys but now have a stacking window manager instead. It just makes things a bit simpler for experimentation.

As to Wayfire, it doesn't get a lot of attention but it is basically the Picom+OB/i3 of compositors, meaning it adds the flashy effects like blur and all that that can make Hyprland fun, but can also be used as a primarily stacking manager.

But you can search labwc dotfiles on Github for some pretty decent examples of what's already out there. And, it probably won't even be the most popular stacking compositor (after KWin). That'll probably be Mir, which Ubuntu developers are playing around with and I believe would be set to be the baseline compositor for MATE wayland sessions, of all things. There's a tiling version of that, Miracle, which is already working decently well.

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

Based upon these survey results, KLs are ahead of the curve in assessing Linux users.

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Wayland Desktops - KDE

Post by Clarity »

KDE v6.1 has been released.

For me, it offers much OOTB features that are adminishtatively useful. ONE of those I have found useful in past Ubuntu/Fedora/Suse use is XRDP for getting a multimedia desktop without ever walking over to the PC somewhere on the Home's network.

This single feature means I can access and correct the behavior of the PC these KDE v6.1 distros are running on no matter if the connecting PC I am using is Linux or MAC or Wins PC. They all have RDP clients that allow a multimedia connection giving the admin total ability to run/see the EXACT behavior that one would get at the Console of the KDE distros mentioned running KDE on wayland.

This multmedia desktop feature has been MIA on wayland ... until now! KDE has come to the rescue in today's release. I predict that it will be months or maybe years before that feature surfaces on other wayland desktops.

KDE hold much simplicity in use of the modern Pipewire-Wayland systems that have come into the Linux world.

Manufacturer's have contributed to the maturing of these 2 subsystems to ensure correct behaviors in the user experience. The worldwide contributions have contributed as KDE was one of the very first to see benefit to bring a user friendly desktop exploiting the advantages of these subsystem changes.

Dont overlook, too, the nVidia efforts afoot in this announcement.

Here's a UK write-up.


P.S. This is posted here because this area of the forum , 'seemingly', is further along in the use-benefit of the 2 mentioned subsystems, above. This area has produced multiple pipewire-wayland compliant distros over the past years and most likely is capably positioned to a KDE implementation before other forum distros can get up to speed to react and embrace this.

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Wayland Desktops - KDE

Post by Clarity »

I posted, prior, of this missing feature

... multmedia desktop feature has been MIA on wayland ... until now! ...

There are now 10+ distros with KDE v6.1. BUT, several of them have shipped without RDP in the KDE manifest during their distro builds.

That is reported here with instructions.

But several, Fedora v41 for example, that are already actively rectifying this oversight in their build manifest.

Arch Linux has KDE with this as an "installable option". While there's a video, reported earlier, that makes the installation a 1-step (probably unnecessary at this date).

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Re: Wayland Desktops - KDE

Post by Sofiya »

Clarity wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:30 am

I posted, prior, of this missing feature

... multmedia desktop feature has been MIA on wayland ... until now! ...

There are now 10+ distros with KDE v6.1. BUT, several of them have shipped without RDP in the KDE manifest during their distro builds.

That is reported here with instructions.

But several, Fedora v41 for example, that are already actively rectifying this oversight in their build manifest.

Arch Linux has KDE with this as an "installable option". While there's a video, reported earlier, that makes the installation a 1-step (probably unnecessary at this date).

In Void it's called freerdp -> Free RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) client

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

IIRC that is client. Most PUPs and Fatdog have a client as well as all Windows and MACs. But the 'host' or server feature is that what is missing in the early v6.1 manifests; I think.

This is the part of the desktop that allows LAN users to login and get desktop on the v6.1 host. Multiple users can use the PC simultaneously. AND, most importantly, clients use their RDP software to login to the LAN server to get a desktop same as if they were sitting directly in front of the host's console.

A 30 year old technology that allows a useful administrative tool as well as other productive uses to users that have multiple PCs on a LAN for any number of uses without having to travel elsewhere in the home to use.

Today's 64bit PCs have so much power and can support both the local user as well as multiple LAN users simultaneously. Beside, in many/most cases our PCs sits idle.

KDE v6+ on Wayland is making many things turn-key in the desktop. User-friendly and turn-key is the name-of-the-game they are using to attract the Linux users and converts.

Try it. and see how many members jump to it when they find it in the KL kennel. (I will and report KL experiences.)

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Wayland Desktops - KDE

Post by Clarity »

Wow! This video Report just dropped.
And this from the "Linux Network" over the weekend.

Enjoy the info

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

This is just a note of a finding; in case it shows up in a KL.

I am running a Neon Distro dated 20240627 in Live mode where its ISO is launched from Ventoy v1.0.99 USB. This distro is "desktop swift". I mean really fast ... Really, Really fast on bare-metal.

This PC has an old nvidia 250 card connected HDMI to a TV as a monitor.

In live mode it emerges as KDE v6.0. I had expected v6.1. Will test further.

Screenshot_20240701_030333.png (102.75 KiB) Viewed 1371 times

Just a note as I peer at this. This is just a test. Hope I can FirstRibIT later.

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

Of note: The desktop, with FF open to the forum and 3 other sites open in tabs, is idling at 3.5%. Incredible versus the past years of distros on this PC.

Youtube playback without studder.

Bare-metal_20240701_075906.jpeg (35.47 KiB) Viewed 1318 times

This is a good baseline of what we will see in a KL version on this PC.

Last edited by Clarity on Mon Jul 01, 2024 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

Potentially this KDE will attract many-many wayland users quickly. We 'may' see a rapid increase in users should a knowledge of a KL Wayland KDE make it into Google search.

This video moves many users to look for distros that have KDE. Its a short, simple, easy to understand, Intro to Plasma, IMHO. Thus, making it a good desire for many to move to the modern efforts of Pipewire, Wayland, easy to use desktop with places on the internet to reference usage.

Also, it is leaning, strongly, toward an OOTB nvidia adapter experience.

The KL community is uniquely ahead of the modernization movement as it has experience and talent already in these new Linux technologies. Thus its path forward is easier to stable solutions.

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

BTW: A forum post found elsewhere, today, motivated me to do these tests for something modern, friendly, attractive, with good info available to make use easy.

My goals over the years (and KLs and DOGs developers have helped me, as well as some of the WoofCE talents) to present some simple methods for ANY user to step into these forum distros with little to no effort to be successful. Getting to desktop in a simple manner with little to no knowledge is a start. Then desktop friendliness follows, and lastly the ability to save your work until you return makes for a wonderful experience. From there, a user will invest in looking under the hood for the additional jewels the distros offers.

So, I hope this insight is helpful. This insight does NOT ask for agreement, rather, it intends to provide some undertakings that I have focused on over the years. It departs from KISS ... it drives toward "Make it simple or as easy as possible to both understand and use".

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Sofiya »

Clarity wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 2:52 am

This is just a note of a finding; in case it shows up in a KL.

I am running a Neon Distro dated 20240627 in Live mode where its ISO is launched from Ventoy v1.0.99 USB. This distro is "desktop swift". I mean really fast ... Really, Really fast on bare-metal.

This PC has an old nvidia 250 card connected HDMI to a TV as a monitor.

In live mode it emerges as KDE v6.0. I had expected v6.1. Will test further.Screenshot_20240701_030333.png

Just a note as I peer at this. This is just a test. Hope I can FirstRibIT later.

This is just a note of a finding; in case it shows up in a KL.

It will appear in KL if you go and build this distribution and don’t just go around praising how wonderful KDE is :D

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Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

@wiak continues to move the needle forward for KL community and its users along with other members such as @Sofiya.

Recently Wiak shows Fedora versions that FirstRib produces as he is reporting desktop successes. I have always liked Fedora since its inception. As IBM has provided them the money to continue to produce quality Linux products.

Intel has Clear; it is stable but lags in following the Linux desktop direction, they do assist in productions for excellent firmware as can be seen in Clear testing on Intel hardware. I still think they are, minimally, a year behind the times in support of the Pipewire-Wayland efforts to improve the multimedia experience for users in desktop use.

This is a prime reason WHY the KL family on the forum are, as a forum community, ahead.

I look forward to the RDP support upcoming in Fedora and the other distros moving to add that within their KDE manifest and packaging.

If there is interest of what others are experiencing in their wayland movements, here's a video which to me is both comical, yet very human (reflective of ourselves).


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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by geo_c »

Clarity wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:08 pm

@wiak continues to move the needle forward for KL community and its users along with other members such as @Sofiya.

Recently Wiak shows Fedora versions that FirstRib produces as he is reporting desktop successes. I have always liked Fedora since its inception. As IBM has provided them the money to continue to produce quality Linux products.

Intel has Clear; it is stable but lags in following the Linux desktop direction, they do assist in productions for excellent firmware as can be seen in Clear testing on Intel hardware. I still think they are, minimally, a year behind the times in support of the Pipewire-Wayland efforts to improve the multimedia experience for users in desktop use.

This is a prime reason WHY the KL family on the forum are, as a forum community, ahead.

I look forward to the RDP support upcoming in Fedora and the other distros moving to add that within their KDE manifest and packaging.

If there is interest of what others are experiencing in their wayland movements, here's a video which to me is both comical, yet very human (reflective of ourselves).


dude, you should have a podcast called Linux Bleeding Edge: Play-by-Play with @Clarity! :D :D :D

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by geo_c »

In all seriousness though.

The development is pretty exciting. The ability to basically build a frugal of any linux distro opens up all the latest technologies in the broader Linux ecosphere.

So when I get back from vacation, and I will build a KDE from firstribit. Stuff like that.

You should do a build or two with the scripts.

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Sofiya »

geo_c wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:18 pm

In all seriousness though.

The development is pretty exciting. The ability to basically build a frugal of any linux distro opens up all the latest technologies in the broader Linux ecosphere.

So when I get back from vacation, and I will build a KDE from firstribit. Stuff like that.

You should do a build or two with the scripts.

It's not that hard to do, but the point is that KDE is too resource-intensive
So I'll leave it to someone else :ugeek: :)

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

I sense that some 'feel' there is something wrong with the alerts and the accolades of the accomplishments in KL subforum. :?: Am I wrong??? :?:

PM ME if you have issues with me. Maybe they can be resolved without this being public here on the forum where it could waste time from useful work-efforts.

But of course some may feel PUBLIC is their preferred way to communicate 'feelings'.

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

The claim of "Resource Intensive" is a NEGATIVE manner to reference the Linux product you refer.

I am not sure how you are measuring that and would like to know. Would you explain your position on what you mean as "resource intensive"?

I have reported a product use perspective from a single user view. Your manner of reference doesn't match what I have seen. I do believe you may have taken a look on your own and see something you have not presented to us to support your claim.

I ask this as I am genuinely interested.


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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Sofiya »

Clarity wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:37 pm

The claim of "Resource Intensive" is a NEGATIVE manner to reference the Linux product you refer.

I am not sure how you are measuring that and would like to know. Would you explain your position on what you mean as "resource intensive"?

I have reported a product use perspective from a single user view. Your manner of reference doesn't match what I have seen. I do believe you may have taken a look on your own and see something you have not presented to us to support your claim.

I ask this as I am genuinely interested.


You will not receive answers to these questions, because I will keep my opinion to myself. :ugeek: :!:
This will remain my secret, because women should have their own secrets :D
By the way, are you a woman or a man? @Clarity

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by geo_c »

Clarity wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:26 pm

I sense that some 'feel' there is something wrong with the alerts and the accolades of the accomplishments in KL subforum. :?: Am I wrong??? :?:

PM ME if you have issues with me. Maybe they can be resolved without this being public here on the forum where it could waste time from useful work-efforts.

But of course some may feel PUBLIC is their preferred way to communicate 'feelings'.

Not at all man, I'm making that observation in the completely positive sense. And light heartedly. We're all on the same team.

You are giving us a play-by-play of what technologies are coming front, and our standing in the arms race!

And I honestly think you should have your own subsections in the forum. You could post a flow chart and check list of all the OSs and desktops and where they stand in the latest framework adoption. And a progress bar for each of the forum distros in their implementation of these frameworks.

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Clarity »

Sofiya wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:52 pm

By the way, are you a woman or a man? @Clarity

Neither! Just another forum member without gender presenting the same respect to whomever I have encountered in my lifetime.

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by Sofiya »

Clarity wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:18 pm
Sofiya wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:52 pm

By the way, are you a woman or a man? @Clarity

Neither! Just another forum member without gender presenting the same respect to whomever I have encountered in my lifetime.

For some reason that's exactly what I thought ;)
Believe me, sometimes such a strong pressure of yours scares away

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by fredx181 »

Sofiya wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:20 pm
Clarity wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:18 pm
Sofiya wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:52 pm

By the way, are you a woman or a man? @Clarity

Neither! Just another forum member without gender presenting the same respect to whomever I have encountered in my lifetime.

For some reason that's exactly what I thought ;)
Believe me, sometimes such a strong pressure of yours scares away

Super-Woman then perhaps ? :D KDE is for the strongest !! :lol:

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by williwaw »

Clarity wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:18 pm


you are making us guess?

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by rockedge »

what is the advantage in using a KDE desktop? Feels like a lot of eye-candy.

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by williwaw »

rockedge wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 4:34 pm

what is the advantage in using a KDE desktop? Feels like a lot of eye-candy.

some of their basic apps like the file manager an editors are quite nice to use and not easily available without installing a lot of kde dependencies
ie might just as well install the complete DE.

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by fredx181 »

williwaw wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 5:07 pm
rockedge wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 4:34 pm

what is the advantage in using a KDE desktop? Feels like a lot of eye-candy.

some of their basic apps like the file manager an editors are quite nice to use and not easily available without installing a lot of kde dependencies
ie might just as well install the complete DE.

The KDE apps require lots of space indeed, but some don't mind.
The full KDE Desktop is something else, it requires having much RAM (but also, it's a matter of taste of course if you like it or not).

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Re: Wayland Desktops

Post by wiak »

Nothing beats kde app okular for extracting tabular info from pdfs. It is a must have here despite its many dependences.

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