KLV-Hyprland-CE-5.0 stable (v.Hyprland-0.35.0_1 )
Final version
ISO: 933 (MIB)
https://mega.nz/file/5qtB0ZCK#wQvKfL4LM ... 04VoCeWKz4
https://mega.nz/file/k2kAxbrb#Owu6KF26J ... bJZL9keXas
Moderator: Forum moderators
KLV-Hyprland-CE-5.0 stable (v.Hyprland-0.35.0_1 )
Final version
ISO: 933 (MIB)
https://mega.nz/file/5qtB0ZCK#wQvKfL4LM ... 04VoCeWKz4
https://mega.nz/file/k2kAxbrb#Owu6KF26J ... bJZL9keXas
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
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swaylock replaced with an improved one (swaylock-effects)
Ctrl + alt + L
swaylock-effects is also enabled when transitioning in idle mode
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
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KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
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Due to the fact that I do not see feedback from the user, this work was final.
Enjoy! Sofiya.S.V was with you
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
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@Sofiya What? I am using it to build up and update GitHub repos!
my daughter came from Colorado for a visit....she hasn't been home for a long time, so I haven't been able to try out or work on much at the moment. Sorry I have not been keeping up. Had to do some web server admin stuff which occupied some time.
@rockedge @geo_c @wiak
Thank you for being with me!
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
@Sofiya how can I turn the lock screen off and on? Sometimes I work on several machines at once and I don't want to keep putting in a password to get back in. Then when not using the system that much I can turn the lock screen back on.
Thank you for being with me!
OF course! You are one of us.
@wiak is in the middle of a huge move of his household from one country to another......back online soon.......
rockedge wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 5:07 pm@Sofiya how can I turn the lock screen off and on? Sometimes I work on several machines at once and I don't want to keep putting in a password to get back in. Then when not using the system that much I can turn the lock screen back on.
It depends on which bar panel you are using; in some panels, a module is included in the panel; it looks like an eye (crossed out; blocking is on); click on the eye; blocking is disabled. Where there is no such icon, the script is responsible for blocking
Comment out line 18 in
--- #exec-once = ~/.config/hypr/scripts/sleep.sh
module name "idle_inhibitor" . I don’t remember exactly, but I think it’s in all bars, except that it’s not registered in the bar.you need to register it if you need it.
so that it appears on the bar panel.I think it should have been enabled in all panels.
Code: Select all
"idle_inhibitor": {
"format": "{icon}",
"format-icons": {
"activated": "",
"deactivated": ""
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
added to the downloaded .plug file
| xargs -n1 xbps-install -Sy
ln -s /etc/sv/ufw /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ufw
sed -i '/geany/abind = $mainMod ,N, exec, sudo env WAYLAND_DISPLAY="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR\/$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=\/user\/run\/0 dbus-run-session -- gufw-pkexec' /home/spot/.config/hypr/configs/keybinds.conf
Super SHIFT B *Browser (Firefox)
Super N *Firewall (GUFW)
I still haven't figured out why in Firefox the Create xbps package manager opens instead of the downloads folder.
Anyway, everything is great.
Xyz wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:11 pmadded to the downloaded .plug file
| xargs -n1 xbps-install -Sy
ln -s /etc/sv/ufw /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/ufw
sed -i '/geany/abind = $mainMod ,N, exec, sudo env WAYLAND_DISPLAY="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR\/$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=\/user\/run\/0 dbus-run-session -- gufw-pkexec' /home/spot/.config/hypr/configs/keybinds.confcheatsheet.md
Super SHIFT B *Browser (Firefox)
Super N *Firewall (GUFW)I still haven't figured out why in Firefox the Create xbps package manager opens instead of the downloads folder.
Anyway, everything is great.
I still haven't figured out why in Firefox the Create xbps package manager opens instead of the downloads folder.
Anyway, everything is great.
you need to assign folders to open in Pcmanfm (file manager)
right-click on the folder (Downloads) > Open with > System > File manager Pcmanfm. check the box below > set the selected application as default for this file type
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
@Sofiya I AM one of those who are "with you" and have been following praising your work. I haven't responded much as I usually wait for your ISO file to kick off testing. I see today you have upgraded to v5.0 (YEA & YES!!!)
I had used the script, in the past, but, am under the impression it was to be amended with options for ISO creations. (For 5 years now, I dont install Linux OSes and run ALL forum distros from their combined ISO to boot and sessions to enhance the OOTB base system from the "distro developer that is releasing the ISO file".
If the script is not going to be amended, then maybe I can move to create some simple GUI with an option to create the ISO after the base script completes.
Let me know.
@rockedge I must again commend your efforts in moving KLs into a GIT relationship. This, I think, does expand the number of people who would gravitate to KLs (developers and some users alike) as well as coordinating development of KLs going forward in 2024. I dont see any downside in KL development being on GIT as it is a mature platform well understood by so many.
Thanks for ALL of your efforts in helping all of us.
P.S. ENJOY your time with your family...we'll be just fine when you return.
Clarity wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:52 pm@Sofiya I AM one of those who are "with you" and have been following praising your work. I haven't responded much as I usually wait for your ISO file to kick off testing. I see today you have upgraded to v5.0 (YEA & YES!!!)
I had used the script, in the past, but, am under the impression it was to be amended with options for ISO creations. (For 5 years now, I dont install Linux OSes and run ALL forum distros from their combined ISO to boot and sessions to enhance the OOTB base system from the "distro developer that is releasing the ISO file".
If the script is not going to be amended, then maybe I can move to create some simple GUI with an option to create the ISO after the base script completes.
Let me know.
An image for you viewtopic.php?p=113968#p113968
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
rockedge wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 5:07 pm@Sofiya how can I turn the lock screen off and on? Sometimes I work on several machines at once and I don't want to keep putting in a password to get back in. Then when not using the system that much I can turn the lock screen back on.
example of module registration
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
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Yes I'm an avid user of the systems you create. They are the only systems l use actually, with the addition of F96.
I'm trying to keep up, Hyprland will take me some time to understand since I'm very bad at running as any other user but root.
However, what I plan to do, having built Hyprland 4.6 from your script, is run Hyprland 5.0 for awhile and when I learn how to operate it properly, then I plan to modify the plug to create an audio Hyprland like the 08layer Airedale, but built into the rootfs from the scipt. This way anyone interested can build an audio Hyprland without having to download a very large iso.
Old School Hipster, and Such
rockedge wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 5:10 pmThank you for being with me!
OF course! You are one of us.
@wiak is in the middle of a huge move of his household from one country to another......back online soon.......
wiak (being me) is now in the other country but in the middle of a mess. Very intermittent internet here; just prior to 9am and after 11pm by which time I am sleeping usually - this is effecting my partner's business badly so we have emergency routine where we take transport and laptops and so on to tourist restaurant that has starlink so we can try and keep up with work demands. As you might imagine, I am left no time for KL/Puppy kind of work at all - I am doing a lot of emergency IT for the business since all sorts of things don't work here and specially now that our phone numbers are all changed (and dodgy connections there too) so verification codes are proving to be another nightmare. I don't know the future, but I keep hoping. Overall, I hoped to be back relaxed and able to do KL/FirstRib work this month some time, but now the house build completion turns out to be at least another 3 months (more like 6 maybe...). Patience they say is a virtue. Manyana.
DOWNLOAD wd_multi for hundreds of 'distros' at your fingertips: viewtopic.php?p=99154#p99154
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idle inhibitor and gufw are included in the assembly
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
I saw this comment.
This way anyone interested can build an audio Hyprland without having to download a very large iso.
I think this refers that "an audio KLV-Hyprland is larger than a "non-audio KLV-Hyprland" due to the additional components musicians and audiophiles who want."
In the following, I use the word 'builder' to refer to the software script(s) that are used for creating a running system.
This 'size' thing keeps cropping up in discussion. But, users DONT CARE as long as they get the stable functionality they require for whatever work production they need with good operating performance when using the enclosed products. Further, they want to step into a platform that the builder provides that is enclosed such that they, the user, wont need to diagnose the building technique(s) along with the operational techniques when things go wrong. This, in fact, burdens the distro/app builder developer as he must pay attention to users who get the build process wrong for any reason versus having to ONLY address system's running operational issues.
If you can, and it doesn't burden, an ISO/IMG would get users focused merely on operational results and any diagnosis they have. This also speed contributing responses as they focus on the operational behaviors versus building outcomes before use.
I found in my past, that use of builders (no matter, SUSE, or others in/out of this forum) cost as much in package downloads than if I had an ISO/IMG. We all admit a builder (aka 'script') is much smaller, but the overall downloading sizes for an operational distro are not different than the OOTB ISO/IMG.
Builder Advantage
The builders we have on the forum has a key advantage to knowledgeable users: The ability to modify a builder to recreate a distro under the knowledgeable user's own personal controls which may or may not mimic the developer's ISO/IMG release.
OK, time for me to get to reporting my experiences with booting and testing, again. Simple report forthcoming.
BTW: The KL distros are NOT out-of-line in their ISO sizes that any other forum distros. Yet KLs are BEAUTIFUL!
After a week or so of not making a new build, yesterday evening I I ran the latest hyprland 5.0 build script, which built successfully. Everything except the issue below is running well. I like the new waybar you have included.
I am experiencing a weird issue occurring in root terminals. If i cycle up in the terminal through bash history, the commands are displayed and function correctly. If I cycle up, then down, the command is displayed with the first 10 characters of the previous command. Backspacing to clear the command line won't clear these 10 characters. These extra characters don't appear to interfere with the command being executed. It's just really strange. In the example in the screeenshot, I issued an ls command, then pressed the up arrow, followed by the down arrow, which should have displayed a prior cat command I ran.
I have checked in running a terminal as spot, which isn't affected. Terminals function correctly. This issue has not happened in any previous KLV_hyprlands I have downloaded or built.
New Laptop - ASUS ZenBook Ryzen 7 5800H Vega 7 iGPU / 16 GB RAM
TerryH wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:32 amAfter a week or so of not making a new build, yesterday evening I I ran the latest hyprland 5.0 build script, which built successfully. Everything except the issue below is running well. I like the new waybar you have included.
I am experiencing a weird issue occurring in root terminals. If i cycle up in the terminal through bash history, the commands are displayed and function correctly. If I cycle up, then down, the command is displayed with the first 10 characters of the previous command. Backspacing to clear the command line won't clear these 10 characters. These extra characters don't appear to interfere with the command being executed. It's just really strange. In the example in the screeenshot, I issued an ls command, then pressed the up arrow, followed by the down arrow, which should have displayed a prior cat command I ran.I have checked in running a terminal as spot, which isn't affected. Terminals function correctly. This issue has not happened in any previous KLV_hyprlands I have downloaded or built.
Uncomment line 17 in /root/.bashrc
remove the line "PS1=" in /root/.bashrc
lines 19,20,21
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Sofiya wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:47 amTerryH wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:32 amAfter a week or so of not making a new build, yesterday evening I I ran the latest hyprland 5.0 build script, which built successfully. Everything except the issue below is running well. I like the new waybar you have included.
I am experiencing a weird issue occurring in root terminals. If i cycle up in the terminal through bash history, the commands are displayed and function correctly. If I cycle up, then down, the command is displayed with the first 10 characters of the previous command. Backspacing to clear the command line won't clear these 10 characters. These extra characters don't appear to interfere with the command being executed. It's just really strange. In the example in the screeenshot, I issued an ls command, then pressed the up arrow, followed by the down arrow, which should have displayed a prior cat command I ran.I have checked in running a terminal as spot, which isn't affected. Terminals function correctly. This issue has not happened in any previous KLV_hyprlands I have downloaded or built.
Uncomment line 17 in /root/.bashrc
remove the line "PS1=" in/root/.bashrc
lines 19,20,21
Thank you, issue is fixed now. Your continued development effort with KLV_hyprland has produced an excellent Kennel Linux variant. It is my go to distribution.
New Laptop - ASUS ZenBook Ryzen 7 5800H Vega 7 iGPU / 16 GB RAM
Clarity wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:47 pmThis 'size' thing keeps cropping up in discussion. But, users DONT CARE as long as they get the stable functionality they require for whatever work production they need with good operating performance when using the enclosed products.
If you can, and it doesn't burden, an ISO/IMG would get users focused merely on operational results and any diagnosis they have. This also speed contributing responses as they focus on the operational behaviors versus building outcomes before use.
I haven't created an iso in a long time, but I'm sure it isn't too difficult with the correct utility. My main reason for saying the iso is too big, is that with all the audio packages, plugins, and support files (audio samples etc), my Airedale-Studio 07rootfs is 1.4GB. The iso format has it's origin I believe in CD/DVD, and they have limits, though perhaps those simply using the iso format as a compression container for net download transfer really don't care. But that 1.4GB is just the rootfs, and not the firmware, modules, and kernel. It was for that reason that I surmised that perhaps a script is a better option. However iso is fine also if download network speeds allow, and the format doesn't have the old limits of physical media.
Old School Hipster, and Such
AS you know I am not being critical, but merely offering ideas that may be useful.
The other option is something similar I saw some forum developers use from time-to-time: An entry in the running Menu that when clicked it offers the user the install step that will upgrade/add the new feature to the system from the internet/KL's REPO.
This way, it will reduce the opportunity for err by the user as it will load into the running system in a way the developer knows will work (thus less work for dev support).
Your packaging which is a good one is accessible.
Its just some ideas. Either way can help INCLUDING the plug you offer.
Using the ISO in QEMU on BKWP64 Host, the ISO appears to fail before desktop. I switch its video from from 'std' to 'cirrus' in the stanza, but I still am not reaching desktop. I want to achieve the desktop you show above:
Code: Select all
qemu-system-x86_64 -name "HyprlandCD by Sofiya" -enable-kvm -smp 2 -m 2048 -vga cirrus -device AC97 -net nic -net user -rtc base=localtime -cdrom KLV-HyprlandCE-5.0.iso
Is anyone else seeing the same results?
not startx but Hyprland there are no X's here
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
Code: Select all
shutdown - sudo loginctl poweroff
reboot - sudo loginctl reboot
logout - sudo loginctl terminate-user $USER
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free
In a VM via Ventoy, the ISO produces the same outcome: 'no desktop'. Same results being launched from SG2D. This may be something minor that I am overlooking. What are your VM results? Do you have a sample QEMU stanza?
I did find that sudo poweroff
at the prompt in the VM worked.
On bare-metal launching via Ventoy, the ISO goes to desktop:
Forum |
------ Bare-Metal ------ |
------- QEMU (VM) ------- |
Distro |
Ventoy |
SG2D |
Native |
Ventoy |
SG2D |
Distro KLV-HyprlandCE-5.0.iso |
Ventoy Y |
SG2D Y |
Native N(2) |
Ventoy N(2) |
SG2D N(2) |
PXE N(6) |
Legend for 'N' (No) in table
(1) - Drops out to GRUB prompt
(2) - Stops at Console w/o Desktop
(3) - TRAP/Abend during boot
(4) - IMG Not Supported by Launcher
(5) - Requires session-save parm, manually added, to GRUB2 Menu stanza for boot
(6) - Not tested
Final version
KL-Linux https://sofijacom.github.io
KL LINUX Simple fast free