Portable build of WINE "stable" - AppImage-based - currently at v10.0...

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Portable build of WINE "stable" - AppImage-based - currently at v10.0...

Post by mikewalsh »

Evening, gang. Now then:-

Some of you are already familiar with the AppImage-based 'portable' WINE packages I've produced. Not as fancy as Shinobar's, but a lot easier to update.


This was all of 18 months ago. At the time, 4.0.4 and 5.11 weren't SO far "out-of-date". But WINE development doesn't stand still; in fact the speed of development has been charging full steam ahead at almost breakneck pace this last year or two. We're now currently into the early stages of the 10-series.


I wanted to see if I couldn't update the 'portable' AppImage-based packages. Ferion11 hasn't produced anything since 5.11, but there's quite a number of folks producing AppImage builds of WINE, in all kinds of 'flavours'. I did some hunting around, and after sorting the wheat from the chaff settled on this Github page as providing an AppImage closest in concept to Ferion11's builds, AND capable of being used in much the same manner.

However, these aren't quite as simple as just downloading/dropping into what t'other Mike calls the "Framework". In addition to the standard 32-bit stuff, these also contain the entire range of SysWOW64 components......along with not only Linux libs for interfacing with your system, but also Unix libs as well! Consequently, I've had to re-jig things somewhat, and the 'LINK' scripts have also needed some editing, too.


Anyways; here is a 'portable', AppImage-based build of WINE 9.3 WINE 10.0. It all works very nicely.....the only 'fly in the ointment' being that this requires minimum glibc 2.30 to run in Puppy. In effect, this means PhilB's original Fossapup64 9.5 is the oldest Pup they'll run under.....or anything newer. This might solve your Voidpup64 "issues", Mike! Worth a try, I would think...

Me being me, I now have this functioning like a dream with Xenialpup64! I performed a complete re-install of this just 3 or 4 weeks ago; my 5+ yr-old previous install was getting "iffy", and had developed several irritating 'quirks', along with a couple of issues that were just sucking the fun out of using it. I rebuilt Xenial64 using Fossa64's kernel, zdrv & fdrv, along with re-building the base Xenial SFS to use glibc 2.28 from josejp2424's original Busterpup64. It was simple enough matter to re-build the base SFS again, but this time with Fossa64's glibc 2.31.....and WINE-portable64 9.3 runs quite happily.

EDIT:- mmtrt must have changed his build environment, as these will now function under Bionic64's glibc 2.27 onwards. (Tahr64 is running glibc 2.28 from josejp2424's Busterpup64 from a few years back).


I will stress ONE point quite strongly. It's NOT a good idea to try and use an existing "prefix" originally stocked with 32-bit apps. At almost every attempt to run something, if there's a 64-bit build available for the app in question, WINE now "recommends" you obtain the 64-bit version, and promptly quits on you. Where older items were only ever produced as a 32-bit .exe, and are no longer under active development, it WILL let you run them.....though, quite illogically, they sometimes get installed to 'Program Files' (where 64-bit apps should go), and sometimes to 'Program Files (x86)' - which is where you would expect 32-bit items to go. There's no rhyme or reason for this, seemingly.

Top and bottom of the matter, you'll basically need to re-install most stuff using 64-bit versions. Where 32-bit apps WILL run, you'll notice that operation takes quite a bit longer; all 32-bit stuff runs somewhat slower. The delays can be quite frustrating on older hardware; the "big rig" Pavilion shrugs them off, not even noticing them.....but older equipment, like the D630 Latitude WILL "struggle" quite a bit. I tried 9.3 on the Lat earlier this evening, gave up on it, and reverted back to ferion11's 5.11 as being the "sweet spot" for hardware of this vintage. There's no getting away from it; tech progresses - quite rapidly! - and eventually hardware/software/OSs DO get 'left behind' by the relentless pace of development. At some point, you WILL have to say "Enough's enough. No more..."

There's no way to avoid it. Sooner or later, even the fanciest, most high-tech equipment will eventually turn into a door-stop.


For anybody who may be interested, you can find WINE-portable64 9.3 10.0 at my Google Drive:-

WINE AppImage-based 'portable' builds

  • Download

  • Unzip

  • Move it outside the 'save' - either /mnt/home or a different drive/partition

  • Click to enter

  • Use the 'Link' script to link it into your system. Winecfg should run automatically when you do, creating 2 sym-links in /root; /root/.wine-staging-appimage, and /root/.wine. These both point back to 'wine-staging-appimage' within the portable, this being the 'prefix' name that mmtrt's builds expect to find

No MenuAdd/Remove scripts here, because they're not needed. During the 'Link' procedure, a few 'standard' Windows/WINE items will be added to your main Menu.......courtesy of @mikeslr . However, the main disadvantage of this way of building a 'portable' WINE is you haven't got all the fancy stuff shinobar employed, to find every app's .exe file and present them all in a list for you. In many cases, dragging the .exe onto the desktop will work as a launcher. If you want Menu entries, we can help with those. They're extremely simple to create.


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Re: Portable build of WINE 9.3 "staging" - AppImage-based...

Post by charlie6 »

Hi Mike,
many thanks for this new wine 9.3 Appimage which I'm giving a try at now as I have difficulties in running wine-portable-3.3_v2.1 on FossaPup64 F96-CE_4-RT (glibc 2.31)

Here have an error message «wine: could not load kernel32.dll, status c0000135» although kernell32.dll has been found by Pfind at location:
(see screenshot attached)

The cut1df.exe file is a free tiny application I have been using for «decades (quite! ;-) )» on various wine versions (running on Win XP and earlier ME,98,95 - not on 3.1 etc..), so I believe it could well run on this wine 9.3 with WinXP setting on winecfg.

Thanks for any answer!
Best regards, Charlie

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Re: Portable build of WINE 9.3 "staging" - AppImage-based...

Post by mikewalsh »

@charlie6 :-

Mm-hm. It might not be the version of 'kernel32.dll' your application is expecting to find.....especially if you've been using it that long. The provided one may well be TOO new...

Perhaps swap it for an older version, see if that makes any difference? That's the only thing that occurs to me off-hand, like. Aside from that, the intricacies of WINE & Windoze have always been a complete mystery to me..!

Sorry I can't be of more help. Perhaps @mikeslr might have some ideas...

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Re: Portable build of WINE 9.3 "staging" - AppImage-based...

Post by vtpup »

Thanks Mike, 9.3 works great. AND, it runs old Google Sketchup 7 and 8, which as I probably repeat ad nauseum by now, is my only WINE must-have capability. Nice to be able to move up this far in wine versions and still run the old standby programs from a dozen years or so ago. And in a portable application, as well. Nice work!

I wanted the 64 bit program capability to try to run FBReader (win version) and I can also report that it does work as well. So I'm able to run an ancient 32 bit and a very recent 64 bit program side by side on Wine 9.3 -- your version, anyway.

Thanks again, Mike! :thumbup2:

HP Envy Laptop 17t-cr100
Fossapup F-96 CE rev 4
Huge kernel: huge-6.1.8-fossapup64

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Re: Portable build of WINE 9.3 "staging" - AppImage-based...

Post by mikewalsh »

@vtpup :-

Well, it's good to hear you're happy with it. Don't thank me, however; the real work here was done by mmtrt, who built the AppImage.......and ultimately, of course, the boys & girls at Wine HQ who have been some real 'busy beavers' this last couple of years.

As always, I just try to package things up in an easy-to-use fashion. I don't ALWAYS get it right, either..... ( :oops: ) though this particular one has worked out OK, I'm happy to say! :D

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Re: Portable build of WINE 9.3 "staging" - AppImage-based...

Post by bogie6040 »

The mediafire link for this 9.3 version is not working.
Any chance of a new link? Perhaps a git hub page would work better?


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Re: Portable build of WINE 9.3 "staging" - AppImage-based...

Post by mikewalsh »

bogie6040 wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 3:15 pm

The mediafire link for this 9.3 version is not working.
Any chance of a new link? Perhaps a git hub page would work better?


Ah, hell; my bad. Good catch.

I had a huge clearout over at MediaFire the other week.....had a ton of files nobody had downloaded for literally years, so I decided it was high time I freed-up the space. I must have accidentally caught the WINE-portable directory by mistake! :roll: :oops:

Re-uploaded, and a new link in post #1; now at my Google Drive. Sorry 'bout that, guys.

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Re: Portable build of WINE 9.3 "staging" - AppImage-based...

Post by Dingo »

Ah, hell; my bad. Good catch.

I had a huge clearout over at MediaFire the other week.....had a ton of files nobody had downloaded for literally years, so I decided it was high time I freed-up the space. I must have accidentally caught the WINE-portable directory by mistake! :roll: :oops:

Re-uploaded, and a new link in post #1; now at my Google Drive. Sorry 'bout that, guys.

Mike. ;)

Gosh, maybe useful files working in xenialpup I missed to download? My bad luck as usual! Anyway, do you noticed this new filehosting site?

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Re: Portable build of WINE "staging" - AppImage-based - currently at v9.8...

Post by mikewalsh »

Right, guys. Here's the current 'staging' AppImage build of WINE from mmtrt - WINE 9.8, built into my usual 'portable' format. Download from the above link in post #1.


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Re: Portable build of WINE "staging" - AppImage-based - currently at v9.8...

Post by Geek3579 »

Thanks Mike, but I found the link a bit hard to find in the first post.

For any other strugglers, its here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... drive_link

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Re: Portable build of WINE "staging" - AppImage-based - currently at v9.8...

Post by mikewalsh »

Geek3579 wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 6:04 am

Thanks Mike, but I found the link a bit hard to find in the first post.

For any other strugglers, its here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... drive_link

Aye. I agree. It's not that clear, is it? So; I've made the Google Drive link - in the first post - much larger & easier-to-see.....

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Re: Portable build of WINE "staging" - AppImage-based - currently at v9.12...

Post by mikewalsh »

Afternoon, gang.

It's update time again - for anybody that really needs the most up-to-date version. So; here's the 'portable' version of WINE 9.12.....again, the 'staging build', from mmtrt. You can also find this one at the alternative Suku Drive link in post #1.....where you can find all the other 'portable' builds, too.


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Re: Portable build of WINE 9.3 "staging" - AppImage-based...

Post by yzc358230151 »

charlie6 wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:11 pm

Hi Mike,
many thanks for this new wine 9.3 Appimage which I'm giving a try at now as I have difficulties in running wine-portable-3.3_v2.1 on FossaPup64 F96-CE_4-RT (glibc 2.31)

Here have an error message «wine: could not load kernel32.dll, status c0000135» although kernell32.dll has been found by Pfind at location:
(see screenshot attached)

The cut1df.exe file is a free tiny application I have been using for «decades (quite! ;-) )» on various wine versions (running on Win XP and earlier ME,98,95 - not on 3.1 etc..), so I believe it could well run on this wine 9.3 with WinXP setting on winecfg.

Thanks for any answer!
Best regards, Charlie

Try it on ext2/3/4...maybe
It doesn't work well with exFAT for me,and the result might be the same on FAT32 or NTFS,I think.

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Re: Portable build of WINE "staging" - AppImage-based - currently at v9.19...

Post by mikewalsh »

Afternoon, gang.

Update time again. For those who absolutely MUST always be running the very newest version of everything, here's the new 'portable' build of WINE 9.19.....once again, based around the AppImage created by mmtrt.

This one's available from:-

  • The main Google Drive link in post #1

  • The alternate SukuDrive link (also in post #1)

Have fun!

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Re: Portable build of WINE "staging" - AppImage-based - currently at v9.19...

Post by mikewalsh »

Puppy-portable of WINE-staging v9.20 now available. Link as in post #1...


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Re: Portable build of WINE "staging" - AppImage-based - currently at v9.19...

Post by r96chase »

Hey...I was wondering if you can make a Wine-stable portable. It's currently at version 10.

I am a crash-course Linux novice. :lol:

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Re: Portable build of WINE "staging" - AppImage-based - currently at v9.19...

Post by mikeslr »

r96chase wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 8:32 pm

Hey...I was wondering if you can make a Wine-stable portable. It's currently at version 10.

Mike doesn't create portables 'from scratch' by compiling Wine. Rather, once someone has created an AppImage Mike packages that image within a framework as explained here, viewtopic.php?p=68075#p68075. As yet, no one has published an AppImage of Wine-Stable-Version 10.

There's another way to create a Wine-Portable --the older 'Shinobar-Japanese Team' technique-- explained here, viewtopic.php?p=67318#p67318. That involves first deconstructing an already compiled pet. Version2013 is our 'mavin' in the art of compiling Wine. Version2013's latest pets were published on 2024-05-23, those being based on Wine-Stable 9.9. https://ia601800.us.archive.org/view_a ... ne-9.9.tar.

AFAIK, the most recent 'Puppified' version of Wine is l0wt3ch's wine-10.0-rc3-staging.sfs, viewtopic.php?p=143492#p143492. I haven't examined it [currently no reason to upgrade from MikeWalsh's Wine-portable 5.11]. Not sure how it was created.

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Re: Portable build of WINE "stable" - AppImage-based - currently at v10.0...

Post by mikewalsh »

@mikeslr / @r96chase :-

As it happens, Mike, it looks like r96chase is in luck. The AppImage of WINE_10.0-stable was released just yesterday.....so here's the Puppy-portable build of WINE v10.0 for our compatriot to try out.

@r96chase :-

Don't expect too much from this first release of the 10-series. I've briefly tried it out before packing this up - only under Tahr64 - and there's definite "regressions". WINE 10.0, regretfully, performs worse than 10.0_rc1 did......including not just crashes, but also frequent, solidly "locked-up" freezing.....from which the only recovery is to "kill" it.

You have been warned.... :shock: :o :D

You'll find it at the usual link in post #1.

Let us know how you get on with it. It's entirely possible it'll perform better under newer Puppies; Tahrpup64 is getting very "long in the tooth" now, but my highly-customized Tahr64 still works remarkably well for what I want from an OS.....the Tahrs were the "current" Puppy when I joined the community more than a decade ago, and the first Puppies that ran perfectly on my much older hardware at that time. Understandably, I've got something of a soft spot for 'em!

The "older" WINE v5.11 is absolutely rock-solid for me here, so Mike's right about that one.

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Re: Portable build of WINE "stable" - AppImage-based - currently at v10.0...

Post by r96chase »

@mikewalsh Thanks anyway. I'm on BookwormPup64 10.0.10 so I think it'll work great. :thumbup2:

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Re: Portable build of WINE "stable" - AppImage-based - currently at v10.0...

Post by mikeslr »

mikewalsh wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2025 3:13 am

@mikeslr / @r96chase :-

As it happens, Mike, it looks like r96chase is in luck. The AppImage of WINE_10.0-stable was released just yesterday.....so here's the Puppy-portable build of WINE v10.0 for our compatriot to try out.
T'other Mike. ;)

I really hate it when they wait for me to complete researching than sneek something in just to make me out as a liar. :evil: :roll:

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Re: Portable build of WINE "stable" - AppImage-based - currently at v10.0...

Post by mikeslr »

Haven't tried your "10", but your 9.2 version still available from the OP link runs fine. I was even able to open InfoCentral an early XP application.
I'm not sure what default Windows version it configures for, and forgot if I set it. Don't think so. But there doesn't seem to be a way to change that. "wine wine.cg" returns "file not found", or something. Maybe no need to.

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Re: Portable build of WINE "stable" - AppImage-based - currently at v10.0...

Post by mikewalsh »

@mikeslr :-

mikeslr wrote: Wed Mar 19, 2025 10:33 pm

Haven't tried your "10", but your 9.2 version still available from the OP link runs fine. I was even able to open InfoCentral an early XP application.
I'm not sure what default Windows version it configures for, and forgot if I set it. Don't think so. But there doesn't seem to be a way to change that. "wine wine.cg" returns "file not found", or something. Maybe no need to.

I think that should be

Code: Select all

wine winecfg

...Mike. Same as it's always been. Still works for me. IIRC, WINE v9.2 is set for Win 10, OOTB. Change it via the drop-down on the 'Applications' tab.....

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Re: Portable build of WINE "stable" - AppImage-based - currently at v10.0...

Post by mikewalsh »

Small change to the portable WINE.

From WINE 10.0 onwards, these will now be packed as a ROX-app. Simply click on the portable directory, and you now get a wee GUI that asks if you wish to 'Link' to or 'Unlink' WINE from your Puppy.

I just thought it'll save noobs from trying to figure out how to open a ROX-app, and clicking on scripts.....

Mike. :D

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Re: Portable build of WINE "stable" - AppImage-based - currently at v10.0...

Post by mikeslr »

@mikewalsh :evil: It's bad enough that AI is eliminating the need to think. Now you're undercutting my role as teacher. :thumbdown:

"No good deed should go unpunished." :mrgreen:

Code: Select all

wine winecfg

Duh. :oops: And my typing 'wine wine.cg' leaving out the 'f' in cfg wasn't very good either. :roll:

Now you know why I haven't taken up coding. I don't do brain-surgery, either.

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