Script(s) that create this/other KL Distros

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Script(s) that create this/other KL Distros

Post by Clarity »

Hi @Sofiya and other KL developers.

Firstly, PLEASE understand that this is NOT a complaint and I have NO INTENTIONS of offending anyone, so please observe.

The script released for each version that creates the runnable distro is the same name no matter which distro version it pertains to. So if I want to recreate a prior version, the script name is always that same. Further when I look at the script in ROX, it doesn't reflect which version it will create.

I ask:

  • How does one know which version the script, that resides on my drive, is going to create before using it?

  • Should the current naming be upgraded to match the version numbers of the distro it creates?

Just a thought

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