Good questions fred as well as wiak and thank you for the interest..
Perhaps you consider Puppy is Puppy and secure and it was always was Puppy and secure!
I did use now and contribute in a few week 20 y. ago as our son did bring one PC virus after the next at home... I have in my old CD box really used by us Puppy's since vers. 0,27. I have an old CD-RW with real old content vers. probably 1.5 or 1.6 (an the old bookPC made in China able to start and read it). I have the marvelloes old Puppy 2.0 with integrated free Office in less as 100 MB. And I did use then daily without some virus within 20 y. And it would be dfifficult to agress my data as Puppy contains nothing and my /root/.mozilla comes exactly with the content I did decide myself into the iso and is each day exactly that and not was advertisement specialist would wish to track me . This "Erkenntnis" (Google says Understanding, but I am not happy with that translation. My problem: I don't know some other word, also in French. In French would I perhaps say Realisme) did our old friend Schutzhund (see first message) teach us, His 100 Puppy user were almost of legal age in a middle school with technical orientation, all boys and girls in age to try terrible experiments to law about somewhere in the school as young people are: They are not inoffensive...
Save file is wrong!
Little messages (greeting / help etc.) are wrong.
If I don't will some -> man <- or -> info <- I need nothing to help excepted a classic menu!
Since 20 years I angry about the little windows: Hello, since 20 y. I am greeting you. Hello, since 20 y. you do nothing into the first settings I open each session after each restart, I considere, as I am completely silly diilly and not as a computer it has to be a new start from a completely uninformed new user coming from MS-Windows (MS-Windows has more respect against users!). Hello, you know exactly which one did publish this version! Read this greeting text!
Schutzhund did require from user RSH (he did devolop his special version) to erase all that smudge! Young adults would without that never accept seriously to use...
In the version from RSH, you did start immediately the job from CD image without some diversion! Puppy is 20 y. old this y. or last y.! It is not an not known Linux! It was in the head formation at distrowatch and the sum of it and EasyOS bringt it in high position in that ranking! Puppy is an established Linux and don't need since very longer than 10 y. no advertisement any more for saving file but only an item in menu "always save quitting the session", no little windows to destroy the time of the users using out the RAM in the old Puppy manier from the beginnings years of Puppy (ab. vers. 3.0, it was relatively new at Puppy but also at Linux! But now? Thousand of users know Puppy totaly well and did use it in the past! New users have to learn to use a menu! New developpers did not hesite at all to erase the triangle of helping icons at the top left corner of the Puppy window!)...
« how are changes going to be saved ?»
with refractasnapshot of course! You get a CD image with perfect grub menu with the best set of options
- start (non installed but not from RAM)
- start if problems
- start from RAM (exactly like Puppy "first start"; you can disconnect the USB stick/card
- start IN AN OTHER LANGUAGE you can decide yourself at starting time! Waoooooooh!
to install, you MUST start and invoke the refractainstaller, THE BEST INSTALLATIONS TOOL until now (you can install in command line if you don't install the facultative GUI. You have ALWAYS the option to install a complexe keyboard (DE CH, IN TAM, US INTL etc.). You have ALWAYS the option to set the option "start without login", you have always the option to select new password for root and user and to decide an other user name Ask user Exton from this forum, see, he also is as I a fan from refracta! And as soo your installation is finish, you can re-snapshot your new edition with those parameter.
my Puppy like from yesterday has a minimal XFCE4, Seamonkey (also has end point for libxine), didiwiki, pulseaudio, etc (not all as I don't all use in Puppy), is Ceres-SI, and has a size under 800 MB what Puppys from today, not SID sized, can also rich easily sometimes without some devx included! My upload from 29. February (for a friend having birthday at this date) did fit into a (very old) USB card from 2 GB (from 20 y. old portable phone from my daughter!) and have all terribly large applications (kdenlive, rosegarden, marble etc.) included!
In all my PC (I use really 5 different PCs one on the desk in my office work room, one as companion near the TV to look TV from internet with Petihar's Puppy Triton, one in my sport room to look the terrible long ashtanga yoga workout and learn it exactly, here I use mainly a old Dogpup as it is an old laptop, one in my workshop where I realize what I elaborate with freeCAD, and a travel laptop being more light and having the laptop adapter for SIM card to be independant from WLAN of hotels etc.) I try to maintain the same organisation:
- in the extended partition, sda5 is swap
- sda6 is data partition
- and the divers installed linux full installations begin with sda7 etc .
so that, ALSO in my actual Puppy remaster since the time of Busterpup (I use the Busterpup 32 from josejp24, thank you very much! Sorry for the little windows...) because of XFCE4 (did give me, in a Puppy, to have a commutable keyboard through hitting CRTL + CAPS, all other Puppy resists usually to that use) and I have, in the remastered version a new folder, name -> 0 <-, so it is always on top, and a line in /etc/fstad to connect sda6 as home folder. at remastering time, I un-comment that line to avoid to save 3/4 TB in the Puppy remasterisation but I restaure it as Puppy remaster ask if I will change at about finish time somewhat in /etc ! It is so simply to avoid to need some save file ... I can't understand the other Puppyists and developers!