CLOSED - solution provided by JamesBond - many thanks.
I want to add some code into the EXTRA_COMMANDS of Woof-CE 3builddistro to make a mime entry in freedesktop.xml have different extensions.
i.e I want to change .m3u & .m3u8 at lines 21 & 22 of cut-freedesktop.xml to
.xm3u and .xm3u8
I have been experimenting with using awk.
The file shows at line 7 an awk command that does the trick if called directly in a terminal
awk -i inplace '/m3u/{c+=1}{if(c==6 || c==7){sub("m3u","xm3u",$0)};print}'
but the same code (+ some escapes) at lines 2 & 3 does not work ( sh )..... and this is how it would need to be embedded in EXTRA_COMMANDS....
Grateful if anybody can suggest coding that will work when embedded - thanks.