critical shim bootloader flaw

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critical shim bootloader flaw

Post by darksun »

Hi guys,
I hope this is the right section to post at. ... x-distros/

probably some of you already know about this new critical flaw.

If it does, how and which of our puppy linux versions are affected?

I currently run bookworm pup 64 (which rocks, I love it).

Thank you and have a great day!

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Re: critical shim bootloader flaw

Post by Jasper »


Thanks for sharing the information :thumbup:

I read another article which reported this:

"The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-40547, is what’s known as a buffer overflow, a coding bug that allows attackers to execute code of their choice. It resides in a part of the shim that processes booting up from a central server on a network using the same HTTP that the the web is based on. Attackers can exploit the code-execution vulnerability in various scenarios, virtually all following some form of successful compromise of either the targeted device or the server or network the device boots from.

Source: ... -bootkits/

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