I'm having difficulty installing Chrome

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I'm having difficulty installing Chrome

Post by Bill_Gates »

I'm having difficulty installing the latest version of chrome on xenialpup64. I'm currently running Version 106.0.5249.103 (Official Build) (64-bit).

Previously, I would DL the current 64 bit version of Chrome for Debian. Uninstall the outdated version of Chrome on my laptop unsin Puppy Package Manager and then install the downloaded version by clicking on the file. It would install and everything was fine.

But now, the new chrome  file appears to install without errors, but it will not launch. 

I'm lost. Any 

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Re: I'm having difficulty installing Chrome

Post by mikewalsh »

Well! :lol: Hi there, Bill..... :welcome: to the "kennels".

Coincidentally, I'm in Xenialpup64 myself ATM! Currently posting from my Opera-portable, but that's neither here nor there.....

Try my 'portable' build of Chrome. It includes an updater script I put together - with help from a few other Puppians - which auto-checks for the latest version at launch......and offers it if available. (The Linux build's built-in updater only works properly with mainstream distros.....and even then, many disable this from running, and will only offer it when they offer a whole bunch of stuff, at update time.)

You can find it here:-


The version in the repos may be a little "long in the tooth" ATM, but it'll soon put itself right when it updates. DO read the first post through, because it explains how to use the 'portable' Chrome package. (Use of the .deb package is not recommended here in Puppy, as it has a nasty tendency to bugger up printing permissions...)

Anyways; hope that helps.

Mike. ;)

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Re: I'm having difficulty installing Chrome

Post by bigpup »

Try this for the Chrome you installed.

Navigate in Rox file manager to usr/share/applications/
Find the google-chrome.desktop file.
Right click on it and select open as text, so it can be edited.

Go to the first exec= entry.

Add --no-sandbox to it.

So it looks like this:

Code: Select all

Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %U --no-sandbox

Save the change and close the text editor.

Now click on the google-chrome.desktop file and see if Chrome now runs.

That google-chrome.desktop file has several exec= entries for different ways to run Chrome.
Each one will have to have --no-sandbox added to them too.

This worked for me in Bookworm Pup64 with the latest Chrome downloaded from here:

Xenialpup64 may also need some dependency stuff it does not already have.
So the portable version offered earlier may be better for you.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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