Afternoon, gang.
It's new release time again. Chrome 95 has now landed, so here's the Puppy-portable version of v95.0.4638.54.
Usual release info can be found here:- ... op_19.html
Google are now spewing out updates every few days as part of their "Accelerated update programme". This was not unexpected, as it was announced all the way back in April that this would become standard practice from Chrome 94 onwards. Well, I'm sorry, but I point-blank refuse to spend all my time doing nothing but browser updates; I do have a life, and other stuff that demands my time. This being the case, I'll be producing an initial version of each release, and a mid-point one. You'll have to be satisfied with that, guys.
I'm looking into producing some form of updater for the portables; very early stages yet, though, but I'll keep y'all informed if it ever materialises.
Oh, YESSS.....
EDIT:- Well, that didn't take as long to figure out as I feared it might. Puppy's Chrome-portable now has its own, included updater script. Works nicely, too..!
As mentioned below in my reply to Barry, the script contents are there if anyone's curious.
The only thing I can't automate is to make it check for new updates; that's still way over my head, I'm sorry to say. However; since Google are now settling into a regular pattern of weekly updates for the Linux build, all you need to do is run the updater once a week. You can be pretty sure of having the newest version most of the time.
Occasionally, they forget to upload the new version, but that's only happened a handful of times in the years I've been building these browser packages. It's a pretty rare occurrence. If you want to check for update status yourselves, check out the Chrome's the best source for news of new releases, across ALL platforms:-
99 times out of 100, the "Stable Channel for Linux" is usually mentioned somewhere in the first couple of pages...
I've re-built to include the new updater script in this release, re-packed, and re-uploaded. Which means you guys can take care of your own updates from now on....!!
The new release can be found at the usual location in post #1. As always; d/l; unzip; put the portable's directory anywhere you like, though preferably outside the 'save'. Click to enter, click the appropriate 'LAUNCH' script to fire it up. (The 'LaunchReadMe' will explain which one.)
Scripts permit the addition of a Menu entry if required. The 'MenuReadMe' explains how to use these.
Feedback on the operation of the new updater script would be appreciated over the coming weeks & months.
Enjoy, y'all.