Re: Forum very slow today
By the way, I see that the Bing and Google bots are scanning the forum.
I don't think that would make the forum slow.
Discussion, talk and tips
By the way, I see that the Bing and Google bots are scanning the forum.
I don't think that would make the forum slow.
The John Murga forum also seems slow.
It says there are 59 users on the Murga forum.
Does it look normal? It doesn't have the big bar at the top, and it has a sort of grey theme.
Not going slow for me any more.
Ok for me here now.
OK for me too now, perhaps the attackers are sleeping
Just got-
Code: Select all
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
User 'puppylin_admin' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1) [1226]
An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.
The forum is many a times slow while sometimes fast. If it is really a DDOS attack then maybe put the forum to a maintenance break and then fix the issue (if its fixable).
(Don't go by my call, I am just a noob to networking)
EDIT: Got the same error again at ~10:14 am UTC while submitting this post. I am not going to take a look at the forum for next few hours to lessen the traffic.
It seems they were indeed just sleeping... It has become slow again for me too.
This seems to be speeding-up/slowing-down on a geographical basis.
It's not back to what I would call "normal" yet - still a ways to go, TBH - but it's already a hell of a lot better than it was last night. Last night I was more likely to get a timeout than a webpage..!
Usually, it's exceptionally quick here in the UK. On this machine, at least, I get near instantaneous response as a rule...
Slow still/again here in Germany ......not back to normal.
I logged in this morning about 10am UK time. Others were saying the forum seemed normal again but it was still slow for me. I thought I'd leave it for an hour then try again which is what I'm doing now. It's still slow. I agree with others who are saying that it seems to be slow then back to normal then slow again on a kind of cycle though not sure there's any pattern to this.
slow again this time...
Same here, slow, fast, and then slow again, sometimes SQL connection error too ...
Very slow for me also. This is in USA Mountain Time.
Please try http instead of https. Is this working at all?
I have been told by the host IT people that new certs have been issued for SSL and the problem should resolve itself.
I have my doubts
Firefox uses https even though the "https only" mode is off.
But http works in dillo and netsurf. It's as slow as https - 5..10 s to open the site. It was very fast early today.
@rockedge :-
Http or Https.....makes no difference here, Erik. It's now so slow I'm getting those 'mysql exceeded the number of requests....' timeouts on every single action I make. Frankly, it's getting ridiculous.....and exceedingly tedious.
Not your fault, though.
Bluehost has prioritized our problem ticket and we're in the queue. Their 2nd tier support will work on the fix and we are to wait for the email from the engineer
I asked about a wait time but was told by the tier 1 tech that it is unknown at this time.
Fingers crossed. meanwhile I am not going to start doing anything because it isn't something we did. So messing around with the config's would be unwise.
Let's keep doing the best we can and rest assured I am on top of this and just as anxious to get this back to working order. All of these hours of effort to fix it is cutting into the KLV beta25 release.
It has a Debian kernel 6.1 and @wiak's boot stanza generator. Plus a menu entry for mksplash and also @fredx181's KLV remaster script.
Seems to be fixed now.
Ok here.
Aye, fine here (for now). Back to its usual instantaneous response!
Seems fixed.
Possibly was hardware, or the system clock was out of sync, but now the response and load times are in normal range. At some point I will find out what the exact cause was.
rockedge wrote: Mon Nov 07, 2022 1:21 amSeems fixed.
Possibly was hardware, or the system clock was out of sync, but now the response and load times are in normal range. At some point I will find out what the exact cause was.
Let's see how long it lasts, eh? *fingers crossed...*
*fingers crossed...*
exactly! It took enough time with the tech support to finally reach the right people. But if works it was worth it.
Working normal for me now.
Hmmm... Just gone slow for me again. Bit of a worry this. I wonder what is going on - surely host must have some statistics that reveal what causes these slowdowns rather than just temporarily okay and then bad again. Something is amiss and it should be quantifiable.
Still slow for me. About 12 seconds to load a page. Was better yesterday morning for a while (about 5 or 6 seconds delay).
EDIT ...and it's back to normal again now.
Super-fast last night between midnight and 2.30am (-ish). Now gone slow again.....not back to ridiculous, but around 8-10 seconds connection time.
I agree; the host has got more going on than meets the eye here. Of course, it could be something as simple as a bunch of server motherboard CMOS batteries all about due for replacement....and techs who are not keeping their eye on the ball..?
I agree with Mike. I think it's better than it has been but I'm not sure it's back to normal. I'm using a phone at the moment which has a sort of loading bar. About the first 80% of loading on this bar is quite fast then it pauses then creeps to opening the page. I'm not sure if this is in any way accurate but certainly shows up when loading is slow.
Back to slow again this morning.
Something is wrong again. Very slow here. Quite disappointed but will look again for a reason and fix.