@bigpup :-
That's the one major thing that I, too, like about mistfire's re-work of the mount/unmount scripts. Instead of just an arbitrary list of block devices as I originally provided - which MAY or may NOT actually be there - dynamically, 'partprobe' now looks at, and lists what IS actually there.....including specific labels/drive-types.
Which is a big improvement. Yep, I'm pleased with that.....the coding required is definitely above yours truly's 'pay-grade', though. I haven't even begun to investigate the possibilities inherent in 'sed', 'awk' 'cut' & 'print', yet; my own coding journey is a slow, steady one. I like to become totally familiar with one concept before I move onto the next.....
I'm only just becoming comfortable with conditional 'if....then....elif....fi' clauses and 'grep' ATM. I guess I'll get more adventurous at coding as time goes on. Ya gotta learn to walk before you can run!