TRIM4SSD-portable (now @ v1.5) - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

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Re: TRIM4SSD-portable v1.4 - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

Post by mikewalsh »

@bigpup :-

That's the one major thing that I, too, like about mistfire's re-work of the mount/unmount scripts. Instead of just an arbitrary list of block devices as I originally provided - which MAY or may NOT actually be there - dynamically, 'partprobe' now looks at, and lists what IS actually there.....including specific labels/drive-types.

Which is a big improvement. Yep, I'm pleased with that.....the coding required is definitely above yours truly's 'pay-grade', though. I haven't even begun to investigate the possibilities inherent in 'sed', 'awk' 'cut' & 'print', yet; my own coding journey is a slow, steady one. I like to become totally familiar with one concept before I move onto the next.....

I'm only just becoming comfortable with conditional '' clauses and 'grep' ATM. I guess I'll get more adventurous at coding as time goes on. Ya gotta learn to walk before you can run! :D


Mike. ;)

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Re: TRIM4SSD-portable v1.4 - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

Post by bigpup »

Couldn't you take the v1.4b code and modify it with what you posted earlier about this:

With regard to your statement "The GUI was improved", that's subjective. I'm going to make one observation. Don't use the "--fixed" switch in the options. I left this out for a very good reason.....I'

A little misfire code, mixed with a little mikewalse code, to give all, what they want? :thumbup:

I worked on a program, a few years back, that the bulk of the code, was done by someone else.
I had no idea how much of it worked.
I spent my time tweaking around the edges and using changes, others suggested.
Nothing wrong with getting some help, in areas you are not fully knowledgeable in. :geek: :ugeek: :!:

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: TRIM4SSD-portable v1.4 - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

Post by mikewalsh »

@bigpup :-

bigpup wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:18 am

Couldn't you take the v1.4b code and modify it with what you posted earlier about this:

With regard to your statement "The GUI was improved", that's subjective. I'm going to make one observation. Don't use the "--fixed" switch in the options. I left this out for a very good reason.....I'

A little misfire code, mixed with a little mikewalsh code, to give all, what they want? :thumbup:

I have already done that. I just haven't packed/uploaded/posted it yet. I'll try and remember to do so tomorrow.

Mike. :thumbup:

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Re: TRIM4SSD-portable v1.4 - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

Post by mikewalsh »

Okay, gang.

Revised, and probably final updates of TRIM4SSD - v1.5 - are attached to post #1.

This now includes a re-working of the mount/unmount scripts by mistfire (cheers, mate!), which dynamically scan the system & report exactly what is actually there, including relevant labels. The GUI is almost identical, except for the removal of the "--fixed" YAD switch; this was preventing the GUI from rendering correctly with my own larger, custom global fonts.....and would have similarly affected anyone else in the same boat.

Pet and 'portable' RoxApp are both available. Enjoy.

Mike. ;)

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Re: TRIM4SSD-portable v1.4 - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

Post by puppy_apprentice »

mikewalsh wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:41 am

(Windows devs don't have this problem. 95% of users never modify their systems in any way at all, and everybody's singing from the same hymn-sheet, so to speak. There's only one permitted way of building GUIs, using Visual Studio, and that's Microsoft's way. Like it or loathe it, you don't get a say in the matter; if you want your app accepted, it must be built according to official guidelines.....)
Mike. ;)

mikewalsh wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:20 pm

The GUI is almost identical, except for the removal of the "--fixed" YAD switch; this was preventing the GUI from rendering correctly with my own larger, custom global fonts.....and would have similarly affected anyone else in the same boat.
Mike. ;)

Maybe we need our own code of conduct for graphic user interface design?

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Re: TRIM4SSD-portable v1.4 - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

Post by mikewalsh »

@puppy_apprentice :-

Nice idea, mate, but how the hell would you implement it.....or "police" it, for that matter? Especially in light of the fact that any member can post a package on the forum here at any time. What are you going to do; insist that every package goes under scrutiny by a panel of inspectors, just to make SURE it 'complies' with the rules?

Easier said than done, in a community where everything is voluntary/volunteer-driven. Nobody willingly takes on more work than they're forced to.....

Mike. :|

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Re: TRIM4SSD-portable v1.4 - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

Post by puppy_apprentice »

It could be some rules (be nice and try to follow them, but without any restriction and penalties). Similar apps in Slacko or Bionic has own guis. It could be nice if apps that have Puppy in name have some similarites (folder icons, button names, layout etc.).

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Re: TRIM4SSD-portable (now @ v1.5) - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

Post by Snail »

Hi Mike,

I got a bit confused after reading about util-linux on your start post. I couldn't find it in the Fossapup repositories. I spent some time blundering around in other threads of this forum and finally found out that most of the newer Pups already have it built in, so only older Pups need the user to install it.

Do you think that it would be helpful for others if you could clarify this point and possibly give some indication for users of older Pups as to how to get and install util-linux if it isn't in the ppm repositories? Also, that entering

fstrim -h

Code: Select all


is how to find out if it is already there or not.

I have read quite a bit of contradictory advice on reserving blank space on the SSD. Some sites state that there is no need for it, as all modern SSDs have already got some hidden space that does the job. Maybe the advice only applies to older model SSDs? If so, how would you be able to find out if your SSD is "modern enough"?

Even if the user-assigned blank space is needed, I have read on one site that unallocated space is useless and that the empty space, or spaces, needs to be within the working partition. Can anyone clarify this?

I realise that I ask many dumb questions on these forums. I hope that I am acting as the test case for clueless noob users, so that they too can enjoy puppy.

Thanks for all your work.

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Re: TRIM4SSD-portable (now @ v1.5) - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

Post by bigpup »

Unless the SSD is very old, around the beginning of SSD drives.

Even then most of them had a few unused storage cells.

There is no reason to not use all of the available space for a partition.

All of the SSD's, you have been able to buy for many years, have set aside unused memory cells, that will never be seen by you.
This is reserve cells, if some go bad, they can be used to replace the bad ones.

All the cells, the drive internal controller will show to you, are usable for making partitions.

For trim use, do have some free space in the drive partition(s), to swap stuff around in the memory cells, so they all get used the same amount or close to it.

Keep a little free space in the partition that you do not ever use.
How much kept free?
5% to 10% seems to be the going number.
Keep in mind that 5% of a 1TB partition is a lot more free space than 5% of a 500GB partition.

But it seems to me, it depends on how much activity, you do on the SSD drive.
A lot of activity, is going to need more trimming, than a drive that is used more for storage of data.

Just do not completely fill up the partition(s) with data.

SSD's for some time, have trim as a feature of their internal controller.
This controller trims automatically as needed.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: TRIM4SSD-portable (now @ v1.5) - Manual 'TRIM' utility for SSDs.....noarch package

Post by vtpup »

Side note here. I loaded util-linux as required to run Mike's program, and all seemed well until later I tried to play a video DVD. Turned out util-linux stopped pulseaudio from running properly on my version of F96-CE (modified). I don't know whether this applies to vanilla F96-CE, as my laptop needs the mod version to do audio, so I can't test otherwise.

My specific setup:
F-96 CE rev 4
Huge kernel: huge-6.1.8-fossapup64 from
HP Envy Laptop 17t-cr100

HP Envy Laptop 17t-cr100
Fossapup F-96 CE rev 4
Huge kernel: huge-6.1.8-fossapup64

My homemade foam boat:

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