@fredx181 :-
I've done a bit of a re-write here. I have a pair of JvS's 'static' ffmpeg binaries residing permanently at that location - one 32-bit, one 64-bit - and originally I'd built the utility to make use of these via a check on 'uname' and a pair of auto-switcher scripts, but.......in all honesty, that's way over-complicated, and doesn't gel with the K.I.S.S principles I try to adhere to..!
So; I've decided from now on I'm simply going to link these into every Puppy manually. This simplifies the script greatly, because it only requires the one single command, calling ffmpeg from the usual location.....in the $PATH.
I've also added quotation marks to $FILESELECT in the command itself, a lá Mochi's recommendation. I'd already done this further up the script where the variables were defined, but then forgot to duplicate it in the actual command, so.....good catch!
Initially, I didn't envisage releasing this, 'cos I didn't want to "steal Ian's thunder"; I just meant to build it as an exercise. For his use case, using duration and doing it all in seconds makes perfect sense for short vids of just a few minutes in length.......but having mentioned further back in the thread that I, personally, found start AND stop times easier to work with (especially with big videos), I thought I'd have a go at it and see what I could come up with.
With a few 'adjustments', it seems to work okay.
EDIT:- From now on, this will have its own thread, so's it doesn't get "lost" as just a reply in someone else's thread. It can be found here:-