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icake Chinese language pets for jammy64pup E1

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 12:00 am
by icake

jrb recently released Jammy64pup e1
for more information
download iso upup-22.04-jrb-E1.iso

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for jammy64pup E1:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (16 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (55 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (14 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for jammy64pup E1:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in jammy64pup E1

(b) the name/version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon
labels, tooltips for jammy64pup E1. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a uitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

For more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong half-Chinese language pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for LunarPup32 23.04+3Alpha and LunarPup32 23.04+0Alpha

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 12:01 am
by icake

peebee released LunarPup32 23.04+3Alpha on Mar 31, 2023
more information
download LunarPup32-23.04+3Alpha.iso (338 mb)

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for LunarPup32 23.04+3Alpha and LunarPup32 23.04+0Alpha:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (27 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (32 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (16 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for LunarPup32 23.04+3Alpha and LunarPup32 23.04+0Alpha:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb) (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: (3 mb) (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in LunarPup32 23.04+3Alpha and LunarPup32 23.04+0Alpha

(b) the name/version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for LunarPup32 23.04+3Alpha and LunarPup32 23.04+0Alpha. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 2 icake combo live isoes based on LunarPup32 23.04+3Alpha, 1 with all suitable icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets and 1 also include libreoffice (32 bit uses version 6.2.8):
icake32-LunarPup32-23.04+3Alpha-est-fghisy.iso (452 mb)
icake32lo628-LunarPup32-23.04+3Alpha-est-fghisy.iso (652 mb)

For more information about the fcitx, ibus, gcin, hime, scim and yong half-Chinese language pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for CE slacko 5.7.2

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 12:01 am
by icake

mikeslr released CE slacko 5.7.2 on Apr 5, 2023
more information
download CE slacko 5.7.2.iso (313 mb)

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created 3 half-Chinese language pets for CE slacko 5.7.2:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (20 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (15 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (16 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for CE slacko 5.7.2:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in CE slacko 5.7.2

(b) the name/version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for CE slacko 5.7.2. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 2 icake combo live isoes based on CE slacko 5.7.2, 1 with all suitable icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets and 1 also include libreoffice (32 bit uses version 6.2.8):
icake32-LunarPup32-23.04+3Alpha-est-fghisy.iso (452 mb)
icake32lo628-LunarPup32-23.04+3Alpha-est-fghisy.iso (652 mb)

For more information about the fcitx, scim and yong half-Chinese language pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for 4 new DebianDog systems

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 12:03 am
by icake

The DebianDog team recently released a number of 64 bit linux systems and I have created Chinese language debs for 4 of them:

(i) DebianDog-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_amd64-UEFI.iso (479 mb) released 2020 Nov 25
(ii) 1NSN_SidDog64_Chrome_K-5.10.0-15-rt_eng.iso (355 mb) released 2022 Jun 26
(iii) 1NSN_SidDog64_Chrome_K-6.0_eng.iso (507 mb) released 2022 Oct 30
(iv) DebianDog-Sid-20221106-usr-merged_amd64-UEFI.iso (617) released 2022 Nov 6

more information

download (i) to (iii) isoes
download (iv) iso

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created these half-Chinese language pets for the above DebianDog systems:
6 debs for (i) to (ii) isoes:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bullseye-121.1.8.deb (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.8.2-en-zh-bullseye-121.1.8.deb (13 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bullseye-121.1.8.deb (11 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: ibus64_1.5.17-en-zh-bullseye-121.1.8.deb (55 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bullseye-121.1.8.deb (10 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bullseye-121.1.8.deb (10 mb)

6 debs for (iii) and (iv) isoes:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bookworm-121.2.2.deb (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.8.2-en-zh-bookworm-121.2.2.deb (13 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bookworm-121.2.2.deb (11 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: ibus64_1.5.17-en-zh-bookworm-121.2.2.deb (36 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bookworm-121.2.2.deb (10 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bookworm-121.2.2.deb (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for these DebianDog systems:
Simplified Chinese:
DebianDog64-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_amd64-UEFI-zhcn-121.1.8.deb (4 mb)
1NSN_BullseyeDog64_K-5.10_-zhcn-121.1.8.deb (4 mb)
1NSN_SidDog64_Chrome_K-6.0_eng-zhcn-121.2.2.deb (4 mb)
DebianDog64-Sid-20221106-usr-merged_amd64-UEFI-zhcn-121.2.2.deb (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese:
DebianDog64-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_amd64-UEFI-zhhk-121.1.8.deb (3 mb)
1NSN_BullseyeDog64_K-5.10_-zhhk-121.1.8.deb (3 mb)
1NSN_SidDog64_Chrome_K-6.0_eng-zhhk-121.2.2.deb (3 mb)
DebianDog64-Sid-20221106-usr-merged_amd64-UEFI-zhhk-121.2.2.deb (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in these DebianDog systems

(b) the name/version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for these DebianDog systems. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-inese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 2 icake combo live isoes based on each of these DebianDog systems, 1 with all suitable icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets and 1 also include libreoffice (64 bit uses version 6.4.5):
icake64-DebianDog-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_amd64_UEFI-est-fghisy.iso (699 mb)
icake64lo645-DebianDog-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_amd64_UEFI-est-fghisy.iso (968 mb)
icake64-1NSN_BullseyeDog64_K.5.10_-est-fghisy.iso (564 mb)
icake64lo645-1NSN_BullseyeDog64_K.5.10_-est-fghisy.iso (833 mb)
icake64-1NSN_SidDog64_Chrome_K-6.0_eng-est-fghisy.iso (734 mb)
icake64lo645-1NSN_SidDog64_Chrome_K-6.0_eng-est-fghisy.iso (1 gb)
icake64-DebianDog-Sid-20221106--usr-merged_amd64_UEFI-est-fghisy.iso (797 mb)
icake64lo645-DebianDog-Sid-20221106--usr-merged_amd64_UEFI-est-fghisy.iso (1.1 gb)

For more information about the fcitx, ibus, gcin, hime, scim and yong half-Chinese language pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for F96-CE_4

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 12:51 am
by icake

rockedge released F96-CE_4 on Apr 2, 2023

for more information and discussions

download iso

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for F96-CE_4:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (42 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (13 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for F96-CE_4:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in F96-CE_4

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for F96-CE_4. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

Re: icake Chinese language pets

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:01 am
by icake

norgo released SLK64 2023.04 on Apr 22, 2023

for more information and discussions

download slk64-2023.04.iso (392 mb)

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for SLK64 2023.04:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (26 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (8 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (40 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (14 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for SLK64 2023.04:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in SLK64 2023.04

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for SLK64 2023.04. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 2 icake combo live isoes based on SLK64 2023.04, 1 with all suitable icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets and 1 also include libreoffice (64 bit uses version 6.4.5):
icake64-slk64-2023.04-est-fghisy.iso (704 mb)
icake64lo645-slk64-2023.04-est-fghisy.iso (939 mb)

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for LunarPup32 23.04

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:03 am
by icake

peebee released LunarPup32 23.04 on Apr 20, 2023

more information

download LunarPup32-23.04+0.iso (341 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for LunarPup32 23.04:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (27 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (32 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (16 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for LunarPup32 23.04:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in LunarPup32 23.04

(b) the name/version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for LunarPup32 23.04. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

For more information about the fcitx, ibus, gcin, hime, scim and yong half-Chinese language pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI-4.4.iso

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:04 am
by icake

pp4mnklinux released a number of puppy derivatives with names F96CE** and I have selected F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI-4.4.iso to provide icake Chinese language pets support

more information and discussions

F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI-4.4.iso (671 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI-4.4.iso:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (45 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (13 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI-4.4.iso:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI-4.4.iso

(b) the name/version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for F96CE_XFCE_FUSILLI-4.4.iso. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

For more information about the fcitx, ibus, gcin, hime, scim and yong half-Chinese language pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:05 am
by icake

The DebianDog team recently released DebianDog-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_i386-pae-UEFI.iso:

more information

download DebianDog-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_i386-pae-UEFI.iso (408 mb)

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created these half-Chinese language pets for the above DebianDog system:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx32_4.2.9-en-zh-bullseye-120.1.9.deb (26 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin32_2.9.0-en-zh-bullseye-120.1.9.deb (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime32_0.9.11-en-zh-bullseye-120.1.9.deb (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: ibus32_1.5.23-en-zh-bullseye-120.1.9.deb (66 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: scim32_1.4.18-en-zh-bullseye-120.1.9.deb (15 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong32_2.5.0-en-zh-bullseye-120.1.9.deb (13 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for the above DebianDog system:
Simplified Chinese: DebianDog32-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_i386-pae-UEFI-zhcn-120.1.9.deb (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: DebianDog32-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_i386-pae-UEFI-zhhk-120.1.9.deb (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in the above DebianDog system

(b) the name/version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for the above DebianDog system. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-inese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 2 icake combo live isoes based on the above DebianDog system, 1 with all suitable icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets and 1 also includes libreoffice (32 bit uses version 6.2.8):
icake32-DebianDog-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_i386-pae-UEFI-est-fghisy.iso (695 mb)
icake32lo628-DebianDog-Sid-full-20201125-overlay_i386-pae-UEFI-est-fghisy.iso (929 mb)

For more information about the fcitx, ibus, gcin, hime, scim and yong half-Chinese language pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for PuppEX Bookworm64 230309

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:28 pm
by icake

exton released PuppEX Bookworm64 230309 in Mar 2023

more information

download puppex-bookworm64-tint2-uefi-695mb-230309.iso (696 mb)

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created 6 Half-Chinese deb for puppex bookworm64 230309 systems:
1. fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-121.7.0.deb (19 mb)
2. gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (12 mb)
3. hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (12 mb)
4. ibus Chinese input platform: ibus64_1.5.27-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (78 mb)
5. scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (11 mb)
6. yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bookworm-121.7.0.deb (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language debs for puppex bookworm64 220714 (applicable to both uefi and non-uefi) systems:
Simplified Chinese: puppex_bookworm64_tint2_230309-zhcn-121.7.0.deb (3 mb)
Traditional Chinese: puppex_bookworm64_tint2_230309-zhhk-121.7.0.deb (2 mb)

To use:
(a) the half-Chinese language deb will enable you to display and input Chinese in puppex bookworm64 230309

(b) the name+version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn deb) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk deb) menus, icon labels, tooltips for puppex bookworm64 230309 system. Please note that all Chinese language debs rely on a suitable half-Chinese language deb already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 2 icake combo live isoes based on PuppEX Bookworm64 230309, 1 with all suitable icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets and 1 also include libreoffice (64 bit uses version 6.4.5):
icake64-puppex-bookworm64-tint2-uefi-695mb-230309-est-fghisy.iso (1.0 Gb)
icake64lo645-puppex-bookworm64-tint2-uefi-695mb-230309-est-fghisy.iso (1.3 Gb))

for more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong debs, please see the first posting of this subject (same as for pets)

icake Chinese language pets for fossapup64-9.5-low 2 and 6.iso

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:32 pm
by icake

ozsouth released a number of Fossa64 Low Puppy devivatives in June 2023

for more information and discussions

download fossapup64-9.5-low-6.iso (392 mb)

download fossapup64-9.5-low 1 to 6.iso

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created 5 half-Chinese language pets for fossapup64 9.5.0 Low 2 and 6:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (18 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for fossapup64 9.5.0 Low 2 and 6:
Simplified Chinese: (2 mb) (2 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (2 mb) (2 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 5 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in fossapup64 9.5.0 Low 2 and 6

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for fossapup64 9.5.0 Low 2 and 6. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 2 icake combo live isoes based on fossapup64 9.5.0 Low 6, 1 with all suitable icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets and 1 also include libreoffice (64 bit uses version 6.4.5):
icake64-fossapup64-9.5-low-6-est-fghsy.iso (296 mb)
icake64lo645-fossapup64-9.5-low-6-est-fghsy.iso (524 mb)

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for QuickPup64 23.01 RC1

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:33 pm
by icake

mistfire has recently released QuickPup64 23.01 RC1 (Jun 8, 2023)

for more information and discussions

download quickpup64_23.01-rc-1.iso (535 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for QuickPup 23.01 rc1:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (24 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (55 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (10 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for QuickPup 23.01 rc1:
Simplified Chinese: (5 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (4 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in QuickPup 23.01 rc1

(b) the name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for QuickPup 23.01 rc1. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

for more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong half-Chinese pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for DebLive_daedalus-6109-amd64.iso

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:34 pm
by icake

rcrsn51 released DebLive_daedalus-6109-amd64.iso (404 mb) on Aug 28, 2020

for more information and discussions

download DebLive_daedalus-6109-amd64.iso (404 mb)

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for DebLive_daedalus-6109-amd64:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bookworm-121.1.9.deb (20 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.8.2-en-zh-bookworm-121.1.9.deb (13 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.10-en-zh-bookworm-121.1.9.deb (11 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: ibus64_1.5.19-en-zh-bookworm-121.1.9.deb (55 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bookworm-121.1.9.deb (11 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bookworm-121.1.9.deb (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for DebLive_daedalus-6109-amd64:
Simplified Chinese: DL64_daedalus-6109-zhcn-121.1.9.deb (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: DL64_daedalus-6109-zhhk-121.1.9.deb (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in DebLive_daedalus-6109-amd64

(b) the name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for DebLive_daedalus-6109-amd64. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 2 icake combo live isoes based on DebLive_daedalus-6109-amd64, 1 with all suitable icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets and 1 also include libreoffice (64 bit uses version 6.4.5):
icake64-DebLive_daedalus-6109-amd64-est-fghisy.iso (685 mb)
icake64lo645-DebLive_daedalus-6109-amd64-est-fghisy.iso (948 mb)

for more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong half-Chinese pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for Bookworm Pup64 RC and 10.0.0

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:39 am
by icake

radky released Bookworm Pup64 RC on Jun 13, 2023; 10.0.0 on Jul 16, 2023

for more information and discussions

download BookwormPup64_RC.iso (745 mb)
download BookwormPup64_10.0.iso (747 mb)

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for Bookworm Pup64 RC and 10.0.0:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (78 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (14 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for Bookworm Pup64 RC and 10.0.0:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb) (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (3 mb) (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in Bookworm Pup64 RC and 10.0.0

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for Bookworm Pup64 RC and 10.0.0. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 2 icake combo live isoes based on Bookworm Pup64 RC, 1 with all suitable icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets and 1 also include libreoffice (64 bit uses version 6.4.5):
icake64-BookwormPup64_RC-est-fghisy.iso (991 mb)
icake64lo645-BookwormPup64_RC-est-fghisy.iso (1.3 Gb)

so the total number of different systems created by this icake combo live iso is 18:
18 = 6 Chinese input platforms (fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim or yong) X 3 user interface languages (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese)

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for LunarPup32 23.06+0 and +1

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:40 am
by icake

peebee released LunarPup32 23.06+0 on Jun 26, 2023 and 23.06+1 on Jul 1, 2023

for more information and discussions

download LunarPup32 23.06+0.iso and +1

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for LunarPup32 23.06+0 and +1:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (27 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (33 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (17 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for LunarPup32 23.06+0 and +1:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb) (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: (3 mb) (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in LunarPup32 23.06+0 and +1

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for LunarPup32 23.06+0 and +1. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for AtomicPup23a

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:41 am
by icake

8Geee released AtomicPup23a on Jul 6, 2023

for more information and discussions

download AtomicPup23a.iso (345 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for AtomicPup23a:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (21 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (10 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (17 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (39 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (15 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for AtomicPup23a:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in AtomicPup23a

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for AtomicPup23a. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for fatdog64-814

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:41 am
by icake

the fatdog team released fatdog64-814 on Jul 4, 2023

for more information and discussions

download Fatdog64-814.iso (504 mb)

I. icake language txzes:
I have created 5 half-Chinese language txzes for fatdog64-814:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.7-en-zh-raring-321.0.5.txz (21 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.8.5-en-zh-raring-321.0.5.txz (13 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.10-en-zh-raring-321.0.5.txz (10 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.14-en-zh-raring-321.0.5.txz (14 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-raring-321.0.5.txz (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language txzes each for fatdog64-814:
Simplified Chinese: fatdog64-814-zhcn-321.0.5.txz (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: fatdog64-814-zhhk-321.0.5.txz (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 5 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in fatdog64-814

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for fatdog64-814. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo txz
I have also created an icake combo txz for fatdog64-814 with all 5 Chinese input platforms above and 3 user interface languages
icake64-fatdog64-813-combo-est-fghsy.txz (70 mb)

III. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 1 icake combo live iso based on fatdog64-814 with all 5 Chinese input platforms above and 3 user interface languages:
icake64-Fatdog64-814-est-fghsy.iso (709 mb)

so the total number of different systems created by the above icake combo txz and combo live iso is 15:
15 = 5 Chinese input platforms (fcitx, gcin, hime, scim or yong) X 3 user interface languages (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese)

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.8

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:42 am
by icake

BarryK released EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.8 on Jul 18, 2023

for more information and discussions

download easy-5.4.8-amd64.img (825 mb)

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.8:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (16 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (10 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (8 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (35 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (10 mb)
edited 2023 Aug 13: yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.8:
Simplified Chinese: (9 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (8 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.8

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.8. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo pet
I have also created an icake combo pet for EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.8 with all 6 Chinese input platforms above and 3 user interface languages (74 mb)

III. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 1 icake combo live iso based on EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.8:
icake64-easy-5.4.8-amd64-est-fghisy.img (900 mb)

so the total number of different systems created by this icake combo pet and combo live iso is 18:
18 = 6 Chinese input platforms (fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim or yong) X 3 user interface languages (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese)

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for fossapup64 9.5.0 med1; bas 1, 2, 4, 7, 9

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:43 am
by icake

ozsouth released a number of Fossa64 med and bas Puppy devivatives in June and July 2023

for more information, discussions and download med
for more information, discussions and download bas

download fossapup64-9.5-bas 7 and 9 iso

I have created 5 half-Chinese language pets for fossapup64 9.5.0 med1; bas 1 to 9:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (18 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for fossapup64 9.5.0 med1; bas 1, 2, 4, 7, 9:
Simplified Chinese: (2 mb) (2 mb) (2 mb) (2 mb) (2 mb) (2 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (2 mb) (2 mb) (2 mb) (2 mb) (2 mb) (2 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 5 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in fossapup64 9.5.0 med1; bas 1, 2, 4, 7, 9

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for fossapup64 9.5.0 med1; bas 1, 2, 4, 7, 9. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for DevuanPup_10.0_Xfce_beta4

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:44 am
by icake

pp4mnklinux mentioned 4 Devuanpup daedalus puppy derivatives released recently:
XFCE, MATE, LXDE, BASIC and I have created Chinese language debs for DevuanPup_10.0_Xfce_beta4.iso

for more information and discussions

download DevuanPup_10.0_Xfce_beta4.iso (909 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for DevuanPup_10.0_Xfce_beta4:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (38 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (140 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for DevuanPup_10.0_Xfce_beta4:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in DevuanPup_10.0_Xfce_beta4

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for DevuanPup_10.0_Xfce_beta4. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

so the total number of different systems created by this icake combo pet and combo live iso is 18:
18 = 6 Chinese input platforms (fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim or yong) X 3 user interface languages (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese)

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for QuickPup 23.01 rc2

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 6:44 am
by icake

mistfire has recently released QuickPup64 23.01 RC2 (Jun 8, 2023)

for more information and discussions

download quickpup64_23.01-rc-2.iso (525 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for QuickPup 23.01 rc2:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (24 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (55 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (10 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for QuickPup 23.01 rc2:
Simplified Chinese: (5 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (4 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in QuickPup 23.01 rc2

(b) the name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for QuickPup 23.01 rc2. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

for more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong half-Chinese pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for AtomicPup21-mini

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:15 am
by icake

8Geee released AtomicPup21-mini on Aug 4, 2023

for more information and discussions

download AtomicPup21-mini.iso (120 mb)

I have created 3 half-Chinese language pets for AtomicPup21-mini:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (19 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (23 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (9 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for AtomicPup21-mini:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 3 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in AtomicPup21-mini

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for AtomicPup21-mini. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.1

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:17 am
by icake

radky released Bookworm Pup64 10.0.1 on Aug 13, 2023

for more information and discussions

download BookwormPup64_10.0.1.iso (765 mb)

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.1:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (78 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (14 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.1:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in Bookworm Pup64 10.0.1

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.1. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for LunarPup32 23.06+2 and +3

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:18 am
by icake

peebee released LunarPup32 23.06+2 on Aug 12, 2023 and 23.06+3 on Aug 17, 2023

for more information and discussions

download LunarPup32 23.06+0+2.iso and +3

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for LunarPup32 23.06+2 and +3:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (27 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (33 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (17 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for LunarPup32 23.06+2 and +3:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb) (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: (3 mb) (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in LunarPup32 23.06+2 and +3

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for LunarPup32 23.06+2 and +3. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for s15pup64_22.12-230513-ovrly-2

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:23 am
by icake

ozsouth released s15pup64-ovrly v1 and v2 in early Aug 2023

for more information and discussions

download s15pup64_22.12-230513-ovrly-2.iso (345 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for s15pup64_22.12-230513-ovrly-2:
fcitx input method platform: (16 mb)
gcin input method platform: (7 mb)
hime input method platform: (5 mb)
ibus input method platform: (53 mb)
scim input method platform: (13 mb)
yong input method platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for s15pup64_22.12-230513-ovrly-2:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in s15pup64_22.12-230513-ovrly-2

(b) the name/version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for s15pup64_22.12-230513-ovrly-2. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

For more information about the fcitx, ibus, gcin, hime, scim and yong half-Chinese language pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.9 and 10

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:29 am
by icake

BarryK released EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.9 on Jul 31, 2023 and 5.4.10 on Aug 8, 2023

for more information and discussions

download easy-5.4.9-amd64.img (845 mb)
download easy-5.4.10-amd64.img (878 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.9 and 10:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (16 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (10 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (8 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (35 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (10 mb)
corrected Aug 13, 2023: yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.9 and 10:
Simplified Chinese: (9 mb) (9 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (8 mb) (8 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.9 and 10

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for EasyOS Kirkstone-series version 5.4.9 and 10. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for fatdog64-900

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:17 am
by icake

the fatdog team released fatdog64-900 final on Sep 12, 2023

for more information and discussions

download Fatdog64-900.iso (635 mb)

I. icake language txzes:
I have created 6 half-Chinese language txzes for fatdog64-900:
fcitx Chinese input platform: fcitx64_4.2.7-en-zh-bionic-321.0.6.txz (21 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: gcin64_2.8.5-en-zh-bionic-321.0.6.txz (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: hime64_0.9.10-en-zh-bionic-321.0.6.txz (10 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: ibus64_1.5.19-en-zh-bionic-321.0.6.txz (55 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: scim64_1.4.14-en-zh-bionic-321.0.6.txz (14 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-321.0.6.txz (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language txzes each for fatdog64-900:
Simplified Chinese: fatdog64-900-zhcn-321.0.6.txz (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: fatdog64-900-zhcn-321.0.6.txz (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in fatdog64-900

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for fatdog64-900. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

II. icake combo txz
I have also created an icake combo txz for fatdog64-900 with all 6 Chinese input platforms above and 3 user interface languages:
icake64-fatdog64-900-combo-est-fghisy.321.0.6.txz (113 mb)

III. icake combo live iso
I have also remastered 1 icake combo live iso based on fatdog64-900 with all 6 Chinese input platforms above and 3 user interface languages:
icake64-Fatdog64-900-est-fghisy.iso (789 mb)

so the total number of different systems created by the above icake combo txz and combo live iso is 18:
18 = 6 Chinese input platforms (fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim or yong) X 3 user interface languages (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese)

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong txzes, please see:

icake Chinese language pets for ArchPup-beta-1

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:19 am
by icake

joseup2424 released ArchPup-beta-1 on Feb 1, 2023

for more information and discussions

download ArchPup-beta-1.iso (952 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for ArchPup-beta-1:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (18 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (5 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (56 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (12 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (8 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for ArchPup-beta-1:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in ArchPup-beta-1

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for ArchPup-beta-1. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.2

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:20 am
by icake

radky released Bookworm Pup64 10.0.2 on Sep 4, 2023

for more information and discussions

download BookwormPup64_10.0.2.iso (765 mb)

I. icake half-Chinese and Chinese language pets
I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.2:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (19 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (78 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (14 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.2:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb)
Traditional Chinese: (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the 6 half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in Bookworm Pup64 10.0.2

(b) the 2 name+version number corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (zhcn) or Traditional Chinese (zhhk) menus, icon labels, tooltips for Bookworm Pup64 10.0.2. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

more information about the fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim and yong pets, please see the first posting of this subject

icake Chinese language pets for LxPupSc64-23.01+4-T and LxPupSc32-23.01+4-T-k64

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:21 am
by icake

peebee recently released LxPupSc64-23.01+4-T and LxPupSc32-23.01+4-T-k64 (Sep 1, 2023)

for more information and discussions for LxPupSc64-23.01+4-T
for more information and discussions for LxPupSc32-23.01+4-T-k64

download LxPupSc64-23.01+4-T.iso (359 mb)
download LxPupSc32-23.01+4-T-k64.iso (359 mb)

I have created 6 half-Chinese language pets for LxPupSc64-23.01+4-T and 6 half-Chinese language pets for LxPupSc32-23.01+4-T-k64:
fcitx Chinese input platform: (17 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (7 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (6 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (55 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (17 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

fcitx Chinese input platform: (21 mb)
gcin Chinese input platform: (10 mb)
hime Chinese input platform: (17 mb)
ibus Chinese input platform: (38 mb)
scim Chinese input platform: (15 mb)
yong Chinese input platform: (10 mb)

Plus 2 Chinese language pets each for LxPupSc64-23.01+4-T and LxPupSc32-23.01+4-T-k64:
Simplified Chinese: (4 mb) (4 mb)

Traditional Chinese: (3 mb) (3 mb)

To use:
(a) any 1 of the half-Chinese language pets will enable you to display and input Chinese in LxPupSc64-23.01+4-T (please use the 21.1.8 pets) and LxPupSc32-23.01+4-T-k64 (please use the 14.2.9 pets)

(b) the name/version corresponding Chinese language pets will give you Simplified Chinese (use zhcn pets) or Traditional Chinese (use zhhk pets) desktop menus, icon labels, tooltips for LxPupSc64-23.01+4-T and LxPupSc32-23.01+4-T-k64. Please note that all Chinese language pets rely on a suitable half-Chinese language pet already installed to the system to provide Chinese input platform and Chinese fonts. Otherwise the system cannot input Chinese and display Chinese (shown as squares).

For more information about the fcitx, ibus, gcin, hime, scim and yong half-Chinese language pets, please see the first posting of this subject

All these half-Chinese and Chinese language pets are now available for download from the public sharing folders. Please see the first posting of this subject for download addresses.