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Re: Kodi-portable64 - Kodi 18.4 "Leia" in portable format...

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:06 pm
by keniv

I now have kodi working in Fossapup on my dual core 4GB machine using forum member @Lassar .pet so not sure it's a hardware issue that's causing the problem with the portable. Please see my last post (three posts back). There's also a link to the .pet. It's a different version to the portable i.e. 19.3.



Re: Kodi-portable64 - Kodi 18.4 "Leia" in portable format...

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:09 pm
by wizard


Well mike you're smarter than you thought. Hadn't yet occurred to me that the video card was the problem. Tried it on a 2013 Lenovo laptop with 8gb ram, no go. After reading your post about the video card, tried it on a desktop with an old ATI Radeon card mesa=3.1 and it runs. Odd though as the Kodi site states mesa 11.3 is the minimum. That video spec locks them out of a lot of older computers.

EDIT: looking at pupsysinfo I thought the mesa was 3.1, not so, 3.1 is the OpenGL version, mesa = 20.0.8


Re: Kodi-portable64 - Kodi 18.4 "Leia" in portable format...

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 6:44 pm
by wizard


If you're interested in doing an older version that would run on older computers, v16.1 might be a good choice.


Re: Kodi-portable64 - Kodi 18.4 "Leia" in portable format...

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:27 pm
by wizard


Hi mike,
Thought you might be interested in hardware test I ran. The first two computers are desktops, others are laptops. Looks like the 18.4 portable is more particular about the video system.

kodi-test.jpg (29.08 KiB) Viewed 2286 times


Re: Kodi-portable64 - Kodi 18.4 "Leia" in portable format...

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:29 pm
by mikewalsh

@wizard :-

Hm. Well, thanks for doing that, mate. The portable doesn't seem to like Intel graphics, does it?

My current rig has Nvidia graphics.....and even the old Compaq rig was AMD-based, so had an ATI Radeon graphics accelerator built-in to the SB400 southbridge. I could never run the portable on the old Dell (which WAS all-Intel), 'cos it was only 32-bit, y'see.....

Mike. ;)

Re: Kodi-portable64 - Kodi 18.4 "Leia" in portable format...

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:47 pm
by soniabu

Mike, remembered this kodi portable and now
as I am doing some tests with Bookworm I tried to launch this 18.4 Leila again and it works almost completely,
except that the usual video of the mp4 and streaming tv are green (disinhibiting hw acceleratio and with HW acc.).
It's a problem I already knew in my Bookworm - with Kodi 20, 19.0 matrix and Fred sensed a problem in my system and suggested I start all over again - with this test of Leila 18 we are sure that the problem is not caused by Kodi.
'll wait a few more days to see if the new system updates fix this,
otherwise as Fred advises, I'll have to start over.
that's okay. sonia
thanks for these portable applications that you find around useful to avoid bloating the operating system.