@greengeek :-
Morning, Ian.
With regard to using the JvS statics, I've been using them across the kennels for 2-3 years or more, ever since Fred put me onto them. I just follow the instructions that come with each tarball; replace the existing ffmpeg & ffprobe with the statically-compiled ones in the package. (You can replace the supplied qt-faststart too, if you want, but I'm honestly not sure what this does, so.......it's at your discretion, I guess).
I'm assuming you need the matching ffprobe because ffmpeg itself will often refer to it if, for instance, you're querying outputs'n'stuff (which UsbCamCord does). I don't know for certain, but I don't think ffplay & ffserver get much use in Puppy, if at all; so far as playback goes, most of us just use our default media player for the task. I know I do. Ffmpeg itself is the main one we're concerned with; this is what does all the work.
As far as Tahrpup is concerned - and this applies to both Tahr32 AND Tahr64 - what I do is to remove /usr/bin/avconv (this is part of the weird LibAv thing Canonical were using that year, and apparently fulfills the same functionality in that setup), then recreate it as a sym-link to ffmpeg itself. It's a tip I got from another Puppian on the old Forum (can't remember who it was), but it seems to work nicely.
Yes, you CAN use it as a 'portable' package (alongside the existing one). I often do this, but I set this up outside the 'save', and of course to use it you MUST specify the absolute, 'full' $PATH to it. And this way, you can - if you want - share one external set between multiple Puppies.
I'm far from being an expert with ffmpeg, but if you think I can help with any queries, ask away..!