Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed [SOLVED]

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Sky Aisling
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Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed [SOLVED]

Post by Sky Aisling »

My printer has failed to print.
The printer works on all other functions except scan.
Here is the distro:
▶—— Distro Specifications ——◀

Operating System:
Distro Name fossapup64 9.6 (x86_64)
Woof-CE Build testing;cd5dcd04f;2023-01-21 15:35:41 +0200
Woof Version 9
Binary Base ubuntu
Distro Base focal
Distro Date Feb 2023
User Session x11
Window Manager JWM v2.4.3
Desktop Start xwin jwm

Here is the printer make and model:
HP Officejet 4655 all-in-one printer

Here is machine make and model:
HP Desktop 260-a010 with 4gigs of RAM running fossapup(64) as a frugal install on a flash drive.

The CUPS 2.3.1 error message is "Filter Failed".

HP Officejet 4655a.png
HP Officejet 4655a.png (60.09 KiB) Viewed 2066 times

Here is installed HPlip software:

Printer Failed PPM1.png
Printer Failed PPM1.png (52.73 KiB) Viewed 2066 times

Background that might or might not have any relevance:

Last week you helped me solve a situation in which the icons in several fossapup(64) programs were not showing.
The issue was solved by the removal of the Bluetooth manager software which I had installed when setting up the new fossapup(64) not long ago.
When I removed the Bluetooth software I also removed hplip-print-3.14.4.
I thought that wasn't the correct hplip for the printer. The printer failed to work the next day.
I re-installed hplip-print-3.14.4 immediately. Printer still failed.
The printer had been working without issue prior to the removal of the Bluetooth manager.
Perhaps these actions are coincidental or perhaps they have relevance?

At any rate, the HP printer is refusing to print.
The printer works on all other functions except scan.
I traded out cords. Wiggled all the wiring and made the appropriate curse words.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by Sky Aisling »

@rcrsn51 @rockedge
Hi, can anybody help me here?
I'm way out of my job rating here, but ...
Could fossadpup(64) be missing library files like and

Filter Failed1.png
Filter Failed1.png (82.79 KiB) Viewed 1992 times
Filter Failed2.png
Filter Failed2.png (40.24 KiB) Viewed 1988 times


Last edited by Sky Aisling on Fri Sep 01, 2023 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by ozsouth »

@Sky Aisling - seems the hplip you removed took other libraries, so just reinstalling the .pet will still be deficient. It is possible you have found the missing libs, but they will probably have dependencies too. Having made cups packages for my fossa64-mid, it is difficult to find missing libs. I had to compare fossapup64-9.5's adrv to see what was missing. Usually, with binaries, you can run ldd to find missing libs, but ldd /usr/sbin/cupsd won't find your hp specific libs. Sadly, a reinstall, then only removing bluetooth will probably be necessary. As a last resort, you could try using the HP Laserjet4 driver - it is compatible with many laser printers (even my Brother HLL-2395DW).

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by Sky Aisling »


So, I am confused. Does this mean I have to buy another printer? Or, can I do something to correct the hplip software? What should I be doing to correct this situation?
I hesitate to complicate this thread any further but perhaps this will help: here is the thread from last week that solved the missing icons by deleting a Bluethooth Manager program. ... 410#p97410

Thank you for responding ozsouth, much appreciated.


EDIT: I have two other machines a Dell Inspiron running Bionicpup 64 and a small HP laptop running d-pup stretch. Both machines/distros ran the printer. Now the printer does not run on either machine/distro.
So, wouldn't that mean that something is wrong in the printer's software not in fossapup64 software?

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by ozsouth »

@Sky Aisling - no need for another printer - if you go over the printer setup (via the Printer Wizard in the Main/Setup menu) again, and when Cups screen appears, Click Printers, then click on your printer's name, then Administration, then Modify Printer, then choose HP Laserjet 4 as the driver, you may well find it works.

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by Sky Aisling »

@Sky Aisling - no need for another printer - if you go over the printer setup (via the Printer Wizard in the Main/Setup menu) again, and when Cups screen appears, Click Printers, then click on your printer's name, then Administration, then Modify Printer, then choose HP Laserjet 4 as the driver, you may well find it works.

OK, I went to CUPS/Printers/clicked printer's name/Administration/ where is "Modify Printer"?

Filter Failed3.png
Filter Failed3.png (115.15 KiB) Viewed 1956 times

Perhaps I should delete the printer and find it again? Then search for HP Laserjet 4 as it's driver? How do I delete the printer?

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by ozsouth »

@Sky Aisling - from your pic, you need to click Printers at that point, THEN your printer name at left of line (mine's b), THEN Administration (within the box that opens, as in my pic, not up the top). Cups having that Admin button up top at that point is confusing. Then you need to Continue everything except the driver - choose HP then Laserjet 4.

cups_oz.jpg (37.39 KiB) Viewed 1942 times
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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by Sky Aisling »

No laserjet 4?

Filter Failed5.png
Filter Failed5.png (189.43 KiB) Viewed 1925 times
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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by ozsouth »

@Sky Aisling - could keep scrolling down - your pic says Color Laserjet. If yours is colour, try Color Laserjet 5 - CUPS+Gutenprint (first of those Color Laserjet options), or try one of the 3 entries after that.

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by Sky Aisling »


Filter Failed6.png
Filter Failed6.png (101.6 KiB) Viewed 1900 times
Filter Failed7.png
Filter Failed7.png (72.14 KiB) Viewed 1900 times
Filter Failed8.png
Filter Failed8.png (22.54 KiB) Viewed 1900 times

I rebooted before trying an Abiword print.

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by ozsouth »

@Sky Aisling - oh dear. Looks like more missing items than I thought. You could try some different drivers, but I think a reinstall is your only way out.
OR - if you're really daring, could try this cups .pet, hoping it will restore some basic libs (could totally break it too): ...

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by Sky Aisling »

I found a whole series of drivers for the HP OfficeJet 4650 series in the modification window.
I tried "HP Officejet 4650 Series, hpcups 3.18.6 thinking that is the number of the hplip that worked when the printer was working.

Filter Failed9.png
Filter Failed9.png (41.21 KiB) Viewed 1882 times

@Sky Aisling - oh dear. Looks like more missing items than I thought. You could try some different drivers, but I think a reinstall is your only way out.
OR - if you're really daring, could try this cups .pet, hoping it will restore some basic libs (could totally break it too): ...

When you say "reinstall" you mean start a fossapup64 9.6 install all over again?
Oh sigh! I'm heading for a grade B movie then bed. I've been at this for days.

Thank you ozsouth.


Good Morning
Where do I find the most recent download of fossapup64 9.6 (x86_64)?

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by rcrsn51 »

@Sky: PeasyBT was an ancient 32bit project that I abandoned years ago. It makes no sense to be installing it in fossapup64. Likewise, hplip-print-3.14.4 was a 32bit HP driver from 2014. Since then, there have been numerous hplip-print-scan packages of mine posted around the forum that would work with fossapup64. I don't know what hplip-3.18.6-bionicpup64 is.

You need to stop believing the Puppy myth that you can install anything anywhere. This is a recipe for the inevitable disaster that you are now experiencing. If you want a system that works better, get a system with better package management.

BTW, is your Officejet 4665 not an inkjet printer? It doesn't make sense to be trying a Laserjet4 driver.

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by ozsouth »

@rcrsn51 - yes it appears I googled wrong - her printer is indeed an inkjet, so laserjet4 is useless. Why I suggested a reinstall is that it was working before she removed the hplip package & rebuilding it is hard when you can't easily find what is missing. Although over 80, she is actually quite competent. Most folk of that vintage I try to help need everything spelled out, or done for them.

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by rcrsn51 »

ozsouth wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:58 pm

rebuilding it is hard when you can't easily find what is missing.

If you have a system with correct package management, you don't need to go looking for missing stuff.

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by ozsouth »

@Sky Aisling - As rcrsn51 says, it is easier to use a system with better package management than most puppies. I usually use a Chromebook these days, where that is handled easily. Sorry for the misdirection. All I can suggest for now, is that before you consider reinstalling or other options, perhaps try to modify your printer setting to the plain HP Officejet - CUPS+Gutenprint driver.

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by Sky Aisling »

@rcrsn51 @ozsouth

Thank you both for your responses.
rcrsn51 writes:

If you have a system with correct package management, you don't need to go looking for missing stuff.

By 'system' do you mean the distro? If so then which 'system' would you suggest?

ozsouth writes:

@Sky Aisling - As rcrsn1 says, it is easier to use a system with better package management. I usually use a Chromebook these days, where that is handled easily. All I can suggest for now, is that before you consider reinstalling or other options, perhaps try to modify your printer to the plain HP Officejet - CUPS+Gutenprint driver.

I did with negative results.

Filter Failed9.png
Filter Failed9.png (41.21 KiB) Viewed 1787 times


I started this thread for a tiny reason. I live in a modest space. I have a lovely but small office area.
My local computer store donated to me a much faster machine than my old Dell Inspiron. Being a desktop machine the HP 260-a010 requires a plugin keyboard.
The keyboard I had in my leftover pile of electronics is the long kind with the numbers pad on the right.
I never use that section of a keyboard. The long keyboard unnecessarily takes up space on my desk area.
My computer store also donated a small wireless keyboard which runs off Bluetooth technology.
(I know nothing of Bluetooth. I just knew I needed it to run the small keyboard.)

I couldn't find any Bluetooth manager listed in the menu so I imported what I thought was a Bluetooth manager from Puppy Package Manager.
PPM description didn't say anything about the age of the manager software.
I installed it and then the decent of the printer began it's slide on greased skids. (As did other features in fossapup(64) 9.6. See my thread concerning loss of icons in Abiword and Aisleriot.) ... 97410#p974

So, back to the original question: where do I find a recent version of fossapup(64). I will create a new frugal puppy stick and set up a new system again.
My apologies for taking up your valuable time. As a everyday vanilla user I've enjoyed Puppy and the forum for over 16 years now. Things have gotten so complicated lately.


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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by ozsouth »

@Sky Aisling

I note from the pic in your last post, you chose an Officejet driver with hpcups 3.18.6. As I don't think the full hpcups files are on your system, I would try the plain HP Officejet one, at the top of the Officejet options - see pic, as a last resort.

officejet.jpg (59.69 KiB) Viewed 1754 times


Otherwise, the isos you may wish to use are here:

- Fossapup64-9.6CE iso is here (538 mb): ... 6-CE_4.iso
- older Fossapup64-9.5 iso here (409mb): ... 64-9.5.iso
You may wind up having to use the longer keyboard, to avoid bluetooth. Whatever you decide, hope it works out for you.

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed

Post by Sky Aisling »

@ozsouth @rcrsn51 @bigpup

The issue is SOLVED more-or-less.

I suggest to any reader of this thread who is suffering from an HP Officejet printer failure to read this article from the HP Knowledge Base:
NOTE: The HP Officejet model number I own is different from what is listed in the article. But, I tried their suggestion anyway.

I have the printer working on a new install of fossapup(64) 9.6 but not until I took the ruddy bluddy machine apart per the above article suggestion.

If it were not so late at night, I would give you all the grueling details of how this was achieved.


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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed [SOLVED]

Post by ozsouth »

Glad it's sorted, Sky. The tiniest piece of paper can block a sensor, causing failure. Sorry, I should have thought of that.

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Re: Fossapup(64) CUPS 2.3.1. Filter Failed [SOLVED]

Post by rcrsn51 »

Just to be clear, a "Filter failed" error would be caused by using the wrong driver, NOT by a hardware problem like a blocked sensor.

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