qView AppImage to view Animated webp among others

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qView AppImage to view Animated webp among others

Post by mikeslr »

Thought we might be interested in qView-6.1-x86_64.AppImage, available from https://github.com/jurplel/qView/releases. It was able to play animated webp's under Fossapup64 OOTB. Just download and make executable.

AFAICT, qView will display most (all?) commonly used graphic file types.

Not yet tested with other Puppys; and Puppys older than Fossapup64 may need an older version of qView.

When initially started View opens as an undecorated window. Right-Clicking reveals a menu which, among other things, enables change to its settings to provide as much detail in its GUI as you want.

qView-Settings.png (140.2 KiB) Viewed 1847 times

While qView does not include its own tools for editing graphics, once a graphic has been opened in qView you can chose to open it in any other graphic program for editing or otherwise.

qView-Options.png (298.38 KiB) Viewed 1847 times

P.S. Just opened the qView-6.1-x86_64.AppImage in Xenialpup64. Seems to be fully functional (e.g. Image opened in it could be opened via its menu in another graphic program for editing) except that its GUI setting could not be changed: only Right-Clicking its window was available. Perhaps an earlier version or installing some libs would is needed. To determine which libs would require extracting the AppImage and examining its binary with ldd.

I don't have the original Bionicpup set up. [Testing by anyone who has would be informative]. It would not open in my Bionicpup64-Revival. Terminal output reveals missing Qt5-core. I suspect further examination will reveal other 'missing' Qt5 libraries which aren't really missing. They are likely included in the AppImage --which is why it worked under Xenialpup64-- but conflict with the Qt5 libraries I built-in to Revival that have priority, albeit are not adequate.

@mikewalsh, +1 for portablizing it to avoid that conflict. Let's see what happens under Bookworm. Be back shortly.

No problem under BookwormPup64. So the conflicting Qt5 libs is the likely cause of the issue under Bionicpup64-Revival, and qView (at 43Mbs) may be a good candidate for portablization.

Further exploration under Bionicpup64-Revival. At github you'll find earlier releases, both AppImages and 'debs'. I chose to install the debs. Version 4 works OOTB under this Puppy, but does NOT support animated webp files. It doesn't natively see non-animated webps. But if you select 'all files' it will display and open them. Version 5 has the same Qt5 library conflict as Version 6.1. And further examination by installing debs revealed that Bionicpup64's glibc is not new enough to permit installing any deb newer than Version 4.

As Xenialpup64's has an even older glibc than Bionicpup64 but could run the 6.1 AppImage. I think there should be some way to portablize it so that it can be used across Puppys. But how is beyond me.

For those interested in viewing animated webp's another way, there's a discussion here, viewtopic.php?p=31881&sid=a48757ef16e47 ... ef5#p31881

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