How to install the newest version of Geeqie? {solved, generally; but not the newest}

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How to install the newest version of Geeqie? {solved, generally; but not the newest}

Post by MrAccident »

[F96-CE 4]
Geeqie version in PPM is 1.5.1; the newest available I found in Puppy forum is 1.6 by Grey; and the current version is 2.1. I wanted to use the newest, so I downloaded the AppImage from here (the file Geeqie-v2.1-aarch64.AppImage; don't know if it's the correct one). I clicked on the AppImage file > Permissions > a+x (Make executable/searchable) was already displayed, clicked OK. Nothing happens when I click on the AppImage file. (the same thing happens with ImageMagick).

Also - will I be able go set to open Image-files with the AppImage?

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Re: How to install the newest version of Geeqie?

Post by mikeslr »

You downloaded the wrong AppImage. I think, the 'aa' indicates its for the arm-architecture. You want the one named Geeqie-v2.1-x86_64.AppImage. But wait a couple of minutes. I'm downloading that one now and will see if there are any other issues with F-96.

Downloaded. It wouldn't run. After unpacking, ldd reports 'GLIBCXX_3.4.29 not found' among other things. F-96's glibc is too old to run the 2.1 AppImage.'

Exactly which ImageMagick did you download? But open a different thread to answer. Remember "One thread per issue otherwise it gets confusing."

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Re: How to install the newest version of Geeqie?

Post by MrAccident »

So what should I do, download the libs ldd says? And which are those, or how to do the check?
I'll wait with ImageMagick.

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Re: How to install the newest version of Geeqie?

Post by fredx181 »


So what should I do, download the libs ldd says? And which are those, or how to do the check?

Probably you cannot make it work on F-96, as Mike said "F-96's glibc is too old to run the 2.1 AppImage":

mikeslr wrote:

Downloaded. It wouldn't run. After unpacking, ldd reports 'GLIBCXX_3.4.29 not found' among other things. F-96's glibc is too old to run the 2.1 AppImage.'

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Re: How to install the newest version of Geeqie?

Post by OscarTalks »

This is in Bookworm Pup, but I compiled the source without any difficulty. I haven't tried in Fossa 9.6 or 9.5 yet, but if compiling works it will be linked against the glibc and libstdc++ that is in the system, so that would avoid the problem of those library versions. Also what happens is the configure process detects which of the optional libraries are present and disables linking of those which are missing, so depending on what functions you want you would need to add any optional packages before compiling or use it as is (if that already has everything you need).

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Re: How to install the newest version of Geeqie?

Post by MrAccident »

Can I know if I can use an earlier version. If no - I'll just use the 1.5 in PPM, or 1.6 by Grey, if it will work?

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Re: How to install the newest version of Geeqie?

Post by OscarTalks »

I would suggest that you try the version by Grey if that was compiled in FossaPup (and see if it does everything you need). If PPM is offering the Ubuntu build it will drag in extra dependencies which may be useful (depending on what functions you want), or may just be a waste of space.

I did a quick attempt to build geeqie-2.1 in F-96 and could not get it to compile in the standard way (overcame some problems but then encountered others). I did manage to build geeqie-2.0.1 with some tweaking, but there was something wrong with the menu bar unless I expanded the window, so that looked like a bit of a bug. Maybe with more time I could fix things, but using an older version of geeqie in FossaPup might be the best approach unless you come across some 'showstopper' reason why you need the latest.

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Re: How to install the newest version of Geeqie?

Post by Grey »

@MrAccident Oscar is right. Compilation is possible, but at the moment it is a process comparable to hemorrhoids. Therefore, the authors themselves decided not to sweat and go all out (AppIm, Snap, Flat) :)

I slept on the floor yesterday (it's cooler there) and suddenly the night was cold and I got a little sick. So don't expect any feats from me :|

But I can use 2.1 in Fossapup using Conty (this is a complete Arch in a container that I periodically talked about in one of the forum sections). This method is not suitable for everyone, but laziness and need make you look for a way out of any situation.

Different devices. Different approach.

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Re: How to install the newest version of Geeqie?

Post by MrAccident »

I've installed Grey's 1.6 version from here. It works, and even displays WebP images! So what else can I ask for? I probably can ask for something, but I don't know what, so I won't ask for anything else.
Thanks all.
Спосибо Серый.

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Re: How to install the newest version of Geeqie? {solved, generally; but not the newest}

Post by MrAccident »

The 1.6 version didn't work well. Its theme didn't match mine; some parts of the GUI were missing; and It had glitches when I moved my mouse.
But I installed the 1.5.1 version from PPM, and it works; and also shows WebP files.

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