"libproxy" is a prerequisite for running Google Earth Pro v7.3 on Fatdog.
After installing both Google Earth Pro v7.3 and libproxy 0.4.18 on FD64 812, I ran the former without encountering any problems.
Subsequently, I repeated the aforementioned installation procedure on FD64 900 Beta and attempted to launch Google Earth. However, I got an error message as follows:
Code: Select all
/opt/google/earth/pro/googleearth-bin: symbol lookup error: /opt/google/earth/pro/libQt5WebKit.so.5: undefined symbol: _gst_debug_min
Unfortunately, I am unsure how to resolve this problem. Could you please provide me with some advice?
[NOTE 1] Download page for Google Earth Pro (edited on the 13th August, 2023 (UTC) for correcting the URL) = https://www.google.com/earth/download/gep/agree.html
[NOTE 2] Download page for source code of libproxy = https://github.com/libproxy/libproxy/releases