Scanning in Fossa95 (ozsouth's "Less" minimal version)

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Scanning in Fossa95 (ozsouth's "Less" minimal version)

Post by greengeek »

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Scanning from a USB connected Brother MFC7820 printer/scanner (on Fossa 95 "Less" minimal version)

I wanted to find a very minimal method for scanning from my Brother MFC7820 on Ozsouth's minimal Fossa9.5 ("Less" version) without bringing in xsane and all of it's usual deps so I have got "simple-scan" running using as few libs as I could.

It seems functional - even though in theory it should have needed a whole bunch of deps. (I may make a pet of these "extras" later if I find some reason why they may be needed)

For anyone who wants to try getting their scanner working in a minimalist environment - this simple-scan utility may do the job - provided that you have access to a suitable scanner driver (must be loaded separately).

Here is a very minimal version of simple-scan in pet form: ...

and in sfs form: ... 5.sfs/file

simple-scan_in_F95Less.jpg (38 KiB) Viewed 1174 times

Just for the sake of it I will include my Brother MFC7820 scanner driver pet - but this will be of no use to anyone who does not have the exact same model.
(59.23 KiB) Downloaded 75 times
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