Clock-Skins for pwidgets, maybe others

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Clock-Skins for pwidgets, maybe others

Post by mikeslr »

Thanks to CatDude, in his section of Smokey, ... ins.tar.gz, there's an 8.3 Mb package of 231 analog clock-skins which can be used in pwidgets. You can see a few examples here, viewtopic.php?p=9271#p9271 chosen to demonstrate the less than ordinary.

For pwidgets, download the tar.gz, UExtract it, then choose the one(s) you want. Copy it/them into /usr/local/pwidgets/widget/clock_skins.

pwidgets employs xonclock to display an analog clock. The clock-skins, themselves, are only ".png" files. So they could be used with any application using that file format. You can also edit them in graphic applications or use them as templates to create your own.

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Re: Clock-Skins for pwidgets, maybe others

Post by mikewalsh »

Evening, all.

Small collection of pWidgets clock skins I put together some time ago:-



I no longer use the analog clock these days, but seeing t'other Mike's post, I thought there's no reason why the rest of you couldn't make use of the skins, now, is there? :)


Mike. ;)

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Re: Clock-Skins for pwidgets, maybe others

Post by mikeslr »

In case you didn't know, you can change the colors on any clock-skin. They are simply '.png' files you can open in gimp, mtpaint or similar and edit.
Compare viewtopic.php?p=14418#p14418 with viewtopic.php?p=9530#p9530.

Well, actually you can 'roll-yr-own'. Just remember that the second-hand has to contrast with the clock-skin.

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Re: Clock-Skins for pwidgets, maybe others

Post by mikewalsh »

This was always MY favourite. Neat; simple; functional. And looks great.

xonclock_1.png (30.41 KiB) Viewed 1866 times

Despite being a keen horologist, and fascinated with time-pieces of all sorts ever since the first Timex watch I got for my 7th birthday, I don't go a lot on "fancy" dials. Never have, really...

Mike. ;)

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Re: Clock-Skins for pwidgets, maybe others

Post by mikeslr »

Harvest Moon Clock-Skin.

Moon.png (48.89 KiB) Viewed 1878 times

For use with night-time nature style desktops such as:

Beach-Night-rocking.png (257.03 KiB) Viewed 1878 times
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Re: Flat-white Clock-Skin

Post by mikeslr »

Sometimes you just want a simple clock. I'm not sure where I got the Flat-grey clock skin. It's fine, but against some backgrounds it may be hard to read. See, ... 996#p94996. So I decided to edit it expecting to replace grey with either Orange or Yellow. So some reason I couldn't figure out how to undo, it only takes shades from White to Black. So here's a Flat-White clock-skin. Against a white background it's hard to read.

Flat-White.png (444 Bytes) Viewed 1799 times

But when used it will look like this:

Flat-White against dark-red.png
Flat-White against dark-red.png (8.43 KiB) Viewed 1799 times
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