KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

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KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by rockedge »

KLV-Spectr-beta1 is now available for evaluation from https://rockedge.org/kernels

Direct Download ->
KLV-Spectr-beta1 632 M

KLV-Spectr-beta1 is a KLV distro built with the Spectrwm tiling window manager with Rox as primary file manager.

Screenshot(43).jpg (44.7 KiB) Viewed 3052 times

This is the screenshot of /usr/local/bin and it's contents at this time:

Screenshot(44).jpg (41.42 KiB) Viewed 3051 times
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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by rockedge »

Just realized I forgot to add wd_grubconfig to the ISO!

A reminder to add a WiFi connection in a terminal:

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by Sofiya »

rockedge wrote: Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:07 pm

Just realized I forgot to add wd_grubconfig to the ISO!

A reminder to add a WiFi connection in a terminal:

Who does nothing is not wrong ;)

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by rockedge »

I added the script wd_grubconfig to the ISO and uploaded the updated version.

I can't tell if the pulseaudio daemon is starting correctly on every system boot. Seems like sometimes pavucontrol fails to connect. Further testing needed.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by rockedge »

A quick reference for the Spectrwm keyboard bindings/controls (borrowed from Ubuntu)
Default is M = Alt key


spectrwm provides many functions (or actions) accessed via key or mouse bindings.

The current mouse bindings are described below:

M1 Focus window
M-M1 Move window
M-M3 Resize window
M-S-M3 Resize window while maintaining it centered

The default key bindings are described below:

M-S-⟨Return⟩ term
M-p menu
M-S-q quit
M-q restart
M-⟨Space⟩ cycle_layout
M-S-\ flip_layout
M-S-⟨Space⟩ stack_reset
M-h master_shrink
M-l master_grow
M-, master_add
M-. master_del
M-S-, stack_inc
M-S-. stack_dec
M-⟨Return⟩ swap_main
M-j, M-⟨TAB⟩ focus_next
M-k, M-S-⟨TAB⟩ focus_prev
M-m focus_main
M-S-j swap_next
M-S-k swap_prev
M-b bar_toggle
M-x wind_del
M-S-x wind_kill
M-⟨n⟩ ws_n
M-S-⟨n⟩ mvws_n
M-⟨Right⟩ ws_next
M-⟨Left⟩ ws_prev
M-⟨Up⟩ ws_next_all
M-⟨Down⟩ ws_prev_all
M-a ws_prior
M-S-⟨Right⟩ screen_next
M-S-⟨Left⟩ screen_prev
M-s screenshot_all
M-S-s screenshot_wind
M-S-v version
M-t float_toggle
M-S-⟨Delete⟩ lock
M-S-i initscr
M-w iconify
M-S-w uniconify
M-S-r always_raise
M-v button2
M-- width_shrink
M-= width_grow
M-S-- height_shrink
M-S-= height_grow
M-[ move_left
M-] move_right
M-S-[ move_up
M-S-] move_down
M-S-/ name_workspace
M-/ search_workspace
M-f search_win

The action names and descriptions are listed below:

term Spawn a new terminal (see PROGRAMS above).
menu Menu (see PROGRAMS above).
quit Quit spectrwm.
restart Restart spectrwm.
cycle_layout Cycle layout.
flip_layout Swap the master and stacking areas.
stack_reset Reset layout.
master_shrink Shrink master area.
master_grow Grow master area.
master_add Add windows to master area.
master_del Remove windows from master area.
stack_inc Add columns/rows to stacking area.
stack_dec Remove columns/rows from stacking area.
swap_main Move current window to master area.
focus_next Focus next window in workspace.
focus_prev Focus previous window in workspace.
focus_main Focus on main window in workspace.
swap_next Swap with next window in workspace.
swap_prev Swap with previous window in workspace.
bar_toggle Toggle status bar in all workspaces.
wind_del Delete current window in workspace.
wind_kill Destroy current window in workspace.
ws_n Switch to workspace n, where n is 1 through 10.
mvws_n Move current window to workspace n, where n is 1 through 10.
ws_next Switch to next workspace with a window in it.
ws_prev Switch to previous workspace with a window in it.
ws_next_all Switch to next workspace.
ws_prev_all Switch to previous workspace.
ws_prior Switch to last visited workspace.
screen_next Move pointer to next region.
screen_prev Move pointer to previous region.
screenshot_all Take screenshot of entire screen (if enabled) (see PROGRAMS above).
screenshot_wind Take screenshot of selected window (if enabled) (see PROGRAMS
version Toggle version in status bar.
float_toggle Toggle focused window between tiled and floating.
lock Lock screen (see PROGRAMS above).
initscr Reinitialize physical screens (see PROGRAMS above).
iconify Minimize (unmap) currently focused window.
uniconify Maximize (map) window returned by dmenu selection.
always_raise When set tiled windows are allowed to obscure floating windows.
button2 Fake a middle mouse button click (mouse button 2).
width_shrink Shrink the width of a floating window.
width_grow Grow the width of a floating window.
height_shrink Shrink the height of a floating window.
height_grow Grow the height of a floating window.
move_left Move a floating window a step to the left.
move_right Move a floating window a step to the right.
move_up Move a floating window a step upwards.
move_down Move a floating window a step downwards.
name_workspace Name the current workspace.
search_workspace Search for a workspace.
search_win Search the windows in the current workspace.

Custom bindings in the configuration file are specified as follows:

bind[<action>] = <keys>

⟨action⟩ is one of the actions listed above (or empty) and ⟨keys⟩ is in the form of zero or
more modifier keys (MOD, Mod1, Shift, etc.) and one or more normal keys (b, space, etc.),
separated by "+". For example:

bind[reset] = Mod4+q # bind Windows-key + q to reset
bind[] = Mod1+q # unbind Alt + q

To use the currently defined modkey, specify MOD as the modifier key.

Multiple key combinations may be bound to the same action.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by rockedge »

@fredx181 I have save2flash installed in KLV-Spectr-beta1 and beta2 which works well except there is no visible dialog box for the option to not save or save to the current upper_changes in RAM2 mode.

The query to save or not save is there but invisible. If I hit the tab key at the right time and then enter, snap-ex will respond correctly and the RAM2 save works.

Using save2flash in a terminal in RAM2 mode works great.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by fredx181 »

rockedge wrote: Sun Jul 02, 2023 2:43 am

@fredx181 I have save2flash installed in KLV-Spectr-beta1 and beta2 which works well except there is no visible dialog box for the option to not save or save to the current upper_changes in RAM2 mode.

The query to save or not save is there but invisible. If I hit the tab key at the right time and then enter, snap-ex will respond correctly and the RAM2 save works.

Using save2flash in a terminal in RAM2 mode works great.

I tested beta1, and save2flash (v1.6_1) is not installed, it includes modified /etc/rc.shutdown (that runs snap-ex) and depends on dialog, rsync (and probably yad too for save during session) .
Not sure what you did, for me it doesn't work at all, without having save2flash installed.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by rockedge »

@fredx181 Sorry about that! beta1 doesn't have it installed but beta2 does! I just uploaded it and it's ready to test.

https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/ISO/K ... -beta2.iso

The save2flash is functioning except for the dialog of options displayed at power off or reboot.

Also made some small refinements in the boot stanza's that weren't working correctly.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by fredx181 »

rockedge wrote: Sun Jul 02, 2023 4:22 pm

@fredx181 Sorry about that! beta1 doesn't have it installed but beta2 does! I just uploaded it and it's ready to test.

https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/ISO/K ... -beta2.iso

The save2flash is functioning except for the dialog of options displayed at power off or reboot.

Also made some small refinements in the boot stanza's that weren't working correctly.

Yes, tried beta2 now and indeed save changes dialog doesn't show at shutdown.
Why does it work on Klv-Airedale and not on Spectr ?
Can't figure out why yet, but will try to investigate more in the next days.
Some thoughts for now:
Some differences are that Klv-Airedale does autologin at boot, Spectr not.
And when exiting X pkill X it doesn't logout on Spectr (on Airedale it does logout, needed to enter password).
Not sure if above has anything to do with the problem though.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by fredx181 »

@rockedge I think save at shutdown dialog display is fixed on Spectr when replacing and adding files from:

changes/fixes for spectr save at shutdown
(1.03 KiB) Downloaded 132 times

I just looked at differences (in /etc) between Airedale and Spectr, this way autologin should work too.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by rockedge »

@fredx181 looks like it's working! Thanks Fred.

I have added the save2flash modification package to the beta2 rootfs and I have uploaded the new ISO and hash sequences and they are ready for download and testing.

The save2flash function for session saving on demand while running in RAM2 mode has been installed. Running either manually from a console command line or auto-prompted at shutdown/reboot.


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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by Sofiya »

rockedge wrote: Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:52 am

I added the script wd_grubconfig to the ISO and uploaded the updated version.

I can't tell if the pulseaudio daemon is starting correctly on every system boot. Seems like sometimes pavucontrol fails to connect. Further testing needed.

increase startup time to 10 sec, then pulseaudio --start and pavucontrol start correctly on every system boot.

Code: Select all

### (ignore the warning message about running as root)
sleep 10
pulseaudio --start

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by geo_c »

I finally got around to dropping beta2 underneath my XXupper_changes, and all seems to be working smoothly!

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by geo_c »

One thing that's particularly valuable for me using KLV-Spectrwm is that it's a great environmnet to learn the basics that I take for granted.

When it comes to juggling the timezone and hardware clock, I tend to get confused going between OS's. I pretty well thought I had it figured out in puppies, meaning I would set the time and timezone from the internet using puppy setup utilities, and sync the hardware clock to UTC.

However in Spectr, using the date +"%Z%z" command, the system is reporting that I'm in US/Eastern -4.00, which seems correct (and I have linked the US/Eastern zoneinfo to /etc/localtime), but the time is 4 hours behind local time, which tells me that my hardware clock is 4 hours behind, because in spectr I don't think I'm synced to an external server, which I don't know how to do yet. If I set the hardware clock to local time, then the system reports correctly.

But I've been operating under the assumption that my other OS's are synced to UTC-4.

Since my system clocks are always reporting correctly in other OS's, which I think are configured correctly, I'm not sure how this happens, unless I have those other OS set incorrectly.

System time is pretty important when it comes to managing files. So I'm determined to get this straight.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by rockedge »

I have psync from Puppy Linux working now in a version of KLV-Spectr. I also am spoiled by the easy to use tools in Puppy to set the time and clocks.

Somewhat easier in KLV-Airedale but nothing similar in KLV-Spectr. I am working on a final integration of psync and it's dependencies.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by geo_c »

rockedge wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 5:49 am

I have psync from Puppy Linux working now in a version of KLV-Spectr. I also am spoiled by the easy to use tools in Puppy to set the time and clocks.

Somewhat easier in KLV-Airedale but nothing similar in KLV-Spectr. I am working on a final integration of psync and it's dependencies.

Well, it turns out that I did NOT have the "set hardware clock to UTC" box checked in F96 quick setup.

So that seems to have solved my problem. Now Spectrwm is reporting the correct time.

And like I said, it forced me to learn how use commands hwclock and date better, and that's why KLV-Spectrwm is a great environment for me.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by rockedge »

For me I was looking for a quick easy way to set a clock in a VirtualBox or QEMU machine running KLV-Spectr

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by geo_c »

rockedge wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 4:02 pm

For me I was looking for a quick easy way to set a clock in a VirtualBox or QEMU machine running KLV-Spectr

Well just out of curiousity I'm looking at how to sync to ntp manually. And I've noticed ntpd is installed in KLV-spectrwm, but it's not running as a service, and I'm not sure what to link to /etc/runit/runsvdir/default as per the description here: https://docs.voidlinux.org/config/date-time.html and here: https://docs.voidlinux.org/config/servi ... g-services

It kind of looks like from the ntpd --help output that just running ntpd -S will sync to the time server.

Last edited by geo_c on Mon Jul 17, 2023 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: KLV-Spectr-beta1 Available

Post by rockedge »

Yes I added in ntp for psync and of course, other options using it are also possible. I did not set it up as a service as of yet since I was looking for an on-demand service. Further fine tuning of the clock setting is needed!

ntpd -S should do it I think

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