One thing that's particularly valuable for me using KLV-Spectrwm is that it's a great environmnet to learn the basics that I take for granted.
When it comes to juggling the timezone and hardware clock, I tend to get confused going between OS's. I pretty well thought I had it figured out in puppies, meaning I would set the time and timezone from the internet using puppy setup utilities, and sync the hardware clock to UTC.
However in Spectr, using the date +"%Z%z" command, the system is reporting that I'm in US/Eastern -4.00, which seems correct (and I have linked the US/Eastern zoneinfo to /etc/localtime), but the time is 4 hours behind local time, which tells me that my hardware clock is 4 hours behind, because in spectr I don't think I'm synced to an external server, which I don't know how to do yet. If I set the hardware clock to local time, then the system reports correctly.
But I've been operating under the assumption that my other OS's are synced to UTC-4.
Since my system clocks are always reporting correctly in other OS's, which I think are configured correctly, I'm not sure how this happens, unless I have those other OS set incorrectly.
System time is pretty important when it comes to managing files. So I'm determined to get this straight.