How to Edit the Linux Hosts File

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How to Edit the Linux Hosts File

Post by Flash » ... osts-file/

by Jack Wallen in Developer
on July 12, 2023

In this step-by-step guide from Jack Wallen, learn how to access and modify the Linux hosts file to control the mapping of hostnames to IP addresses.

At some point in your career as a developer, you’re going to have to map an IP address to a hostname in Linux – this might happen when you’re deploying a Kubernetes cluster or a Docker Swarm. Or maybe you want to make it easier for you to point a web browser to an internal site or service.

Instead of typing, you could type the hostname you’ve mapped in /etc/hosts. Although this is a pretty basic idea, it’s one that you’ll use quite a bit as an admin or a developer. Let me show you how it’s done. Note: You’ll need a running instance of Linux and a user with sudo privileges. [No need for sudo in Puppy Linux]

The first thing you’ll do is log into Linux and then open the necessary file for editing with the command sudo nano /etc/hosts. When prompted, type your sudo password. [Just go to /etc in Rox, right-click on /etc/hosts and select open as text. No sudo.]

You’ll already see a few entries in place. The two at the top are for IPv4 addresses that map the loopback address to localhost and your hostname; the entries below that are the same but for IPv6. At the bottom of the file is where you’ll add new entries
Let’s add an entry that maps IP address to the invoiceplane name. That entry will look like invoiceplane. What we’ve done is mapped the IP address to a hostname. You can also add a fully qualified domain name after the hostname such as invoiceplane invoiceplane.monkeypantz.lan or whatever FQDN you need. Save and close the file.

You can verify it’s working by issuing the command ping invoiceplane, which should ping the address You can even use the nickname mapped in /etc/hosts in your web browser by pointing it to http://invoiceplane or, in my case, http://invoiceplane/invoiceplane.....

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Re: How to Edit the Linux Hosts File

Post by dancytron »

Here is a github page with many host lists and a script that generates them.

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