large index repository of software packages

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Post by bigpup » is the largest collection of repositories and packages for Linux and Unix operating systems.

Using this software in Puppy.

Find the listing of packages for the compatible Linux OS the Puppy version is based on.
They are both using the same core Linux files and programs, that run them both.

Software packaged for that specific Linux OS.
They have a good chance of also working on the Puppy version.

Not 100% will always work, but a lot of them will.

Packages listed under the Debian OS, generally will work in a lot of different Puppy versions.
But it takes looking only in the Debian listings, for a Debian version, that was developed at the same point in time, as the Puppy version.
Good chance they both are using the same core Linux files and programs, that were common at that point in time.
So listed packages are compatible to try and use.

Only 64bit software is provided now.

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Re: large repository of software packages

Post by geo_c »

I've found in the past that this site is good for locating some dependencies for certain applications.

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Re: large repository of software packages

Post by mikewalsh »

@bigpup / @geo_c :-

The only thing I will add to this is a note about Qt.

If any of the items need Qt 4/5/6, then it will normally be expected to come from that distro's repositories. For myself, I still feel that Qt - where Puppy is concerned - is best 'loaded' as an SFS.....because it gives you the option of using different versions of Qt if, as & when necessary for different programs/apps. If, for instance, Qt5 is permanently installed and you have an app that needs a different version of Qt5, then you will get all sorts of complaints when troubleshooting in the terminal.....because Qt throws a tantrum if multiple builds of the same series are in use at the same time, and point-blank refuses to come out & play! :D

Qt is very much fussier from series 5 onwards, and is no longer backward-compatible the way it used to be. It has to be the exact, correct version. Nothing else will satisfy it.

That said, I endorse what bigpup said in the first post. IS a good place to find stuff; I've been using the site, on and off, for several years.

Mike. ;)

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Re: large repository of software packages

Post by peebee »

FYI.... is not a repository - it's just a very comprehensive front end to all the individual repository.
It's also only 64-bit these days...

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Re: large repository of software packages

Post by mikeslr »

Thanks, Mikewalsh, for the tip about packaging/using Qt5 as an SFS. I hadn't thought of that and been 'driven up a wall' several times. Could you post it to the 'Tips' Section? My wifi at the moment is spotty.

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Re: large repository of software packages

Post by mikewalsh »

@mikeslr :-

mikeslr wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 11:25 pm

Thanks, Mikewalsh, for the tip about packaging/using Qt5 as an SFS. I hadn't thought of that and been 'driven up a wall' several times. Could you post it to the 'Tips' Section? My wifi at the moment is spotty.

Good idea, Mike. It's an increasingly relevant point, since so many developers make copious use of Qt these days. Accordingly, there's a new topic about this in the 'Tips & Tweaks' section.......which I've also made into a "Sticky", so it won't get buried in that section.

T'other Mike. ;)

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