Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

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Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

Post by LinuxBeginner »

zuluCrypt is a simple, feature rich and powerful solution for hard drives encryption.

it does hard drives encryption and it can manage PLAIN dm-crypt volumes, LUKS encrypted volumes, TrueCrypt encrypted volumes, VeraCrypt encrypted volumes and Microsoft’s BitLocker volumes.

zuluCrypt can manage encrypted volumes that are hosted in image files, lvm, mdraid, hard drives, usb sticks or any other block device.

zuluCrypt can also encrypt stand alone files (zuluCrypt menu -> zC -> encrypt a file).


I tried everything - without really knowing what I do - to install zulucrypt (https://mhogomchungu.github.io/zuluCrypt/) on my fossa-64-puppy.

I updated the respository. Then I installted every zulucrypt file from the respository. I fixed the menu. When I started it, I got a notification, that a file was missing. I searched and downloaded that file and installed it. But Zulucrypt doesn't work. Than I downloaded zuluCrypt-6.2.0.tar.xz. that I extracted as a big zulucrypt-folder. But I don't know how to start or how to install zulucrypt from that folder full of files. Finally I downloaded the zuluCrypt-6.2.0-ubuntu-20.04-Focal_Fossa.tar.xz file from the URL https://mhogomchungu.github.io/zuluCrypt/ and in despair transformed it into a pet file that I installed - but nothing helped.

I now have a Zulucrypt file in the System-menu, but if I start it, I still just get a notificication, that a file is missing.

If you have a small amount of time, please post a step-by-step introduction how to install a programm that is ubuntu-fossa compatible but cannot be installed via the normal routines - just by using the *.tar-files I can find on github.

I'd appreciate your help a lot!

The easy way to get this program installed and running correctly seems to be doing it the way described in this post:

Last edited by bigpup on Mon Jun 26, 2023 4:21 am, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: added link to post giving what seems to be the easy way to get and install this program
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Re: Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install Zulucrypt?

Post by OscarTalks »

What I did was this:-
Download the zuluCrypt-6.2.0-ubuntu-20.04-Focal_Fossa.tar.xz file
Do not convert it into a .pet
Extract it using UExtract (via right-click) or you can just click on it to extract it.
Extracted directory has a sub-directory named amd64 containing 4 .deb packages
Click on each of those 4 .deb packages in turn so everything is installed.

There are now 2 Menu entries in the Utility section for Zulu Crypt and Zulu Mount
A GUI launches for either of these, but I have not tried to actually use them so you will have to test if they work as you require.
All dependencies seem to already be satisfied in FossaPup, no need for anything else.

menu-entries.jpg (79.76 KiB) Viewed 3458 times
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Re: Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install Zulucrypt?

Post by LinuxBeginner »

I'll give it a try tomorrow, Oscar, and report back.

Thank you for your time and effort, no matter what! :)

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Re: Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install Zulucrypt?

Post by bigpup »

Welcome to Linux software!


zuluMount is bundled with zuluCrypt and its meant to be used as a general purpose tool that mount and unmount zuluCrypt supported encrypted volumes as well as unencrypted volumes and it can be used as a substitute to udisks, pmount and related tools.

zuluMount-gui can also be used as a frontend to encfs, gocryptfs, securefs, ecryptfs and cryfs.

zuluMount-gui is ideal for use as a desktop environment/file manager independent tool for mounting/unmounting encrypted and unencrypted volumes.

Some options of zuluMount-gui are set through its tray icon, if you are on a GNOME3 desktop, you can access those options through GNOME3 extension like topicons.

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Re: Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

Post by LinuxBeginner »

Well, it is not over yet. :(

First, everything works like Oscar said. It looked like a working Zulucrypt programm.

When trying to encrypt a file, this message comes up:
"Error Code 127 StdOut: /usr/bin/zuluCrypt-cli: error while loading shared libraries: lybcryptsetup.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

So I search for lybcryptsetup.so.12 on ubuntu and debian pages and found this: https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/l ... 2/download
I downloaded libcryptsetup-dev_2.6.1-4_amd64.deb and installed it. (I hoped for a younger libcrypt-package that perhaps include the missing file - does "just trying" like I did do more harm than good or is ist okay to try within puppy?)

But nothing changed - the file is still missing.

I found a discussion amongst experts about problems with cryptsoftware here, and they also adress the mysterious file, but I didn't really get what they were talking about and if it helps me: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/8249

(I installed fossa pub but didn't change the kernel like QuickPet offers it. But that does not have to do anything with my problem, right?)

Do you have any idea how to proceed?

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Re: Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

Post by fredx181 »

@LinuxBeginner Better install libcryptsetup12 from the Puppy Package Manager (PPM) or Ubuntu package (focal , as FossaPup is based on): https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libcryptsetup12 , not from Sid .
EDIT: Just the libcryptsetup12 you probably need, not the ....dev... package.
EDIT2 (after some more investigating): you may also need libargon2-1 https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libargon2-1 (or install from PPM) (dependency of libcryptsetup12).

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Re: Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

Post by OscarTalks »

Interestingly, libcryptsetup12 (package name) shows as "Already Installed" in FossaPup PPM, but in fact I don't think it is.
Anyway searching for that package by name in PPM and installing it will install that library plus the libargon dependency as fredx181 has said.
libcryptsetup.so.12 should be in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
libargon will be found in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

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Re: Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

Post by LinuxBeginner »

Again, tomorrow I can tell you more!

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Re: Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

Post by mikeslr »

The instructions by fred & oscartalks worked for me under Fossapup64-9.5, especially "EDIT: Just the libcryptsetup12 you probably need, not the ....dev... package." Installing that results in an application which segfaults.

You picked a good Puppy to work with. Although the website offers packages for both bionic and jammy, I couldn't build a functional application for either. Bionicpup's libcryptsetup12.deb downloads as an empty package. Trying to substitute Fossapup's version results in a wild goose chase for dependencies beyond libargon2-1 also obtained from Fossa. It builds without a problem under Jammy, but then fails to function complaining of a misconfigured polkit binary (or something to that effect).

Nice application, though. Thanks, LinuxBeginner for bringing it to our attention. Hope someone with more knowledge than I can get it running under other Puppys. Not essential; there are alternatives which however are not as complete. But it would be nice to have among various Puppys arsenals.

I'll see if the fossapup64 Zulucrypt functions other other fossapup variants, e.g. F-96 and Fossapup64-Low.

Edit: Under Fossapup64-Low it reports libsecret is missing; That, together with its dependency which PPM identifies, can be installed via PPM; However, the application doesn't run. Started via a terminal (Exec=/usr/bin/zuluCrypt-gui -d) it reports "bash: -d: command not found". Removing '-d' the application doesn't run & the terminal just returns to the prompt.

The libsecrets dependency seems familiar. Either it was part of the wild goose chase I had under Bionicpup or somewhere along the line I installed it into Fossapup64 but didn't add it to my build folder.

The build for Fossapup64-9.5 segfaults under F-96. That might not happen if ZuluCrypt was installed under F-96 directly. So don't take this report as the final word.

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Re: Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

Post by bigpup »

Fossapup64 9.6 (F96-CE_4)
(this is using binaries from Ubuntu 20.04 Focal_Fossa)
So most likely is compatible with software compiled for this Ubuntu version)

Working for me.

I did this:
Downloaded the https://github.com/mhogomchungu/zuluCry ... ssa.tar.xz
from here:
(click on show all 36 assets to see all possible files for download)

Used Uextract and uncompressed the package into the directory zuluCrypt-6.2.0-ubuntu-20.04-Focal_Fossa.tar.xz.extracted.
Inside it is the directory zuluCrypt-6.2.0-ubuntu-20.04-Focal_Fossa.
Inside it is the directory amd64.
Open it and will find 4 deb packages.

Installed them in the order they are displayed in Rox file manager window.
1. libzulucrypt1_6.2.0.1655643999.90e68c1-0_amd64.deb
2. libzulucrypt-dev_6.2.0.1655643999.90e68c1-0_amd64.deb
3. zulucrypt-cli_6.2.0.1655643999.90e68c1-0_amd64.deb
4 . zulucrypt-gui_6.2.0.1655643999.90e68c1-0_amd64.deb

Clicked on menu-> Utility -> ZuluCript to run it.

I tried making an encrypted file. and then decrypted it.
Worked for me with no issues.

Sure need to remember the pass key you set to be able to decrypt. :lol:

Maybe installing the deb packages in a specific order is needed to make it work with no issues.
The readme, that comes in the package, does say install in a specific order the individual deb packages.

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Re: Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

Post by mikeslr »

bigpup, "Maybe installing the deb packages in a specific order is needed to make it work with no issues.
The readme, that comes in the package, does say install in a specific order the individual deb packages." :thumbup:

When in doubt read the manual. :lol:

:idea: Likely reason using PaDS to combine all debs into a SFS didn't work.

Well, with only 4 debs resulting in an application which is all of 1.379 Mbs, I guess I tolerate not being able to unload it.

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Re: Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

Post by LinuxBeginner »

Fred, your second step made zulucrypt work! Problem solved, zuluCrypt now does what it is made for!

fredx181 wrote: Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:30 am

@LinuxBeginner Better install libcryptsetup12 from the Puppy Package Manager (PPM) or Ubuntu package (focal , as FossaPup is based on): https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libcryptsetup12 , not from Sid .
EDIT: Just the libcryptsetup12 you probably need, not the ....dev... package.
EDIT2 (after some more investigating): you may also need libargon2-1 https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libargon2-1 (or install from PPM) (dependency of libcryptsetup12).

A big „thank you“ to Oscar, Fred and everybody who helped! Mike: „You‘re welcome“ seems to be the wrong phrase in this situation 😅 „I feel welcome“ is the more correct term here.

@bigpup Thanks in the name of everybody who wants to go the direct path to install a working zulucrypt (although I took Oscar‘s way repaired by Fred). If you move your post up, it will directly help those who want to have a working zulucrypt.

(Follow up questions to educate me: How did you find out, Fred, that libargon2-1 was the important part of the solution? Could I have find out that by myself? - By the way, I am a non-native speaker, please excuse any quirky expressions you find 😇.)

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Re: Zulucrypt (drive encryption program) Can anyone tell me step-by-step how to install?

Post by fredx181 »

LinuxBeginner wrote:

(Follow up questions to educate me: How did you find out, Fred, that libargon2-1 was the important part of the solution? Could I have find out that by myself?

Well, several ways to find out, I installed libcryptsetup12, but then it did complain that libargon wasn't found.
Also, libargon2-1 shows as dependency of libcryptsetup12 : https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libcryptsetup12
Btw, as Oscar said, installing libcryptsetup12 from PPM will install the dependencies, so libargon too.

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