Shotwell - personal photo manager

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Shotwell - personal photo manager

Post by bigpup »

Shotwell is a personal photo manager.


Import from disk or camera
Organize by time-based Events, Tags (keywords), Folders, and more
View your photos in full-window or fullscreen mode
Crop, rotate, color adjust, straighten, and enhance photos
Video and RAW photo support

Share to major Web services, including Flickr, Tumblr and YouTube

Downloading and installing in Puppy Linux.

Shotwell can be installed in most (based on Ubuntu) Puppy versions, by using the Puppy Package Manager(PPM)
Shotwell should be in the PPM.

For Puppy versions that have apt.

Code: Select all

apt install shotwell

If these do not work for you.
The source code is available to download and compile.

I was able to install in Bookworm Pup64 using apt.
number77 says they got it installed in Xenialpup64 using PPM.

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I have not used this very much.
So do not ask me how you do stuff in it.
It does have a good documentation provided on the link posted above.

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Re: Shotwell - personal photo manager

Post by rockedge »

Shotwell is easy to install in F96-CE_4 using pkg

Code: Select all

pkg repo-update
pkg add shotwell
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Re: Shotwell - personal photo manager

Post by tosim »

In Bookworm, need to use Synaptic for Shotwell.

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Re: Shotwell - personal photo manager

Post by mikewalsh »


I played around with Shotwell years ago under Ubuntu Trusty (the original 14.04 LTS from Canonical). I rapidly came to the conclusion that I didn't like it.

Furthermore, it insisted on doing exactly the same as Fotoxx. If you weren't prepared to let it scan your entire system and create a database for every single image it could find, it wasn't prepared to even fire-up. This was coded-in as default behaviour on first run.

I much prefer the way DigiKam handles this side of things. On first run, you get a wizard to work your way through, stating what directories you want it to scan, AND where you would like it to put the database that it creates. Which is a far more civilized approach.......but that's just me.

Shotwell is - unfortunately - part of the GNOME eco-system. And the top bods at GNOME have always, apparently, taken the view that they know how to utilise your system resources better than you do. Which I find extremely arrogant.

Am I the only one that sees it this way?

Mike. ;)

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Re: Shotwell - personal photo manager

Post by rockedge »

@mikewalsh I see it the same as you. These photo managers are not my cup of tea. Shotwell can be specifically pointed to image locations and now will symlink as an option during an import. Was easy to get going but I installed it as a demonstration

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Re: Shotwell - personal photo manager

Post by bigpup »

If you are going to trash a program.

Make sure you are using the latest version of it.

Using it as it now operates.

All it did is start and provide it's main display window.
From there you had to select what you wanted it to do.

All I did was import the location of the photos I have located in a specific directory.

All Shotwell is doing is accessing that directory.

Used the selection as shown in this selection options.

Import in place only tells it what directory to display contents of.

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Re: Shotwell - personal photo manager

Post by mikewalsh »

@bigpup :-


It sounds like the developers have made it more flexible since I tried it ten years ago. I guess I haven't tried a recent version, for 2 reasons:-

  • One, because I had such a god-awful experience with it the first time round, and that definitely coloured my impressions of it. "Once bitten, twice shy", y'know? May not work like that for you, but it very decidedly does for me. I get a bad impression of something, it doesn't tend to get a second 'look-in'.

  • Two, because I don't want an app "managing" all my images for me. I prefer to do that myself, thanks very much. Even though Digikam is primarily a photo-organiser, I tend to use it more for its flexible viewing & editing modes than I do for its 'organisational' skills.

Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, mate.


Mike. ;)

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