working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

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working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by gychang »

MikeWalsh has a nice 32bit vivaldi portable, that works well in Xenialpup and Bionicpup but not in Tahrpup32. Anyone know if any other variants of 32bit Vivaldi work in TP32?


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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by greengeek »

I use this older Vivaldi with Tahrpup32 6.0.6 but don't recall if i tried it with 6.0.5

Maybe worth a try: ...

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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by mikewalsh »

@gychang :-

Cracked it! (Well; partially, at least.....)

I've managed to persuade Vivaldi to start-up and run in Tahrpup 6.0.5.....but try as I might, I can't get it to play videos. I doubt this is exclusive to Vivaldi, either, because I've had the same issue with other Chromium-based browsers in Tahr 605, too.

This is using the portable-Vivaldi, though you might want to use a separate copy for Tahr 605. The 'mods' might have negative effects on other Puppies, if you do as I do and share one portable between multiple Puppies.


So; in Tahr 605:-

  • Check in /lib. Make absolutely certain that points to, and points to
    . If necessary, create the links manually.

  • Download & install this ffmpeg package for Tahr:- ...
    Once it's installed, go into /usr/lib. Then:-
    a) Delete the avconv binary.
    b) Create a sym-link to the new ffmpeg called 'avconv':-

    Code: Select all

    ln -s /usr/bin/ffmpeg /usr/bin/avconv

    This IS a recognised 'fix' for 'Trusty'. It replaces the deprecated LibAV with the far more comprehensive & reliable ffmpeg.

All things being equal, Vivaldi should now fire-up from the 'LAUNCH' script. If it doesn't, well.....I don't think I'm going to chase this up any further.


Posting from it now in a pristine Tahr 605 - no save-file - so if it works for me, it should work for you. If it doesn't, then I don't know what's going on....

Mike. ;)

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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by ally »

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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by gychang »

mikewalsh wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:07 pm

@gychang :-


Posting from it now in a pristine Tahr 605 - no save-file - so if it works for me, it should work for you. If it doesn't, then I don't know what's going on....

Mike. ;)

@mikewalsh I really appreciate all your efforts and careful instructions. I followed best I could but after ./LAUNCH, just my left half of my display stays white. It maybe my wrong doing, running so many different 32bit pups in my 64bit laptop, not to mention my incompetence at my advanced age... :lol:


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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by gychang »

thanks for your input, but no luck on my part.


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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by mikewalsh »

@gychang :-

Ah, that's a real shame, Greg. I felt sure I'd nailed it this time, but from what you've mentioned the last couple of times I don't think you're ever going to get Vivaldi running in Tahr 605. At least not on THAT computer; it sounds to me like a combination of graphics drivers, the version of of libffmpeg in use, plus a lot of other related components in Trusty itself......along with some rather dated hardware.

This thing of mine's only around 2 1/2 years old, so the hardware's a lot newer to begin with.

The reason I've spent so much effort on this is because I run Tahr 605 on that ancient Dell laptop of mine, which is now a good 20 years old. It'll run for me - very slowly! - but that's more down to the P4 and just a gig-and-a-half of DDR1 RAM.

At least we tried..! :D

Mike. ;)

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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by greengeek »

I just made a new install of Tahr32 6.0.5 (no savefile) and installed the following sfs: ... 1.i386.sfs

Seems to work fine viewing Youtube vids, basic Facebook functions (didnt test messenger), and Mediafire access.

This may be the last version that works without doing the gtk3 upgrade.

Tips :
- The first time you run vivaldi it takes a while to start so you may have to be patient.
- If you get a NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID warning when you access the puppy forum just click the ADVANCED button to ignore the error. (might be a relevant CA certificates pet somewhere?)

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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by mikewalsh »

@greengeek :-

Vivaldi 1.10? Crikey, that's an old one, Ian. Around June 2017, I believe.....over 5 years ago, and only just a year after Google dropped the 32-bit builds of Chrome.

And you say this will run without needing GTK 3.0 to be installed?

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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by greengeek »

mikewalsh wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:44 am

Vivaldi 1.10? Crikey, that's an old one, Ian. Around June 2017, I believe.....over 5 years ago, and only just a year after Google dropped the 32-bit builds of Chrome.

And you say this will run without needing GTK 3.0 to be installed?

Yes, seems to run fine (although i wish i knew the answer to the pup forum cert issue - probably a CA pet somewhere that would get past it)
Https seems to work fine - youtube vids all good (at least for the type of vids i watch - haven't tried any fancy channels or other newfangled functions that i don't know about...).

I usually use the 1.9 version that i linked in my first post, but got this 1.10 version from Ally's link ... owser_Repo

There are many many vivaldi versions at that link so it is a great repo.

I did try the 1.12 version from there but it wanted the GTK3 - as did the 2.x versions and above. But a great resource for anyone hunting for browser options.

I've been reading some of your GTK3 notes and pets in some of the browser threads so might give those a try to see if they allow the newer versions to run too. Opens up some new territory that i have not tried before.

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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by mikewalsh »

@greengeek :-

Unless you're running much older Pups, along with much older browsers - which will eventually refuse to connect due to website technology moving beyond what they were coded to work with - there's no getting away from GTK 3.0.

5 years ago sounds about right; that's around the time Firefox (v52/v53?) suddenly wouldn't run without it, and over the course of that next year many apps were being released with the requirement for it. It's pretty much a de-facto component of every major OS now, and I believe the next move will be to GTK 4.0 over the next couple of years.....

GTK 3.0 is simple enough to install, though I know you're quite cautious about adding new stuff to your systems if you don't see a need for it......


Mike. ;)

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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by greengeek »

mikewalsh wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:05 am

GTK 3.0 is simple enough to install, though I know you're quite cautious about adding new stuff to your systems if you don't see a need for it......

To be honest i did not know when or why gtk3 was needed - but now i know it's easily available that opens some further testing options.

I was just testing 6.0.5 again in response to this thread and i guess it depends on the users needs whether or not an older version of vivaldi will allow access to the sites they need.

Not sure what features the OP requires but it looks to me as if v 1.10 should at least run for him. (If so then gtk3 upgrade should allow the newer versions to be tested too...)

Do you think gtk3 has anything to do with the CERT_INVALID error when accessing the forum?

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Re: working 32bit Vivaldi anywhere?

Post by Amol »

Hello everyone !
On my fresh Tahr6.0.6 32bit I've installed the from the ally list of ancient browsers.Runs like a charm even in youtube.THANKS ally !

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