F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

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F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »


As in the topic.

BTW on F96-CE I cant run chromium or chrome after their installation :(

And why GParted can't wipe out ntfs partitions? I want to hace whole SSD for puppy, just to avoid possible problems :(
How to achieve that? Use things like HirensBootCD to erase everything? What's behind idea of not being able to format NTFS, but being able and storing data on it? I think in other linuxes I can decide to wipe everything.


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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by pp4mnklinux »

I am not an expert on windows, I used it but nowadays I have no interest on it.

Taking that into account, and that other users could inform you much better than me, remember that gParted is a partition editing used in Linux-based systems. so it may have limitations when it comes to wiping out NTFS partitions, and the main jreason for it, is that NTFS is a proprietary file system developed by MaxiShit for Windows operating systems, MaxyShit wanna earn money, so they never give your their resources for free so their NTFS has certain features and structures that may not be fully supported or understood by third-party tools like GParted.

When you attempt to wipe out an NTFS partition using GParted, it may encounter a lot of stupid difficulties in completely erasing all the data or the file system structures associated with NTFS. This could result in remnants of the NTFS partition remaining on the disk or the disk becoming inaccessible.

To effectively wipe out an NTFS partition, it is generally recommended to use dedicated tools specifically designed for working with NTFS file systems, like Windows /SHIT/ disk management (the built in disk management utility), AOMEI partition asistant (my favourite, because you can install it on a USB and forget the necessity to go into winshit) or others.

Hope it helps.

Have a nice day. (viewtopic.php?t=8656)

N.B.- If you wanna try something new about puppy, you can take a look at https://puppyxfcefusilli.wordpress.com/ , and previously you can take a look at how it works ..... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 64YE_Ebowr


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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

hi, thanks for elaborated answer. didnt expect that. i hoped there's for dummies gui solution for this problem.

i encountered next thought.

would it viable to install puppy based on 16.04 ubuntu?
i mainly use youtube, chrome, some syncing services (mega, google), simple editting of work documents.
for chrome i see that current version is 113, puppy 16.04 supports 90 :(
any workaround about this?

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by backi »

Hi @JustCurious :

Regarding wiping out NTFS Partition in Linux with GParted......

Go look in GParted >View>Filesystem Support ............. if ntfs is checked (green).
If not......Maybe you have to install ntfs-3g/ntfsprogs .

Could also be that your NTFS Partition is somehow write Protected when using Linux.

I don`t know if this is related to your Problem.......maybe helps>

Unable to write to NTFS drives (Solved)

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by mikewalsh »

@JustCurious :-

Hm. Sounds like you may have had a bad download of Puppy. gParted should be fully-functional right from installation, and I believe the "ntfs3g/ntfs-progs" stuff is built-in with newer Pups.

It IS possible your Windows install is in a "locked" state. If you last used it with a current Windows, and instead of performing a FULL shut-down you simply shut it down quickly, then Windows is hibernating......and has not fully released the drive.

I always used Puppy to successfully remove Windows, but then I never used anything after Windows XP. None of this FastBoot/SecureBoot hibernation crap existed in those days.


Amongst many others, I regularly use Xenialpup64 with most of the same things you mentioned. My Chrome-portable package is currently at v113, updates itself, and is fully self-contained to work on older Puppies. Xenialpup64 is still a very good daily workhorse, and is one of my favourites for proven reliability.

Don't try to obtain browsers through the Puppy Package Manager. These will always be tied to the age of the install itself, so the older the Puppy, the older the software will be in its repos.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. That's what we're here for.....to help if we can.

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by Clarity »

Just a couple of findings that do not match what was reported in the opening thread.

ON F96, I installed this PET, Chrome Updater viewtopic.php?p=2335#p2335, then went thru Menu to Menu>Internet>Get Latest Chrome Version.

And, I dont remember having a problem with Gparted and NTFS. I advise to

  1. Insure the partition is NOT mounted

  2. Open Gparted and format or delete as you choose.

You can also open a terminal and

  1. Insure the partition is NOT mounted

  2. type fdisk -l /dev/":the partition you want to change"

  3. inside fdisk you can delete the partition there as well.

Another option via the terminal is Parted /dev/":the partition you want to change" to do the same as Fdisk

Is your distro F96CE4?

Hope this helps

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by bigpup »

Welcome to Puppy Linux!

Please make a topic about one specific problem.

Multiple issues in one topic just gets confusing to follow and understand.

One question or issue please.

There is no limit to the number of new topics you can start :!: :thumbup:

If you want to totally start fresh on a drive and remove all that was on it, with all new partitions. formats.

If you are trying to make the drive only for Linux.

Use Gparted and select to make a new partition table on the drive.

That should totally clean out any residual leftovers from Windows OS and how it had the drive setup.

Then partition, format.

You will need to be running Gparted from a Puppy version installed on a USB drive or a CD, with that running the computer.

The drive has to be unmounted to be able to work on it.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by bigpup »

Any web browsers you want to use.

Get them from the ones offered in the forum section Additional Software -> Browsers and Internet.

Most likely the ones you tried are refusing to run under root user.

We can tell you how to get around this.

But need specific info on exactly the specific browser.

The ones offered in Additional Software are usually configured to get around this and just run after you install it.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

hi, again, thanks for warm greeting

this is my second attempt to puppy linuxes.

with bionicpuppy I have following questions (I know it's possible they were answered million times, so just link to older topics will be enough):
-1. distro is nice, but still it's not as simple as mint (I get it, it maybe not your goal to be the easiest linux distro for people leaving m$).
0. is root pass really "passwd" or "woofwoof"? something wrong here

did this
was sure about new password
opening .deb files, window opens, typed password, window open again (?)

1. It would be nice to have ms windows style file explorer (list view). I tried to set it up... but opened other folder and customization haven't been saved :(

2. panel attached to my dell doesnt work as sound system, my cheap 5 USD camera-microphone doesnt work either

coming back to 0 point. I wont install anything if I cant come through this problem :(

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by amethyst »

It would be nice to have ms windows style file explorer (list view). I tried to set it up... but opened other folder and customization haven't been saved

This works for me: In ROX-filer > Go to "Home" > Right-Click any place in the window > Select Display and List View > Right-Click in the window again, select Display and "Save Current Display Settings", click 'OK'.

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

@up: havent been smart enough to save to customization... thanks.

however, still not being able to get through root password requirement or my apps won't work on 18.04 (mega cloud desktop app official client, official epson drivers for l365). :(

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by mikewalsh »

@JustCurious :-

I don't follow you. Why do you need to have a 'root' password? What do you need it FOR?

Please enlighten us..!

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by Chelsea80 »

@ JustCurious

HDD Low Level Format Tool is a utility for low-level drive formatting.

So I offer this link -

https://hddguru.com/software/HDD-LLF-Lo ... rmat-Tool/

Warning: This will Low Level Format and in doing so will remove EVERYTHING from the storage medium -

I strongly advise reading before using -

You can then use GParted partition manager to set up the storage medium to your requirements -

The free version is rather restricted in speed and the larger the drive the longer it will take -

This is a Windows utility -

I have used it myself on an NTFS formatted drive, no problems -

If you want to end up with a completely 'clean' drive then this is the way to go -

Best regards



1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

@about formatting problem: I solved it yesterday. Now I'm happy user of puppy.

About root password:
I download mega sync app for ubuntu 18.04 from official page, then click .deb and I'm being asked about password.

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by Jasper »



The last update for this over a decade ago.

As @bigpup suggested it would be easier to assist you if you were clear in your request for assistance.

I use an i3 cpu with FP64-9.5 daily and I am sure my hardware would be okay with FP96-CE.

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by rockedge »

Default password for root is woofwoof

Change in a terminal with

Code: Select all

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by Chelsea80 »

@ JustCurious

Glad you have your format problem resolved -

Perhaps you could share how you achieved this as it might help others -

And for sure I would be interested -

Best regards



1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
....Frugal Install - Internal HDD - Gateway MX8716b - HDD 120GB - RAM 2GB

2. Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1
....USB Stick 2GB

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

rockedge wrote: Thu May 18, 2023 1:07 pm

Default password for root is woofwoof

Change in a terminal with

Code: Select all


i changed it to something new and then try to in install for example mega sync and then i type password for first time, then im being asked to do it again. should i reset pc?

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by mikewalsh »

JustCurious wrote: Thu May 18, 2023 12:59 pm

@about formatting problem: I solved it yesterday. Now I'm happy user of puppy.

About root password:
I download mega sync app for ubuntu 18.04 from official page, then click .deb and I'm being asked about password.

Really..? Hm. Strange. I've had a MEGA a/c for 2-3 years, and I too use the 'Sync' app under Bionicpup64. I don't ever remember being asked for my root password.....unless of course, this is a new security measure they've added in more recent releases. (I'm not TOO certain just how old mine is now.....it's never nagged me to update, and, touch wood, it's still functional.)


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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

Hmm. Gonna reinstall or try newer version of pup.

Upped ram to 8gb total.

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by Fossil »

@ JustCurious

I download mega sync app for ubuntu 18.04 from official page, then click .deb and I'm being asked about password.

Have you installed the .deb: or is it the actual download which requires a password to uncompress and install?

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

I tried to install this Windows style just by Double clicking and hoping for some terminal instance to appear or gui interface.

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by mikeslr »

Couple of things. The easiest:
"1. It would be nice to have ms windows style file explorer (list view)."
When you open rox --puppys default file-manager-- you'll see it's toolbar at the top. There's an Icon that looks like a page with lines of print. Place your mouse-cursor on it and you'll get a Tool-tip which reads 'Show extra details'. Left click it and you'll get a view of the contents of the folder like this:

Folder-detail view.png
Folder-detail view.png (160.23 KiB) Viewed 2383 times

But I'll recommend that you, as someone not yet used to rox's quirks, install xfe -- note there's no 'c' in xfe. A version is available under every Puppy via Menu>Setup>Puppy Package Manager, type xfe in the search box. On Bionicpup64 it's version xfe_1.42-1. The Search results will also show that themes are available. You'll probably want those. Xfe is a light-weight file-manager with options to display two panes and a directory tree.
Wizard has provided some enhancements, https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 989#p79989 and a couple other places in the Additional Software>Instructions>File Management System.
I set it up to look like the one shown under #9 here, https://itsfoss.com/file-managers-linux/
The harder, megasync:
You can download it from here, https://mega.io/desktop#downloadapps. I booted into Bionicpup64 to see what was going on and downloaded the version offered for Ubuntu 18.04. Bionicpup is 'binary-compatible' with that. No versions were offered for Ubuntu 16 (to which Xenialpup is binary compatible) or for Ubuntu 20 (to which Fossapup and F-96 are binary compatible). If essential, there are newer versions which MAY be made functional under VanillaDpup, Bookwormpup or JammyPup. You'll understand the emphasis on 'May' shortly.
Puppys are not cut-down but otherwise identical versions of the OSes with which they are 'binary compatible'. That term only means that such OSes' binary have been used in their creation (via the application woof) and that they offer direct access to such distro's repositories. But much of every Puppy's 'instructure' --the 'nuts, bolts and software routines' by which the kernel connects to applications is 'home grown'. So while you can download and install files from the binary compatible's repository, when that install thinks it's finished you may not yet (or ever) have a functioning application because Puppy (as yet) lacks the infra-structure the builder of applications for (for example Ubuntu Bionic Beaver) assumed would be present.
That of condition is also true when installing any application build for a different distro, and was the case with the megasync-xUbuntu_18.04_amd64.deb I obtained from mega's website.

Your guess was right. Usually you can install a deb (almost any package) just by clicking it. I did that and (having an internet connection) the installation pulled down and installed several dependencies. MEGAsync now appears on Menu>System. But it doesn't function (yet).

There's an application you should know-of named LIstDD (meaning List Dynamic Dependencies). Look on your Menu>Utilities as it may be builtin. (Don't recall as it's one of the first things I install if it isn't). If not, you can obtain it here. https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 260#p32260. The easy way to use it is to file-browse to an application's binary (usually in /usr/bin -megasync was) Right-Click it and select ListDD from the pop-up menu. On my system, clicking the 'Missing Tab ListDD reported:

Missing-Libs.png (44.69 KiB) Viewed 2376 times

My Bionicpup64 has been fleshed out quite a bit. So ListDD under your system might reveal other missing libs.
As I don't need megasync, I did not try to obtain/install the missing libraries. But if I did, here's how:
first try typing their names into Puppy Package Manager's (PPM) Search box. Don't type the entire name. For example, for the missing libcrypto++.so.6 just type libcrypto++. If PPM doesn't offer it, you can try pkgs.org. You can frequently use a newer version by creating a symbolic link (ask how). And debian version will usually work with 'Ubuntus' and vice-versa. But the further you stray from your binary compatible distro, the more likely you are to find yourself trying to use some library which will require other libraries you don't have.

Worse, you'll notice that the missing libQt5Core.so.5 is the designation (Qt_5.12). My system already has libQt5Core.so.5, but it is Qt_5.9. Menu>File-System>Pfind>Click the System button reveals that mega installed the correct version into the folder it created in /opt. But the libraries of applications in /opt are not universally available --i.e. installed-- which an application will first attempt to use (often failing). It is possible to work-around that (compel the use of specific libraries). We do that all the time with applications such as firefox-portable. But because of how megasync deployed --pulling down several libraries-- creating a portable-megasync would be time consuming. And details of how are beyond the intent of this replay, and the time I can now devote.
If you're still interested, don't hesitate to start a specific thread for that objective.

P.S. PPM>Uninstall revealed that the following were the libraries installing megasync downloaded and deployed:

Megasync's Downloads.png
Megasync's Downloads.png (37.52 KiB) Viewed 2375 times

That information could be useful if you copied those files to a folder to be included in a portable. Figured I'd mention it. I run my Puppys employing a system where if I don't execute a Save, everything newly installed is only in RAM and will be 'wiped' on shutdown/reboot. That system enables me to experiment fearlessly: nothing I do will permanently screw-up my system.
P.P.S. If I were you, I'd try the new Bookworm64. Ask which megasync version from here https://mega.nz/linux/repo/ would be your best bet. I think the one designated as 'Testing' as Bookworm64 is based on debian12.

P.S.S. After a good night's sleep, I realized megasync under F-96 hadn't been examined. See my next post.

Last edited by mikeslr on Fri May 19, 2023 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by bigpup »

You need to read this about installing additional software.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

again, big thanks for time you spent helping me :)

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by mikeslr »

Just booted into F96-CE. It Qt5's are version 12.
Although the download identified the package as for Ubuntu 18, the next newer package is for Ubuntu 21. Fossapup and F-96 are built from Ubuntu 20 binaries. That suggests that the Ubuntu 19 package was still intended to be uses with Ubuntu 20.

There's a good chance that Ubuntu 18 megasync deb can be installed without complications into either F-96 or FossaPup64. Starting from scratch, there's little reason not to use the newer version. Which answers the question you raised on this thread.

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

so... my journeys with puppies:

18.04 - BionicPup64 -> things started to be nice, but I wanted to install it on whole drive, did it, problems with connecting to the internet appeared (I use TL-WN822N as I don't have wifi card nor my Ethernet motherboard port works :(), problems occurred, gave up

22.04 - JammyPup32 -> too new, things were getting slow even with simple things, however internet worked (but bad browser)

20.04 - F96-CE -> hmmm. internet works. firefox is semi ok. tried installing chrome/chromum - doesn't work :( enjoying internet at the moment and calming down.

why r u (pp4mnklinux) thanking for my posts ;p ?


web with firefox
using printer
using 5 USD camera for cheap video recording

semi done:
found rclone gui, can view files, wanna have drag and drop style cloud in explorer as it was on windows

not done:
web with chrome
megasync (I can alwyas migrate to Google ecosystem, but... this creates problem with googly sync app)
listening to music with bt cheap bt adapter
listening to music with cabled earphone and my old motherboard

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by mikeslr »

I can only help you with Chrome. Have little experience with your other objectives.

Mikewalsh's Google-Chrome 'portable' 64-bit browser, https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... p=479#p479 should work OOTB under F-96. It does on my F-96 (any Puppy for that matter). Just download the tar.xz, Right-Click, select UExtract from the pop-up Menu, and within the extracted folder will be one named Google-Chrome-portable. You can edit its name, I may have. Move that folder wherever you want. Within that folder are scripts to start it and to add/remove it from the Menu. [After adding, you can create desktop or panel launchers].

But while you're in the Additional Software subsection --which is where the Google-Chrome thread is located-- look around for alternates to Google-Chrome.

Other Additional Software Subsections may provide links to other applications you want. If not, and for each and for every other question please start a new thread. This Forum has a 'Rule of Thumb': one issue, one thread. Leeway is afforded 'newbies'. But that 'Rule' helps keep the information provided by replies to a thread from becoming very confusing; and helps those of us who provide replies the ability to find and reference links to previous threads containing the needed information rather than having to write it again.

p.s. I assume the rclone gui you found was the one offered by Puppy Package Manager. I know nothing about it; and even less about how you'd modify the GUI it provides.

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

results so far:

on old machine ive chosen using puppy f-96 ce from usb and have old, modded win7 on ssd.
interestingly, for example i wont be able to visit google ad campaigns from win7, but puppy does the job...

1. if i have mounted ssd with windows, even choose boot from usb, puppy wont boot. i mean there are some errors. (so i unmount ssd for the time i want to use puppy...)
2. how to make saving session automatic? i tend to forget to press enter after clicking shutdown in the menu.
3. even after saving session, screen goes black and there's no real shutdown. how to go around this?
4. making cheap BT dongle work

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Re: F96-CE vs FossaPup64 vs BionicPup64 or older for intel core i3 540 3GHz

Post by JustCurious »

ok, scanning problem solved with simple-scan

BT problem is next one to solve

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