Frugal Install to USB-Key using the 'Universal' Puppy Installer

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Frugal Install to USB-Key using the 'Universal' Puppy Installer

Post by mikeslr »

Originally posted March 09, 2022 and moved here from the middle of a different thread. This method can be used, but I don't and don't recommend it. How I create new installs is discussed here, *. That said,

Boot your Puppy. Open Menu>Setup>Puppy Installer (on some puppys named Universal Installer).
You'll see a GUI like this:

Puppy Installer.png
Puppy Installer.png (59.61 KiB) Viewed 1702 times


Click the Button named "Installation Introduction Webpage" for a detailed explanation and comparison of the options on the Right. It actually opens a document already on your system. Recent versions do NOT have the "Installation Introductions Webpage" button. You'll have to look here, ... index.html

I can confirm that "Installer" option shown in the above graphic works with computers which do not employ the UEFI boot mechanism. One nice thing about the "Installer" option is that your new USB-Puppy will have the same components as the Puppy you used in creating it: Your swapped kernel, your remaster and your adrv.sfs and/or ydrv.sfs and any settings and customizations incorporated into them. It will not have your SaveFile/Folder. But after booting into your new Puppy you can copy that SaveFile/Folder over and it will be used on your next boot-up.

It's been over a year since I used frugalpup. I think it or the Installer option employs the terms Source and Destination. So, for example, if you've booted up a Puppy on a USB-Key and want to have a version of that Puppy on your hard-drive, the 'Source' is your USB-Key (or folder on the USB-Key if Puppy is in a folder) while the 'Destination' would be the folder on your Hard-drive.

"Frugalpup - Install/manage Installs" is reported to work with many computers. However, it employs the versions of those application also available from Menu>Setup>Frugalpup and use those versions installed on your system. Frugalpup has had several improvements enabling it to work with more computers than when first published. So you may want to update it to the latest and/or then use it directly. viewtopic.php?p=1588&sid=4f8ae2232d639a ... 22b8#p1588. You should, in any event, read the posts on that thread regarding its use and options.

I'll leave discussion of the "BootFlash" and "Burn ISO to CD/DVD" to those who've used them.

The following may be helpful:
To boot into any operating system requires two things: the system to be booted, and a boot-loader (AKA boot-manager) which actually does the booting. The boot-loader is the first thing your computer looks for when you turn it on. Frugalpup installs the grub2 boot-loader to a partition and writes a text file named grub.cfg to that partition. grub.cfg contains the instructions about each operating system and where or how to find them.
Frugalpup's Main GUI looks like this:

frugalpup-main.png (56.42 KiB) Viewed 1698 times

"FrugalPup is meant to install and manage multiple Puppy frugal installs, so it has a number of facilities rather than a single wizard. To install 2 Puppies, you would use the Puppy facility twice to setup the 2 install directories, and then use the Boot facility once to setup the boot loader for these 2 Puppies." ... index.html

AFAIK, on its own frugalpup can not do this, ... 593#p87593. So, while I regret the loss of the flashy boot-splash I used to have with grub4dos, grub2config has become my 'go to' boot-manager.

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Please, fix it at the start page.

Post by pp4mnklinux »

My vote to stick this post at the home page...

And, If possible, TRANLATED to different languages.

The easiest ... the Better.-


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