Hi peebee,
Thought you might find this info useful. When testing and debuging boot errors for F96-CE, Rufus (MS Windows) and Unetbootin were chosen as the USB installers we wanted to validate and recommend.
Two of the issues we found:
1. Unetbootin could not make a UEFI USB
2. Both Rufus & Unetbootin USB's generated a "Pausing for 60 seconds" error when booted on UEFI systems.
Comparison test with S15 were the same.
Issue 1
Different installers use different techniques. When Rufus, Frugalpup, Stickpup and Grub2config make a UEFI USB they install their own copies of the EFI files, Unetbootin does not. Unetbootin can only make a UEFI USB when the EFI files are already in the ISO.
Fix: include the EFI directory & files in / of the ISO.
Issue 2
This was caused by the default grub menu specifying pmedia=cd.
Fix: change default to pmedia=usbflash and supply a sub-menu for cd/dvd booting that specifies pmedia=cd
When the two fixes were implmented, both Rufus and Unetbootin could produce a UEFI/MBR hybrid USB that booted without errors. Also, a UEFI/MBR hybrid CD/DVD could be burned that booted and ran correctly.
I've attached the grub menu files that were used, should be placed in /boot/grub and copy of grub.cfg put in /