I'm gonna post my observations on using woof-ce to build a puppy. In this case ubuntu jammy, on my local machine.
Firstly I was trying to build a kernel with kernel kit....K6.2.9, using 6.1* config.
Kernel kit stopped at aufs-utils. My own sukk, based upon the older, has no problem.
Then I decided to have a go at building Jammy, with my custom populated rootfs skeleton.
The issues 0setup has, 1) if a package is not found the script exits.
Then I go to ... sts/jammy/ where all the missing packages can be found and downloaded. But in which folder do i download them to so that the 0setup can also search for them locally, and so not exit. Because once it exits you have to run 0setup again .... that means watching it download all the lists over and over again ... I have about 20 missing packages (so far!) ... so i had to do this routine 20 times before I got all the packages .... but not knowing where to put them I had to edit DISTRO_PACKAGES_SPECS-ubuntu-jammy changing yes to no and deleting '||yes' for those packages .... because previously I recall, being able to expand those packages in a build dir later in the process and still get a functional basesfs. ... why can't a directory be used in /tmp which is named and dated so that 0setup can know the lists there are already the latest, and not repeat the process until all missing packages are listed? The following script can instead refuse to run if some flag is either not removed or in-place.
to be continued ....