LazPaint 7
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LazPaint 7
I just uploaded a couple of 64-bit LazPaint packages (,, and to ... /packages/
Version 7.1.4 needs Python3 for scripting. The includes Python 3.8 software + some built-in Python scripts, while the smartloadable 714nopy flavor is Python-less.
The below nice 3d blue pet has been imported from ... 73207.html
then rotated, resized, distorted, recolored in LazPaint.
Tested with Puli 7.3 - probably runs fine with other 64-bit puplets as well.
Have fun!
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- Blue pet.jpg (73.1 KiB) Viewed 2595 times
- mikeslr
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Re: Lazpaint -- Universal Graphic Creator, Editor, Converter
Lazpaint was brought to our attention by pelo on the 'old forum'. And gjuhasz's pets can still be used. I didn't realize they still existed when I built the 64-bit 7.16 version you can obtain here, ...
This is a much under-appreciated application. Despite its small size (slightly over 3MBs) --and I may have exaggerated a bit with the use of 'Universal' in the title of this post-- it can create both raster and vector graphic files, edit them and combine them thru the use of layering. AFAIK, no other application allows mixing raster graphics and vector graphics.
As it can handle both species of graphics, it can be used to convert svgs to pngs etc. and vice-versa. Perhaps increasingly important, it can also convert webp files --the pesky format now frequently used on the web-- and other graphic types.
Note, look for an update (if) once I get the issue raised here, ... 017#p75017 sorted. The issue is that while lazpaint can be added to rox's Right-Click menu and 'associated' with a graphic format, such as a png, while lazpaint will open, it doesn't open the selected file. The file then has to be dragged/dropped into the open lazpaint GUI.
Edit: Sorted, the above link is to the revised version.
- mikeslr
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Re: LazPaint 7 -- Corrected pet
If by any chance you downloaded my pet linked to on the post above before December 11, 2022 you'll find a problem now corrected in the pet now available via that post.
Everything worked, except this: It would not create a menu entry. It took hours to find the cause, proving once again that not every idea I have is a good one.
In writing /usr/share/applications/lazpaint.desktop I used mtpaint.desktop as a model. mtpaint can only work with raster graphics and its Category= reads "Graphics;RasterGraphics;". But Lazpaint can work with both vector and raster graphics. So why not for Lazpaint's Category argument write "Category=Graphics"?
Well, it seems that at least the Puppy I was working with doesn't recognize just "Graphics" as a valid category.
So the revised argument is now "Category=RasterGraphics;". Although that's not accurate, it works. I'm happy, Puppy is happy. And if you read this or believe only what appears in lazpaint.desktop and aren't happy, get over it. Didn't anyone ever tell you "Believe only half of what you hear and nothing of what you read."?
- mikeslr
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Re: LazPaint 7
I've added a couple more commonly employed file-types to Right-Click open with Lazpaint and have replaced the pet. The revised version can still be obtained from the link here, ... 021#p75021
- mikeslr
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Re: LazPaint 7 32-bit & Recent 64bit
Recently I've been exploring 32-bit Puppys so wondered whether a 32-bit version of lazpaint was available. It was. You can download either the 32-bit deb or 'archive (no install)' package from here, To use it, just extract it and Left-Click the lazpaint binary you'll find within the extracted folder.
If you copy/move the extracted folder into /opt and make certain the folder is named lazpaint, installing this pet will create a menu entry.
[Not tested: Simply Left-Click the downloaded the lazpaint.deb].
64-bit versions (I think, 7.2.2 as with the 32-bit) more recent that pets offered on this thread are also available from the above URL. Menus for it can be created as above. However, to function requires a Puppy whose glibc libraries are GLIBC_2.34 or above. As I'm posting from Bionicpup64 (GLIBC_2.27) the Puppy must be newer than it. [Will check under S15 and F96 when I get a chance].
That GLIBC limitation requirement did not apply to the 32-bit version. It ran under tahrpup. That suggests to me that the publishers of lazpaint, realizing that a 32-bit version would most likely be used under an older operating system, had the good sense to compile it with less exacting GLIBC requirements.
Vector graphics?
@ mikeslr:
I don't see how to draw vector elements in LazPaint. When I draw a shape or a line, polyline, it is rasterized if I zoom in to inspect, instead of keeping a clean outline. I suspect vectors are just hidden means under the bitmap to control manipulation of the bitmap.
If I save the drawing as svg and open it in inkscape some elements show up as true vectors, but I can see no logic why just these.
If I open a true svg vector drawing in LazPaint, it shows up as bitmap, rasterized.
Can you enlighten me?