I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

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I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by mollo »

Hi there

I have looked in couple repos and sites and even the Skami Driver collection at the Archive but haven't found any .pet or .sfs 64bit Nvidia driver between 304.xx and 340.xx for a 64bit kernel 3.14.79.
Do anybody know where I can find one?.

Thanks in advance for any answer.

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by ally »

which puppy version? There may be one within the distro pages


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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by mollo »

Hi Ally

It's for a Tahr64 6.0.6 made by Csipesz, the lowest one I found was a 352.xx (not sure if I saw it in the allmighty internet Archive). I found one in the version range I'm looking for but it was for another Tahr64 6.0.5 made by Csipesz too maybe kernel 3.14.54 was an sfs file in the Skami Driver collection at the Archive but I read somewhere that Nvidia drivers are kernel specific, I didn't try but I'm sure a k3.14.54, even a k3.14.78 or k3.14.80 driver won't work on a k3.14.79, will it?.

Thanks anyways.

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by ally »

search for some info on shinobar's getnvidia

it will build a driver for you, you will need source files, devx and I think kernel headers

I have successfully built a driver in the past but it was a good time ago

best of luck, hopefully an adult will be along soon with better info!


edited to add: http://hg.shinobar.server-on.net/puppy/opt/

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by rockedge »

Also more on getnvidia-1.5.pet here -> https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=72405

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by mikewalsh »

@mollo :-

Mm. Lowest one I can find is a 352.xxxxx on the Tahr64 packages page at Ibiblio:-

http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pe ... _amd64.pet

Of course, if that's too new for your card then that'll not be any use. (And it's not the right kernel, anyway; this is for Tahr64 6.0.5 with the k3.14.54 kernel. You want Tahr64 6.0.6 with the k3.14.79 kernel...)

I may be able to help with this. I know I compiled the 340.xxxx driver for a Tahr64 6.0.6 install on the new-to-me Dell Latitude last year, AND a Xenialpup64 install, AND a Fossapup64 install.....it has an Nvidia Quadro mobile chipset built-in, and the 340-series were the last to support it. I can't, however, remember if I set get-Nvidia to build packages for Tahr64 as well, or whether I just built and installed direct from the .run file. I'll have a look sometime tomorrow; I shan't get on the Latitude till afternoon at the earliest.

Leave it with me. I'll have a look-see what I did; if I did build any packages, I'll upload a copy. BTW; what card or chipset are we talking about here? It would help to know...

Mike. ;)

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by bigpup »

What Nvidia specific hardware is it?????

Here is how to compile a driver:

The Nvidia driver compiled under a specific Linux kernel, will only work for a Puppy using that kernel.
It is kernel specific.
Driver does need to be compiled for a specific Linux kernel.

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by bigpup »

Here is a driver for kernel 3.14.79
http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pe ... _amd64.pet

It is 375.79 driver
Maybe it will work for you.

Not knowing what hardware you have, it may support your hardware.

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by mollo »

I cross my fingers even the ones in my feet so Mike can find the driver I need.
All my laptops are Qosmio x500 and x505, all have i7 first generation or i5, some use Nvidia 300M series and some 400M series, the 352.xx driver is good for the 400M series but support for 300M series ended with 340.xx driver, this one supports both 300M and 400M, the usable ones are between 304.xx and 340.xx.
I already tried a few 64bit Csipesz's puppys like Xenial, Bionic, Buster, Fossa and now I'm trying the Tahr one, I found Nvidia drivers in my range for all but not for this specific Tahr. I didn't find drivers for Imppup neither but this one didn't work in my systems and I had to add an ACPI=OFF to the Tahr one to avoid the black screen.
I think I saw some .run files in the Skami Driver collection at The Archive, I thought they were for non linux OS, do you need the other sfs files needed by getnvidia process or a .pet or .sfs is made with only this .run file?.

Sorry for not writing my Nvidia hardware befor but that's why I wrote that the driver I need was between 304.xx and 340.xx, those versions are the only good ones.

Thanks to all whom pointed me to the getnvidia pet, I'll look into it ifI'm not lucky.

I wish you all a nice weekend.

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by mollo »

Thanks bigpup, you answered my question about the .run files, I followed your link after asking Mike, so at the end there is only one way, the getnvidia way with the .run file and all those sfs...

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by bigpup »

If Fossapup64 9.5 will run OK on these computers.

I suggest you use it.

The reason is the dependency software, that programs (especially browsers) are going to need, must be much newer versions, than what is in Tahrpup.
Some programs, you may add, may not even run in Tahrpup, because of this.

Fossapup64 9.5 is really the updated version of what is Tahrpup.
With a lot of improvements to everything.

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by mollo »

Yes, Fossa runs OK, I tried the 4gb Impish one made by Csipesz but the problem with this one is that I couldn't connect to the Internet, something wrong with the connection manager or the keyboard software, when typing wifi password as my 1 looked like I and the other problem is that Imppup uses kernel 5.6.7, again no Nvidia driver for that kernel in the range of 304.xx and 340.xx.
I just wanted to try a different pup on each Qosmio.
Will the latest Palemoon run in a Tahrpup?.
Thanks for your words Bigpup.

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by mikewalsh »

@mollo :-

Sorry to be a while getting back to you. It's been a busy old day..!

Whilst I agree with bigpup that, yes; a newer Puppy is always going to give better compatibility as far as dependencies go, there's nothing stopping you from having an older Pup on one of your computers. I don't exactly "fit the mould" as far as most geeks go, and run a whole selection of Pups dating all the way back to 32-bit Slacko 5.6.0 from a decade ago. A lot depends, of course, on just what you're intending to do with your Puppies.

(I just like playing around with older Puppies. There's some real 'gems' out there...)

So; to that end, you're in luck. When I compiled the 340.108 driver for Tahrpup 6.0.6, I did tell it to make a .pet package. I don't usually bother with the SFS package for one very good reason; Shinobar wrote get-nvidia to create a pinstall.sh script for the .pet package, which checks a whole bunch of stuff, creates a load of links'n'stuff, and does a few other things when you re-boot after installing the .pet. In theory, these pinstall scripts ought to function just as well from an SFS, but in practice, that script runs as part of the installation process carried out by the package manager. SFS files don't "install".....they "load" instead. It might sound the same to the uninitiated, but there IS a difference as to how things function.

Since you want the drivers there permanently, I take the view that a .pet actually makes more sense; after all, SFS packages are designed for quick loading/unloading, as & when required. I don't think anyone with an Nvidia card really wants to be constantly swapping back & forth between the 'nouveau' driver & the official one.....! :shock: :lol: :lol:

BTW:- my own Quadro is an NVS-135M, so quite a bit older than yours, I think. According to TechPowerUp!, this is from 2007.


If you're still interested, you can find the Nvidia 340.108 driver for the 64-bit k3.14.79 kernel here:-

https://www.mediafire.com/file/z8ef1xv4 ... 4.pet/file


As for current Pale Moon, I updated my PaleMoon-portable while I was in Tahr64; v32.0.1 runs quite happily. Don't try updating the default Pale Moon via the included updater; that thing hasn't worked for years. I would advise running the 'portable' from /mnt/home, alongside all the Puppy SFS files'n'stuff (this prevents the cache from filling-up your 'save'); it includes scripts which will place a Menu entry in the Internet menu if required. Otherwise, just fire it up from the 'LAUNCH' script instead. You could even run it from a flash drive if you wanted to.....I sometimes do. (It will need to be formatted to a Linux file-system for this; FAT32 is no good - doesn't support sym-links, etc - so will want to be ext2/3/4.)

You can find the 64-bit Pale Moon portable browser here:-


.....along with MD5 checksum, if you're bothered about such things. Some people always want one, so that's why I include it. This is the GTK 2.0 build, BTW; it seems to display more correctly than the GTK 3.0 build, especially in older Puppies, which is why I chose it. Pale Moon now has a built-in updater, just like Firefox, and it will notify you as & when a new version is available. The package in my repo is a few versions behind by now, but the updater will soon have you running the newest build.

Hope that all helps!

Mike. ;)

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by bigpup »

The Fossapup64 I am talking about is Fossapup64 9.5

That one is the official Puppy version, and should work for you.

It has the program Quickpet that provides a lot of the programs people want to add to a Puppy version.

Quickpet also offers a Nvidia 340 driver pet you can download and install.

Do not use any of the Pale Moon versions 29 or 30 series.
They are very buggy, because a member of the development team, put bad code in them, and then quit the team. :twisted: :thumbdown:
31 series or newer should be OK.

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Re: I need an Nvidia 64bit pet or sfs for kernel 3.14.79

Post by mollo »

Hi [mention]mikewalsh[/mention]

No problem :)

I like that too. I wanted to try a 32bit pup in a Qosmio but ended in a black screen or not loading at all, only could use those when I had a collection of old IBM P4 Thinkpads that sadly I recycled some time ago, most of them were using Slitaz, now I only keep my i5 and i7 Qosmios. I only use them for web surfing and Youtube videos, would like to use the Csipesz mega big pups to connect to my bank but I'm not sure about that couse there are lots and lots of preinstalled apps in them so probably will still use the last TENS distro like I allways do.

If I have to decide between a pet and an sfs, although I don't know the inner workings of neither, I will choose the pet, in fact this was the first time I use an sfs but only because when I was trying all the Csipesz's mega pups, for one of those I only could find an sfs Nvidia driver in my 304-340 range.
I'm not sure if what you want to say is that loaded sfs can fail/unload by mistake or corrupt easier than installed pet?, I have rebooted the Qosmio with the sfs Nvidia a few times and the Nvidia driver is still working properly or at least it looks like it's running fine. SFS loads are permanent too until you manually unload them, correct?.

Mine have GTS360M or GTX460/470M, they were Toshiba gaming laptops back in 2010, that's what their boxes say :lol:

Thanks pal for the driver, I appreciate it very much.

The first thing I do is look in the Quickpet app for fixes or updates and I think it was in a Xenial one that one of those updates talked about fixing the separate Palemoon updater, after installing the fix, the updater could update Palemoon and that new Palemoon was the ones with a built-in updater, after that the separate updater was autodeleted and I could update to the 32.0.1 from the browser itself without needing any external app.
Till now all the browser I have used were installed from pets, this will be the first time using a "portable" version, I'll try it. Thanks again and sorry for my survival level English.

Hi Bigpup

The Fossa64 I am using from Csipesz is also 9.5 with kernel 5.4.53, yes I installed the 340.xx Nvidia driver from the Quickpet app, don't remember if I had to install Fossa fix/update first with the Quickpet too so the 340.xx could bee seen and choosen or if that was in another pup.
All my Qosmios were running Windows 10 before I decide to full install only Puppy in them, I think pups with a 4.x kernel run faster than 5.x. i will have to check that and decide if I'm going to stay in 4s and Tahr 3.x or 5s, as I said, I had problems installing Impish pup with a k5.6.7, maybe the problem lies in the Csipesz version as I tryed Manjaro and MX without problem and if I'm not wrong, those used a 5.10 or higher kernel at the time I tryed them.

Back in time when I was using Slitaz, Palemoon stopped working and I remember reading something about a developer changing version of an app or compiler or something them someone had to reinstall the older version of whatever, the one the were using before breaking Palemoon and all went back to working condition again.
I was able to update to the latest Palemoon in all my Csipesz 64bit mega pups but I would like to test if there are any PUPs or malware as they have an incredible amount of apps, for now, Comodo antivirus could only find a malicious file inside an installed crompression app inside Wine, not sure if it was Winrar, some keygen.exe or so, my Win10 AVG security app find nothing at least in the installation DVD.

Greetings to all of you.

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