@mollo :-
Sorry to be a while getting back to you. It's been a busy old day..!
Whilst I agree with bigpup that, yes; a newer Puppy is always going to give better compatibility as far as dependencies go, there's nothing stopping you from having an older Pup on one of your computers. I don't exactly "fit the mould" as far as most geeks go, and run a whole selection of Pups dating all the way back to 32-bit Slacko 5.6.0 from a decade ago. A lot depends, of course, on just what you're intending to do with your Puppies.
(I just like playing around with older Puppies. There's some real 'gems' out there...)
So; to that end, you're in luck. When I compiled the 340.108 driver for Tahrpup 6.0.6, I did tell it to make a .pet package. I don't usually bother with the SFS package for one very good reason; Shinobar wrote get-nvidia to create a pinstall.sh script for the .pet package, which checks a whole bunch of stuff, creates a load of links'n'stuff, and does a few other things when you re-boot after installing the .pet. In theory, these pinstall scripts ought to function just as well from an SFS, but in practice, that script runs as part of the installation process carried out by the package manager. SFS files don't "install".....they "load" instead. It might sound the same to the uninitiated, but there IS a difference as to how things function.
Since you want the drivers there permanently, I take the view that a .pet actually makes more sense; after all, SFS packages are designed for quick loading/unloading, as & when required. I don't think anyone with an Nvidia card really wants to be constantly swapping back & forth between the 'nouveau' driver & the official one.....!

BTW:- my own Quadro is an NVS-135M, so quite a bit older than yours, I think. According to TechPowerUp!, this is from 2007.
If you're still interested, you can find the Nvidia 340.108 driver for the 64-bit k3.14.79 kernel here:-
https://www.mediafire.com/file/z8ef1xv4 ... 4.pet/file
As for current Pale Moon, I updated my PaleMoon-portable while I was in Tahr64; v32.0.1 runs quite happily. Don't try updating the default Pale Moon via the included updater; that thing hasn't worked for years. I would advise running the 'portable' from /mnt/home, alongside all the Puppy SFS files'n'stuff (this prevents the cache from filling-up your 'save'); it includes scripts which will place a Menu entry in the Internet menu if required. Otherwise, just fire it up from the 'LAUNCH' script instead. You could even run it from a flash drive if you wanted to.....I sometimes do. (It will need to be formatted to a Linux file-system for this; FAT32 is no good - doesn't support sym-links, etc - so will want to be ext2/3/4.)
You can find the 64-bit Pale Moon portable browser here:-
.....along with MD5 checksum, if you're bothered about such things. Some people always want one, so that's why I include it. This is the GTK 2.0 build, BTW; it seems to display more correctly than the GTK 3.0 build, especially in older Puppies, which is why I chose it. Pale Moon now has a built-in updater, just like Firefox, and it will notify you as & when a new version is available. The package in my repo is a few versions behind by now, but the updater will soon have you running the newest build.
Hope that all helps!